Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Being Thankful for Your Dating Journey

During this time of year we are all asked to give thanks. It can be hard to be thankful if you feel alone - especially if you head off to a family dinner and Aunt Edna keeps trying to set you up with anyone and everyone she knows. First, stop and take a deep breath. Know that everything is going to work out just as it should. Then take these next steps:

  1. Honor the Wonderful Person You Are Start by saying out loud "I am a woman like no other" or "I am a man like no other." Take a deep breath and say it again. Write down a list of all of the wonderful gifts you have to offer the world. Here is a list to borrow from if nothing comes to your mind right away: funny, creative, sensitive, caring, loving, a good cook, a bad cook (which means you support your local restaurants), smart, resourceful, or able to use a computer (you had to use a computer if you are reading this!) Now just sit there in the beauty that you are offering the world. Smile. Giggle a little. Take another deep breath.

  2. Be Thankful that Others Care Take a minute to think about Aunt Edna, her intentions are in the right place; it is just the execution that is a bit off. She wants you to be happy. Acknowledge her for the love and care she has for you. If she didn't care about you, she wouldn't have made the effort to run down the garbage truck to get the trash man's phone number for you! Give Aunt Edna a big old hug! You can even let her know your criteria so when she is out shopping around for you she might come closer to the mark!

  3. Be Thankful for all of your Past Relationships Every person who has contacted you, e-mailed you or has met with has given you a gift - the gift of sharing themselves. Sometimes the gift is big like a wonderful relationship filled with experiences, flowers, romantic dinners and some close time talking and connecting. Sometimes the gift is the "skipped heart beat" when you see that someone has "winked" at you on a dating site - only to find out that he or she is TOTALLY not your type. Focus on the positive gift that each person gives to you. This will attract more of these gifts.

  4. Be Thankful for What is to Come Practice being thankful for the person of your dreams, even if they haven't shown up directly in your life yet. There are several ways you can do this. Visualizing what your life will become with this new person. You can pray for them. Write them a letter or buy them a small gift. Keep it for them and give it when you meet.

Because the holidays are so focused around family, it can be a difficult time for a single person. Take it easy on yourself and focus on the blessings that you do have in your life. Be thankful for all of the gifts and people that are in your life. Fill yourself up with love, then you will be able to give that to others - a very attractive gift to be giving when you are searching for your Mr. or Mrs. Right.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What You Can Learn From Kim Kardashian

I know. You're rolling your eyes and going "puhleeeez, Kim, no more tabloid fodder!" yes? Well, as you know, I'm all about conscious relating and sometimes the attention given to celebrities making really bad mistakes can become excellent teaching points for what NOT to do.

And, this would be the case with the recent news of Kim Kardashian and her "72 day" marriage.

I think we can all agree these two were possibly doomed from the beginning. All the pieces were in place; media hungry couple, money at stake, sponsors they committed to and, perhaps, more in love with the wedding then they were with each other.

When you strip away the money, the cameras and their high profile status, this couple's situation is not unlike regular, every day couples I've coached or met.

I've observed plenty of couples who became swept up in the fantasy of a wedding and rush into something that, deep down, they knew wasn't right. Every day I speak with women who admit they've ignored "red flags" and warning signs - and a surprising number who knew as they walked down the aisle they were making the biggest mistake of their life.

Once those invitations are sent out, wedding dress ordered and church booked it becomes increasingly more difficult to back out - the pressure is on.

1. Slow Down

If you're in your 30's, you most likely have one eye on your career and the other on your biological clock. When you're in this place, marriage can feel like a race. The only place a "high speed connection" is appropriate is with your computer, not with a man. My recommended timeline for courtship is as follows:

  • Wait at least 60 days before you sleep together
  • Let your new partner know no later than 3 months your goal is marriage
  • Be in relationship for a minimum of 1 year before marriage

2. Deal Breakers

Similar to couples who avoid issues by putting attention on their kids, planning a wedding works in a similar way. It sweeps issues under the carpet as your focus shifts to preparing for the big day. If your values and what's important to you don't align now, they won't down the road. Know what your deal breakers are BEFORE you commit.

3. Nerves vs. Red Flag

Nervous excitement feels like fun butterflies in your stomach. Making a big mistake is leaden with an uncertainty that won't go away - that's a red flag. If that's you, then it's time to step back, get perspective and, if necessary, have a really open conversation with your mate.

