Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Do I Avoid Being Just a Fling to Him and Get Him to Be Serious About Me? Here Is How to Do It

When a woman is cast aside and dumped it can be extremely devastating and painful. If you do not want to have this happen to you, you should endeavor to make sure that your relationship is a strong and happy one. Only then he will begin to treat you like a woman he loves and not just a fling. Here are some good tips to follow.

Make him feel privileged to belong to you
It is not enough to just be his girl, he should be proud to have you on his arm and privileged to be your man. Once he feels like this, he will fall deeply in love with you and will not want to lose you. Be loyal and worthy of his love and he will never think of you as just a fling.

Handle the present situation well
If you are wise you will shape the future with your man by handling the present well! Don't give him cause to get disappointed with you in any way. Attract him with your talents and personality and show him that he is blessed to have you around. There is no way he is going to treat you like a fling and dump you later.

Dole out steadfast love and compassion
The moment he feels that you are not giving him your all, or you are being unfaithful to him, he will never get serious about you. If you are steady and dole out compassion and love lavishly, he will be delighted with you and know that you are a woman he can get serious about!

Feed his male ego
Every woman needs to learn to live with their man's ego! If you do all you can to boost him - his self confidence and ego - he will automatically feel happy and contented to be with you. It is only if you ignore him, criticize him and allow the relationship to get dull and boring that you are in danger of being dumped!

Don't lose your identity
The trick of getting him to get serious about you is to be yourself and be happy with who you are! Develop an attractive and bubbly personality that will keep him on his toes and happy! Never lose your identity and show him that you are full of mettle and spice! He will never cast you aside.

Be fun loving and exciting company
Sometimes all it takes for a man to get serious about a woman is to make sure that you are exciting company. He will be enraptured by your wit and charm and if you have other traits that prove that you can be loyal and supportive, he will automatically fall deeply in love with you.

Don't settle for shortcuts
Be the type of woman who won't settle for shortcuts when it comes to building a strong and lasting relationship. If he recognizes this trait in you and knows that you will stop at nothing to build a loving and successful relationship with him, he will want to have a future with you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What to Do When He's Not Romantically Interested in You? Here Are the Steps You Need to Take

Are you one of those millions of girls who are saddened by unreciprocated passion? Have you been eyeing a man yet he wouldn't even dare look your way? Then don't lose hope - here are 7 tips that would make any man take a second look:

He'll become interested only if he enjoys your company.
If he wouldn't show any romantic inclinations, then it's time to make him see that you're fun to be with. Focus on making him have fun during the times that you're together. As soon as this guy relaxes around you and learns that you're an interesting woman, then you won't have to worry about winning his affection anymore.

Let him see a gem in you.
If you believe that you're the cream of the crop, then there's no one that could say otherwise. Go out there and let him see that you're the most confident, smart, and witty woman there is. All the other would look like plain Janes.

Let him see your sensual side.
He may not be looking your way because you look so ordinary. Let him see the assets that he failed to see all the while. Draw his attention to your long legs by wearing a mini-skirt, wear a blouse with a lower neckline just so he can take a peek at those bumps. The key is to excite him by only a little skin.

Miss goody-two-shoes.
You must behave in a manner that is fit for a lady. Never appear desperate by clinging or nagging. Let him know that you're so sure of yourself that there's just no room for any form of insecurity.

Enjoy yourself in the presence of other people.
You must not let him have your entire attention. Pretend to be uninterested in him. After all, men are into chasing after women so look your best and display yourself in front of him. Once he takes a second look, let him be the one to chase you this time.

The art of subtle flirting.
One of the best ways to attract a man is to, of course, flirt with him. Throw him a few appreciations here and there, smile a lot, and do some light touching. As soon as he responds, try to withdraw so that he'll come chasing after you.

Take all the time in the world.
Don't be desperate, girl. If you let this man see that he seems to be the only man in the universe for you, then he'll proudly let you chase. Let him like you by taking your time and enjoying your preferred activities. Once he sees that your schedule is full, he'll want to be a part of it - that's for sure.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Knowing How To Flirt Is Very Important

It's not unusual you want to know how to flirt. Lots of people enjoy this activity because it makes them feel good, regardless if they are looking for a relationship or not. When you flirt you feel special and it also gives you the chance to find that person you may be looking for.

Before you start to flirt with a woman you have to train your skills at home. It may sound strange but it's actually a good idea to start developing your flirting skills. Once you are confident enough you will be successful with any woman you may think of. If you lack self-confidence you won't be able to have the slightest chance even with the least popular women. Remember that girls always prefer those guys appear to be self-confident.

You must also keep in mind that there is big difference between being self-confident and being too proud of yourself. In you want to develop self-confidence you can start by repeating some encouraging sentences. These sentences must be short so you can recall them easily. In this aspect, you can see your face in a mirror and say "I'm the greatest guy on earth", "nothing can stop me", "every day I'm a better man" etc. This will empower you and you will feel better before leaving home. Other good idea is to think of yourself as the man; that every woman dreams of, if you believe this, women will also believe.

Always remember that women fall for fun guys, so being a fun dude is a good strategy to learn how to flirt. Everybody likes to laugh and if you make you target laugh constantly you may be getting close to achieve your goals.

If you can even laugh about yourself you will show how confident you are, women enjoy that because it makes them feel you are a very mature person. However avoid humiliating yourself; once again, if you lack self-respect you won't be able to attract any woman.

One thing you can do is to be friends with a girl before starting to flirt with hear, a change of attitude will help you become a master on the flirting game, besides it will also help you to make better choices about what women to flirt with. In the end you always are seeking for a person who is as special as you. Then you must treat women as if they were you friends, this will make them think about you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Get a Guy Interested After You Have Chased Him Too Much? These Tips Will Do the Repair Work

Have you chased a guy so much that it seems as if he's no longer interested in you? This isn't an impossible situation: you can get his interest back. Just follow these steps, and you are sure to find a way to turn his attention around.

Avoid sending him text messages, instant messages, and voice mail. This will make him start to think about what happened to you. He'll wonder why you aren't chasing him. Note that to pull this off successfully, one must have discipline and self-control.

Play hard to get
Playing hard to get really works when you need to get a guy's interest back. This is because men like the thrill of the chase, and will pursue women who don't show much interest after paying attention to her for some time.

Be still, thy heart
You may want to change your attitude after chasing a man too much. Don't show him your true feelings. Always remain composed, even when he's only a few feet away from you. Try not to show him that you're aware of his presence, and that it's affecting you in any way.

Get a makeover
Wear flirtatious clothes that can catch his eye. Buy new clothes, get a really nice haircut, and put on some new make-up. A change in appearance can insinuate that you've changed. You want to pique his curiosity. What exactly changed about you? The more you make him wonder, the more attention he'll give you - which is what you're after

Be Unavailable
Don't answer his calls. This will make it look as if you have lost interest in him. The point is to make him wonder what exactly happened to change the way things were. Eventually, he'd want to know what happened to the woman who used to chase him, and start paying more attention to you.

Look confident
Make him believe that even if you have chased him a great deal, you are still the confident woman that you are. This might seem a bit difficult, since you did chase him around for a time, but a woman who is confident is a pedestal of assured positive energy that can rekindle his curiosity.

Respect yourself
Even if you were the one who did all the chasing, you still need to respect yourself! If you can't get his interest back, work on trying to get over it - and move on. There are better things for you, and the sooner you get a hold of yourself, the sooner you'll start acting more confident - and we've established that confidence is pretty attractive for men.

Who knows, it might even get his interest back!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

2 Keys To Attracting The PERFECT Man! If You've Failed With Men Before You MUST Read These Tips

I'm going to be REALLY honest here; it's NOT easy to attract the perfect man! That's EXACTLY why you have attracted the wrong men over and over again, and can't seem to find the perfect man. But before you get really confused, let me break it down for you with these 2 keys to attracting the perfect man... and trust me, if you've failed with men before you, MUST read these...

Stop Degrading Yourself With Your Attitude, Body Language, and Words

EVERY woman puts herself down, and the kind of men you want to attract would NEVER put up with this more than once. It's one thing to hear a woman out on her concerns, and have her DO something about it...and it's a whole new concern for a guy if you want to constantly be complaining about yourself, and want him to sit there and listen to you pick yourself apart all the time.

Your low self esteem and lack of confidence shows through in your attitude (how you present yourself emotionally), your body language (do you slouch, don't smile a lot etc...), and your words (saying you think you are ugly, fat etc...).

All of these things add up, and NO guy is going to want to be around a woman who clearly degrades herself all the time. Thus, if you truly want to attract a guy, you need to start feeling more confident about yourself and need to boost your self-esteem.

The right kind of guy likes a confident woman, because it means that his compliment will TRULY be accepted if he calls her beautiful, or says something nice about her...instead of his compliment backfiring all the time; because you think you aren't good enough.

Remember that it also makes it tough for the other person to be around you, when you are always putting yourself down; because on the other hand they will wonder what kinds of negative things you think or feel towards them, and in turn will want to seek the company of someone who doesn't make them feel insecure.

Don't Flake Out in Life

"Flaking out" in this context refers to women who often PASS by many opportunities in their life because they become doubtful, scared, anxious etc... and in the end you end up missing out on so many things. This also applies to women who say they are going to do something, and may even have the intention of doing it; but always end up changing their minds, much to the dismay of any man involved.

This makes it difficult for men to do things with you, because after a period of time they become irritated and fed up with your constant indecisiveness, and they feel like you simply don't know what you want....or that you are NOT willing to give it to yourself, even if you did.

Thus, you should stop flaking out on things in your life, and if it's your emotions or thoughts that are always causing you to be so indecisive, the fact is that ACTION is the only thing that will get rid of all the doubts and worries in your mind; not thinking ALONE or the AVOIDANCE of virtually everything.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hot to Use Cologne to Attract Women

Attracting women for some have always been a struggle. With breakthrough from the dating industry, this problem can then be solved.

Now with just one cologne spray, women will be instantly attracted to you and the best part is they don't even realize why they are attracted to you.

How is this possible? This special attracting women cologne contains pheromones or chemicals that have long known to attract the opposite sex in the animal kingdom. Likewise, when pheromones is applied on human, the chances of getting women are greatly improved. Other benefits of this special cologne include: increased sexual attraction, have more dates with women and boost of your confidence as you have more success with women.

You can apply this cologne just like the way you apply a normal cologne. Apply them on your wrists, behind the ears, throat and chest; you may also apply them inside your elbow and knees if they are exposed. Do not over apply this cologne and start with a small amount as your work your way up to find the most effective amount of spray. Studies have shown that different men will have different amount of spray to be effective. For most men, one spray will be sufficient to attract women and you can reapply them as their effects fade of in four to six hours.

A reminder that this attracting women cologne is not the perfect tool. What it did is to give you the advantage of attracting women, making you more attractive to women. You still have to look friendly and being helpful to women or you may waste your opportunity of being with your dream women.

Find out more about using cologne to attract women at You will also find information on how to be successful for your dates with women.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How to Show a Man You Love Him? 7 Really Good Ways You Can Use to Show Your Affection

Sometimes it can be the easiest thing in the world to show a man that you love him and yet the most difficult especially if you don't have a clue how to go about it! Here are some simple yet very effective tips that can make your man sure that you adore him from the bottom of your heart.

Be faithful to your promises and vows
Don't be the type of woman who forgets all about the vows and promises she made to her man after she manages to hook him! He will feel used and betrayed if he finds out that you are a woman who cannot keep her word. If you make sure that you have integrity and loyalty towards him - he will not doubt your love for him.

Accept his faults and shortcomings
If you love him then you will accept him just the way he is. You will understand and accept his flaws and shortcomings. He will know that you really care when he finds that you are forgiving and loving towards him instead of being critical and judgmental in every way.

Be ready to make changes
One of the best ways to show him that you love him is to be ready to make the necessary changes that will help the relationship. If you realize that your faults and bad attitudes are responsible for jeopardizing the relationship and you are willing to do whatever is needed to save it, then it will prove to him that you love him and don't want to lose him.

Don't have too many expectations
Don't have too many strict laws, standards and expectations. The poor guy will not be able to come up to them and always feel intimidated and insecure. He will begin to resent the fact that he is "below par" if he does not satisfy you in any way. Instead be accommodating and compatible.

Be selfless and giving right through
The secret of a successful relationship is sharing. If you are willing to be utterly selfless and giving without expecting anything in return, it will make him confident of your love. In fact, your attitude will reflect your personality and character and prompt him to be as loving and sincere as you are.

Be completely faithful and loyal to him
Ask any man and he will tell you that fidelity is one of the biggest priorities of a relationship. No man can be happy with a woman who cheats on her partner. If you are faithful and prove it time and time again, he will know that you are sincerely in love with him.

Give him time
A man is only truly happy when he gets attention and loving from the woman he loves. If he is neglected or ignored in any way, he will start to look for attention somewhere else! If you are careful to make him feel wanted, appreciated and loved - you can be sure that he will recognize your feelings of love for him.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

What Are Some Sure Fire Signs That He Likes Me in the Physical Way? Follow This Right Now

Men unlike women are not as verbal about their feelings. So you need to read the different signals that they give out when they are attracted to you. Here are some signs that suggest that a man is physically attracted to you.

He will observe you a lot closely
When a man is physically attracted to you he will always make sure that he notices the smallest of changes in you. Be it a touchup of your highlights or a new outfit that you have purchased, this guy will be the first to notice and point it out to you. This is because he is observing you very closely as he is very attracted to you.

He will be constantly complimenting you
You will find that when a man is physically attracted to a girl he will always be complimenting her. No matter what you are wearing or how you are looking he will be complimenting you at all times.

He will be at his flirtatious best with you
If you find that a guy is trying to flirt with you a lot then it clearly indicates that he is physically attracted to you. He will be flirting in a way that will make you laugh a lot. He will be bashful and will act as your protector when you are with him. This is classic behavior when a man is attracted to you but doesn't know what to do.

You will catch him checking you out
When you see a guy checking you out when he thinks that you are not looking then he is physically attracted to you. He is also probably checking you out very unknowingly but when he does this it is because he cannot control his attraction for you and that compels him to keep looking at you.

He will try to initiate physical contact
If you find that a guy who is normally not that touchy-feely acts all touchy feely with you then he is definitely physically attracted to you. He is trying to initiate physical contact as he is looking for an excuse to touch you. So if he holds on to you for a little longer than he normally would then he is attracted to you.

He will want to hang out with you always
When a guy prioritizes you over everything else and solely wants to spend time with you then he is definitely physically attracted to you.

He will be in your good books at all times
If you find a guy trying to impress you and be in your good books at all times then he is definitely attracted to you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Will He Fall in Love With Me After We Have Sex? Here Are the Things You Need to Know Right Now

This is surely a difficult question to answer because each man is made differently and looks at girls with a different view. True, sex at the first meeting itself could end without anything further. But let us examine if the sex happens later, then what?

Sex at the very first meeting itself
If sex is on his mind at the very first meeting with you then rest assured that the chances of his falling in love with you are scanty. Perhaps he might profess love just because he knows that sex will follow. But beware! He's not sincere.

Sex is not on his mind
On the other hand he's been meeting up with you a number of times and with your family too. There has been no mention of sex. You know that he is the type who is falling in love. He would rather that you too fall in love with him before he approaches you about sex.

Has he taken you out?
Has he taken you out or over to his place? He lives alone and yet he has not tried to coax you into having sex just because the place is available. That shows he is not the type who is after you for sex and then will leave you.

Make sure that he's in love
You should be sure that he's in love with you before you can think of giving in to him. And if you see that he has not asked you for sex until you're sure of him and his love that should tell you the type of guy he is who wants love before sex.

Does the sex follow the love?
Once you're sure he's in love with you and you too are in love with him then the inevitable may follow. But you need to be sure that his love is to do with your future together. So you know that it was worth the wait before you had sex.

Does he force you to have sex?
If your guy is the kind of guy who had forced sex earlier in your friendship then the love is doubtful. But if he is seriously attracted to you then he will never bring up sex lest you leave him forever.

Did he pretend love after all?
Now that you have had sex there are doubts about his still loving you or falling in love. If you're sure he had fallen in love before the sex then you could safely dispel these thoughts about whether or not he'll fall in love after having sex with you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meeting Women In Your Area And How To Find The Right One

Dating is an art form that many men try to master but can't seem to get a handle on. The majority of men who try to date either leave frustrated by their lack of success or just have problems speaking with women. There's another group of men who absolutely don't know where to meet women, and if this is your dilemma, this article will help you to alleviate some of those problems.

Meeting women has gotten a bit easier over the years due to the advent of online dating. Yet even though you can meet women online, you still have to know how to be confident in front of women and build attraction with them. The technology has changed, but you still have to know how to make women like you when they meet you.

If you're tired of going to loud and crowded bars and clubs, then this article is for you. Inside of this article, you will learn some places that you can find women that lots of men are using to meet women everyday. Here's the first place you can go to find beautiful women.

1) The mall

The mall is an excellent location to find women in your area. Even if you're shy, you can still go to the mall to scope out the selection and to hand pick the kind of women that you are looking for. Almost all the women that I see in the mall in my town are beautiful, and I'm willing to say the same thing about your area too. Here's another great place to meet women.

2) The grocery store

This is an excellent place to find women who knows how to cook. If you're not a cooker, you can find beautiful women who enjoy cooking and wouldn't mind whipping you up a quick meal. You never know the kind of women that you'll meet at the grocery store, and who knows - you might even be compatible with them. Here's another way to meet women.

3) Your friends

Using your friends is an excellent way to meet women. More than likely your friends know women who are beautiful and wouldn't mind hooking you up with them. You could even do double dates so that it doesn't seem totally awkward. Keep this in mind as you look for beautiful women in your area.

Take these tips and use them to find women in your area who you could possibly get with.

Good luck with using this information to find women near you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

7 Ways to Win Any Man's Heart! Now You Will Know How to Finally Make Him Fall for You

Trying to tame the heart of a single man, especially one that has been on the roam with his freedom for a while can be an incredibly difficult task. If you are a woman trying to pick up a man by the soul, there are several things that you need to know in order to be successful. Follow the steps below and you will be able to conquer the heart of any single man that you desire.

Suit Up!

Try to make sure that you are dressing according to his likes and dislikes. Every guy actually has at least a little bit of fashion sense, so you should be wearing clothes that fit his specific taste to make him notice you a little bit easier.

Be Proud Of Your Success

While many man by their very natures, can appear to be incredibly shallow at first glance, the truth is that they are actually quite a bit deeper than they are given credit for. If you want a man to notice and fall for you, you need to be self-confident and he will be able to see that you are more than just a female body. You need to respect yourself and he will follow.

Be Kind, Caring, And Compassionate

Chances are, if you are trying to win over the heart of a single guy, there are other women that are attempting to do the same thing, which can create a lot of aggression and competition. You need to show him your kind and caring side and let him know that you can be nice.

Compliment Every Aspect Of Him

If you are trying to get a man to notice you, you need to make sure that you are complimenting more than just the outside appearance. He needs to think that you find him physically attractive, however he also needs to think that you find his personality and his mind attractive.

Make Him Laugh

One of the easiest and most effective ways to win over the heart of a man is to make him laugh. It shows that not only are you fun to be around, but you are comfortable with him.

Sustain Effective And Intelligent Conversations

You do not need to be a rocket scientist, however you should be knowledgeable about things you are speaking about in order to come off as being an intelligent woman. If you can have a "smart" conversation with him, he will see that there is a lot more to you than meets the eye.

Listen With Your Head

Talking is obviously a very important part of getting to know someone, however a lot of women tend to talk way too much and push guys away. You should be able to listen just as much as you talk, in order to strike up his interest.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

7 Secrets To Get A Guy To Keep Coming Back! Now You Will Know How to Keep Him Hooked to You

If you have a special guy in your life but you are not quite dating, you are probably looking for ways to make sure that he keeps coming back to you. Here are a couple of the most popular things you can do to get him addicted to you and keep him around in your life.

Show Your Independence

Men are very attracted to women who are able to live on their own, and be successful without a man to support them at every turn. This shows that she is not clingy or desperate, and that she is capable of making good decisions. If you can prove that you are fine on your own, then he will be sure to keep coming back to you.

Recognize The Difference Between Interest And Infatuation

The special man upon whom your sights are set needs to know that you like him, but he also needs to be able to see that you are not totally enamored or desperately in love with him right away. Too much commitment with too little time invested is a huge turn off for a guy.

Keep Your Reflection Looking Fine

Relationships, over time, tend to make women and men alike lose the allure that they once held in their bodies. If you work hard to keep yourself fit, stunning and sexy, your guy is bound to notice and become even more attracted to you. Make sure that you do not start to let yourself go, and he will come back.

Appreciate Distance

The number one turn off for a guy, is a woman who is far too clingy and needy all of the time. You need to give him space, as well as allotting time for yourself to do the things that you enjoy. Prove that you are able to have a good time with or without him, and his attachment to you will grow as he becomes more jealous.

Do Not Try To Change Him

Accept him, flaws and all. If you are able to keep him feeling good about himself by letting him know that you are able to like or love him in spite of his shortcomings, he will be more comfortable with you and he will be less likely to stray away.

Do Not Be A Fair Weather Girl

You should want to be by him not only during the best times of your experiences together, but also through the most difficult portions. Show him you genuinely care, and that you are not just there for the ride.

Flaunt Your Sexuality

Sex is a very powerful weapon, and it feels amazing too. If your guy sees that you love having sex with him, he will be more likely to develop a stronger attachment to you emotionally, and he will keep coming back.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How to Know If a Man Really Loves You Or If It's Just an Act? Figure Out the Truth Real Fast

Sometimes you just need to be sure if you are in the right relationship and that if your man really loves you or it's all an act. Here are a few ways to know that your man is all over you and loves you truly.

You feature on his priority list
When you feature high on a man's priority list you should know that he loves you. If he is just playing you then you will be his last minute plan... one that he opts for when he has nothing better to do.

He likes to spend time with you even when he could be doing something else
When a guy is in love with you then he will look for ways and means of spending a lot more time with you. Sometimes he will even let go of doing things that he generally wouldn't give a miss just to be with you. He will also alter his plans to fit you in them just so he can spend more time with you. On the contrary if he is just playing you his plans will never really include you.

He calls you with regular updates
A man who is in love will always want to stay connected. If you see your man calling you soon after you have met, sending you messages with updates that could be given a miss or emailing your when you are going to meet soon after then he is in love with you.

His gifts are thoughtful and meaningful
The gifts that a guy who loves you will be well thought out and meaningful. He will not only give you well thought out gifts for special occasions but will also surprise you occasionally. He will remember the small things that you wanted and get them for you. The player will keep his gift giving to a minimum and keep it impersonal.

He goes out of his way to make you happy
When a man loves you he will go out of his way to keep you happy and see a smile on your face. The player on the other hand will make no such effort and if he ever finds you in a slump will scoot and return only when things become normal

He tries to get to know you better
A guy who loves you will make an effort to get to know you better and will also try to remember things that make you tick. The player will do no such thing.

He respects you and your opinions and judgments
When a man loves you he will respect you and your opinions and judgments. A player will never look at things from your perspective.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to Be a Tempting Woman to Men and Get Them to Strongly Want You - 7 Tips You Should Read

There are ways a woman can drive a man crazy with desire for her just because of the way she talks, walks and holds herself. If you want to be one of those women who can charm a man off his feet, then try out these tactics that will help you to tempt any man with ease.

Work on your personality
Most men look beyond physical beauty. They are instantly turned on by a woman with a charming and interesting personality. The way you hold yourself, your poise and elegance can speak volumes. You can turn into a tempting siren in no time at all if you hone your talents and characteristics.

Let them be attracted to your charms and charisma
Unless a man comes to know you better he will be in the dark about your actual assets and charms. The trick is to make men aware of the numerous talents, gifts and qualities you possess. Be outspoken and outgoing. You can't hope to attract the men if you sit at home. Frequent the places where you are sure to meet the attractive and interesting guys.

Have a delightful and sexy wardrobe
Your clothes will help you to get noticed. Have a wardrobe that is filled with the type of clothes that accentuate your figure and make you look gorgeous and sexy. No man can really resist a well dressed woman who walks into a room alone! In no time you will have all the eligible bachelors queuing up to get introduced to you.

Keep up with the latest
If you make sure that you are up to date with the latest - fashion, sports news and other stuff that will keep you on par or above most of the "savvy" people around you, you are giving yourself an advantage! Men want to talk to a woman who can understand their "lingo". You will be automatically desirable and tempting to any man.

Dare to be different
Don't follow the crowd and fade into the background. If you dare to be different and put all the other women in the shade, you can be sure that every male around will want to know you better. Be one up on them and look sexier, better dressed, more intelligent and interesting and you won't fail to hook the guys.

Ooze confidence from every pore!
Confidence in a woman is a sure turn on for most guys. Men hate the wimpy, insecure and dowdy woman. They love a little aggression and are instantly interested in a woman who looks like she does not care a jot about attracting the males! This don't care attitude, self assurance and hard to get manner makes you tempting to the male population.

Learn all you can about flirting
Most women find it easy to flirt with guys because it comes very naturally to them. If you find yourself turning shy and petrified at the thought of flirting with a guy, it is important to build confidence and take some lessons from an expert. You will be surprised to see how a mere glance through your lashes or a sexy smile will make you seem tempting!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Attract Any Women You Desire

If you're looking at this, then you've probably put some thought into what it is you can do to attract any women. Searching online, you've probably found many ways to attract any women you may desire. Pickup lines and funny things to say are abundant, but none will work if they aren't said with the right attitude and if you're not in the right frame of mind. Your success in attracting women doesn't depend as much on the information you find on the internet as it depends on you and how you use it.

The first thing you should work on is your self-confidence. Women can sense self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. Gaining knowledge is a great first step to eliminating these, but you'll need to remove your fear of failure and build your self-confidence if you want to attract any women. Quit worrying about what other people think. Worry only about what you think of yourself and be sure that it's always positive. Get to where you are extremely comfortable in your skin and you can attract any women you approach.

The second thing you should work on is how you communicate with women. It's not so much as what you say as it is how you say it. Two things will make you successful at conversation; being someone who is interesting and someone who can make her laugh. Develop your ability to make her laugh. Humor is a great ice breaker and it just makes sense that a woman will want to be around someone who makes her feel good. Develop your ability to work humor into your conversations. You'll be interesting if you can build sexual tension into your conversation. Flirting and teasing is a great way to accomplish both. If you are good at flirting, you'll build sexual tension and have her laughing.

One of the best ways to attract any women is Flirting. It builds that sexual tension that sparks desire. If you want the INSIDE SCOOP to attract any women you desire you can learn a lot by reading 33 Rules to Mastering Your Success With Women.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

I Don't Really Know If He Cares About Me Or Not! 7 Tips Which Will Clarify All Your Doubts Fast

There are times when a woman needs to know if the guy she adores with all her heart loves her back as much! Unless and until she knows the truth about his feelings for her, she will be restless and dissatisfied. If you too are in the same boat, look for the following signs that will reveal his true feelings to you.

He will not take your friendship lightly
In the first place, he will never take you or your friendship lightly. He will be serious about his feelings for you and make sure that he keeps you insanely happy. He will be afraid of losing your love and will do nothing to jeopardize the relationship. You will find that you cannot find anything wrong in his manner and attitudes towards you.

He will always make sure that you come first
You will know how much he cares by the amount of attention he pays you. If you feel like you are his priority and he always gives you first place in his life it is obvious that he truly cares for you. He will never hurt you by ignoring or neglecting you. His friends and family will know that you are important to him.

He will not let you down in any way
If he is a man who is taking you for a ride, then he is bound to let you down. This is because he does not care about hurting you. Sooner or later he will break his word and will prove that he is not prepared to stand by you. If he truly cares he will take trouble to keep his promises and see that you are satisfied in every way.

He will see that you are happy with him
A man who does not truly love you will be selfish and want to be satisfied without bothering about you. He will think nothing of walking away from you when he cannot handle the situation or your emotions. He will find it difficult to stop taking from you. Look for temper tantrums, sulks and criticism when he does not get his way. If he loves you he will keep you happy.

His behavior will be consistently good with you
You will know that he truly cares for you when he is consistently good with you. His behavior and attitudes around you will remain constant and steady without changing into a person who is selfish and uncaring. Nobody can pretend for long and he is bound to give himself away if he is just putting on an act with you.

He will not act selfish
The easiest way to know if he loves you or not is to see if he is the one who is always taking and not giving. Does he demand too much from you? Are his expectations too high? Check and see if he sulks and gets angry if he is not satisfied in any way. These are signs that he is in the relationship only because of what he gets from you.

He will begin to think and plan for the future
If your guy really loves and cares for you, he will not be satisfied with just dating you. He will do all he can to move the relationship further. He will make plans for the future and make sure that you know that he intends to commit to you. This is a true sign that he really cares for you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Do Guys Stop Liking Me After a While? Follow This If This Is a Constant Cycle for You

Are you one of the unfortunate gang of women who find themselves alone or dumped after dating for a while? If you are seriously wondering what went wrong with the relationship and why in the world your guy lost interest in you, then it is time to read the following tips and give yourself a reality check!

Too demanding and bossy
Men hate women who are too demanding and bossy. They get disillusioned with a woman who has changed her nature, behavior and attitudes once they think they have hooked their man! This not only proves that she was pretending to be someone else but that she is dishonest and insincere. No wonder he will lose interest after a while!

Expectations are very high
Are your expectations too high? It could be that you tend to put your man on a pedestal and when he does not come up to your standards or expectations - you treat him badly or with disrespect! This type of behavior will put him under undue stress and pressure. He will leave you and stop having feelings for you.

Too vain
Look back and see if your behavior has proved that you are too preoccupied with your looks! If he finds you too vain and proud of your looks, he is bound to get put off after a while. Besides he must be fed up with answering all those questions you keep asking him about how you look, whether your hair looks good, if your dress is flattering to your figure etc.

Too possessive
One way to lose your guy is to become over possessive! Don't try to chain him down. Don't show him that you are suspicious of every woman in his life! This not only will show him that you don't trust him at all, but he will get fed up with your possessive and jealous attitude and will stop liking you after a while.

Too intimidating
Maybe you don't realize it - but you may be a bit too intimidating. Do you shove your accomplishments and talents in his face once too many times? Do you come across as over confident and above par? If you do, then he might find it hard to match you in more ways than one!

Too serious
Hey! Maybe it's time for you to lighten up a little! Are you to serious? Do you never have time for a good joke? Do you behave like a wet blanket? If the answer to all these queries is "yes" then it is obvious that you do not have a good sense of humor and he will begin to resent this fact and stop liking you.

Too fast and easy
No guy likes it to be known by one and all that his girl is too fast and easy! This not only makes him look like a fool to be dating her, but he will begin to resent all the flirting and "come on" looks you give guys without even realizing it! He will stop liking you for sure!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to Make a Man Need You More Than You Need Him? 7 Tips Which Will Make This Possible for You

When your boyfriend needs you more than you need him, you are in an ideal situation from where you can call the shots. However, most girls don't know how to get into this seemingly fantastic situation. If you want to do the same then follow the seven tips mentioned below. Your success is directly proportional to your efforts.

Hide your weakness and identify his
Every one has some weakness or the other. And you two are no exception to this rule. When you are dating find out what is it that he is more sensitive about or what is it that gives him the most pleasure. While doing so make sure that you do not give your weakness away. Once you have a handle on his weakness you can exploit it to control the relationship.

Never depend on him
For God's sake he is your boyfriend and not your father. Do not go to him seeking help for all and sundry. Try and be as independent as you can. Once he knows that you are independent he will have no leverage on you. This way he will need you more than you needing him.

Give him so much room that he misses you
Give up the temptation to be with him all your waking hours. In the beginning of the relationship it is ok to hang around longer. However, as the two of you get to know each other well then give him so much space that he wants you to fill the void.

Never abandon your friends
Your friends and colleagues are your second line of defense when he fails to help you. Just because you are in a steady relationship does not mean that you stop socializing with your friends and colleagues. Make sure you are in touch with each one of them and have a ball whenever time permits.

Never let your looks fade
Even if he loses interest in the way he looks you have to always look good enough to eat. If you stay attractive he will have to fend off the competition and will do any thing to please you. So, stay on your toes as far as looks and shape are concerned.

No monotony please
The relationship has to be fun for it to be exciting. Whenever you are together have a good time and make sure he also has a great time. Your ability to have fun even when the chips are down will make him slightly insecure.

Cancel, cancel and then give in
Not all his plans for dates have to be adhered to. Cancel a few dates just like that by giving him some reason that sounds reasonable. You can also cancel a few dates saying that you have to accompany a friend to meet someone or go shopping. If he wants to tag along tell him that it is not such a good ideal. This will give you back the control. However, use it carefully you don't want the poor fellow to leave you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Know If a Man Doesn't Value You! 7 Tips Which Will Make Everything Absolutely Clear

Did you know that a man could be in a relationship with a woman yet his heart is someplace else? The only way that you are ascertained of a genuine relationship is if the guy values you highly. So what are the telltale signs that a man doesn't even value you?

He spends his free time elsewhere.
Do you often ask him to spend more time with you? Does he comply or does he go on with not minding your requests? A man who's truly in love would want to spend his available time with you.

He's totally selfish.
This is because he only wants his desires to be the ones that are met. Try asking him to do something for you and he won't even bother to respond.

You [feel/have heard] that he might be having an affair.
Since you don't matter to this guy, he won't even blink an eye when he becomes disloyal. Cheating on you is something that he won't even have a remorse for. In fact, this man would even openly praise other women in your presence.

Notice his inconsistencies.
A player can never be relied upon. He'll say that he'll call you but you'll be seated beside your phone for ten days and it won't ring! He'll say he cares for you yet his eyes wander off to other women while you're talking.

The string of broken promises.
He'll have a lot of this. He'll be the one who'll say sweet words of endearment, and he'll even readily promise you forever yet he can't even be there in time for your dates! Beware of this man because he'll only make you feel worthless in the long run.

He's easily provoked.
A man who truly loves you will have much patience for you. But a man who doesn't esteem you highly will be ready to give you a fight at the drop of a hat! He'll find it easy to shout at you even in public. He'll malign, degrade, and belittle you and he won't even repent for it.

You'll feel that you're the only one who's making the relationship work.
And this guy offers nothing but lies and unkept promises. You will also feel that you're the only one who always gives and he's just the recipient. Look back and observe whether he made any contribution towards the betterment of your relationship. If you can't think of any, it's time to dish him!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Find a Life Time of Love and Companionship Online

Life is difficult to bear all alone. At every step we undertake there is the need of a companion who can stand for us in our good as well as bad times, someone with whom we can share what we feel strongly about and also what we disdain from. As life proceeds further one is engrossed in worldly affairs; the time that could have been utilized in socializing ends up in worries and material progresses. As we grow old the time starts to revert and very soon we realize the emptiness we hold within ourselves along with the fear and anxiety of being left alone, being left out with the increasing pace of life.

For many the situation may even be worse as they are confined to their four walls because of an illness or because of an ill partner. Hence in such situations the window to the world, to the people outside is virtually barred, and hopelessness is left to reside within the hearts of the older generations who are missing out on their daily routines. This is the reason some good willed people took up the initiative of providing an effective source to such seniors over 50 for a world outside their confinement through the most easily possible means.

Today there are secure chat sites that provide a way for social communication at no expense at all. What one needs as the basic are just a PC and a good internet connection with the rest being a rosy affair. Chat sites that provide elderly people forums have made efforts to improve the variety and functionality of their services based on the varying interests of the visitors and members so you can find every thing at the same spot, whether it is casual friendship, true companionship, your old friends or even a life time of true companionship and love.

These chat sites are a good way for over fifty singles to find the man or women of their dreams through this resourceful medium that opens up the world to people. These chat sites offer a great way to meet new friends and talk to their peers who have things in common with them thus having great fun in the whole process. This can often be the high point of their day; something which they look forward to doing as it helps connect with people across the globe at a single go

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

How to Impress a Man and Get Him to Go Out With You? 7 Tips to Succeed With Men Real Fast

If you secretly like a guy you know and want him in your life then you will surely have to impress him to a point where he feels compelled to ask you out. If you are clueless how to get this done, read on.

Spend some time with him
You will have to spend a lot of quality time with him. By quality we mean time when the two of you are together without interruptions. When you do this make sure that every moment is full of fun and he enjoys your company. The time you spend with him should be exciting and full of laughter.

Flatter him
Compliment him generously for his intelligence and character. It is not a good idea to tell him how handsome he looks as he may have heard it before. When you compliment him on his lesser know qualities he will realize that you have an insight on his true self.

Keep in touch directly and indirectly
You don't want him to think that you are desperate. Therefore do hang out with him but make sure that you do not cling to him in your desperation to impress him. Keep in touch via email, text or by phone. Talk to him sweetly and ask him about his daily routine. However, don't call him every now and then.

Retain your mystery
While you are in the process of wooing him do not divulge everything about yourself. Once he knows everything about you he will not be tempted to ask you out and know you more personally.

Send subtle signals
Do not date anyone else while you are wooing him. He should realize that you are available if he makes a move. By not dating anyone else you will also embolden him to ask you out.

Voice your wish
In a subtle way tell him that you would like to go some place you like. Give him a hint that if he offers to take you, you will gladly go with him. It could be a movie, a play or a book reading session.

Attract him physically
It goes without saying that when you are doing all this you will also have to attract him physically. Dress well; smell even better whenever you are with him. Also make sure that you accessorize appropriately and look stunning. Carry yourself with dignity and impress him and other males around you. Very soon he will ask you out.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.