If you know you're about to walk down the aisle with the wrong man, by all means have the courage to end it. It may create a bit of drama but, let's face it, the people you invited to your wedding are those you love the most - and your happiness is far more important to them then a free piece of wedding cake. Flights can be re-booked, flowers cancelled and you can feel good knowing you just saved yourself a lifetime of unhappiness.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things To Talk About With A Girl On The Phone

Figuring out the right things to talk about with a girl on the phone becomes less of a challenge if you know the subjects that typically are of interest to women. Making these topics the theme of your phone conversation is not totally necessary, but it's a good idea if you find yourself struggling for things to talk about on the phone with girls. They'll serve as good conversation starters, and keep the conversation flowing.

And, certain topics can he helpful to use as "fillers" when those awkward silences might otherwise arise. Get to know some of the most common things that women take pleasure in talking about, and use them as cues to pick out things to talk about on the phone.

Many (if not all) girls have a soft spot for animals, especially those that are cute and cuddly. It's then not much of a stretch to assume that animals would be one of the nice things to talk about with a girl on the phone. Asking questions about her pet dog or cat could get her to talk endlessly about it. It's even better if you have a pet of your own, so that you can share your experiences with your pets. You might even share and exchange tips in caring for your pets. This will be a good way to build some sort of connection between the two of you.

It's also no secret that women have a great affinity for flowers and chocolates. Because of this, you can make the subject of flowers one of the good things to talk about with a girl. Do an Internet search for some of the most popular flowers, and know what they signify and how they ought to be cared for. If you execute this well enough, the girl that you are talking to may trust you enough to ask for recommendations on the right flowers that she should give for a friend who just celebrated her birthday.

In addition, gossip is something that we can consider a staple of "girl talk. " Women, in general, are intrigued by gossip relating to celebrity (especially if it involves relationship scandals). You might not feel this is a particularly interesting subject to talk about with a girl, but trust me, it works. There might be times when the "gossip of the day" isn't really of interest to you, but try to sound interested and share your views about it. Just don't express too much interest in sharing gossip, because this can make it seem as if you are a nosy, non-discreet person.

Girls also typically have a handful of television shows that they watch religiously -- weekly, or even daily. The world of dramatic series and reality shows has a massive number of female followers. These shows might not be your cup of tea, but at least try to get the lowdown on the latest story lines of the hottest shows on TV, and learn who the main characters are. This create endless things to talk about on the phone with girls, as they naturally enjoy talking about their favorite shows and characters.

These are a few topics that you can use to spark interesting conversations with women, particularly if it's a phone chat that might otherwise be awkward and difficult to move forward. At some point, they might come in handy when you find yourself racking your brain for a topic to chat about. When the phone call begins, after you exchange the opening pleasantries ("How are you?" "How was your day?" etc. ), it's up to you to introduce a topic of conversation that will interest her.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What Is Speed Dating?

Speed dating events equals a great way to meet women. A lot of guys out there think it's dumb, but this is unreasonable; moreover, I know a ton of guys out there that are apprehensive about going to a speed dating venue for whatever reason. There's nothing more fun than going to a speed dating event: there are women there after all.

I know for a fact that a lot of these "dating experts" out there that are saying basically that clubs or bars are the only way to meet women. Maybe yes and maybe no.

There are a lot of super hot women at clubs, that's for sure. Too many men there though and that's the major problem with clubs. Plus dealing with drunk guys trying to take the girl you are talking to isn't very fun. It's a difficult venue because there is so much stimulating things for girls: hot guys, drinks, women who are with their friends and so on. It's hard to get their attention.

Straightaway, I am not against bars and clubs and I don't think they are bad per se. No. Just go there and practice. Face the social pressure and get rejected: this will give you confidence.

The majority of the dates you do secure should be by going to dating with speed events and online dating.

Filtered Locals Are The Best

If you're wondering what a filtered venue is, well, it's a speed dating venue or something like online dating. Everyone at a filtered venue have as similar reason for being there and that makes them have something in common with the people there. Like a speed dating, everyone is there because they want to meet a potential girlfriend.

By contrast, a club or bar, people have nothing really in common: hence it's a non-filtered venue. They are just there to go there to be seen. At a club, there's just no way of knowing what people's motives are. You are the first and last guy. At a club or bar, this is the primary reason that the women are so flaky.

But in a filtered venue, in a way, you are pre-approved. So, go to a speed dating event: you will have a lot more success.

Make your speed dating account for 30 to 40% of your dates. Online dating should make up 40% of the rest of your dates. Clubs and bars: 10% at most. This is the secret to having a ton of women in your life.

How To Find A Speed Dating Event

You just have to do a Google search to get started. Put this into Google: speed dating your city and state. Good luck!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5 Things a Guy Should Do to Attract Girls

Men would like to know the answer to the common question "What are the things a guy should do to attract girls?" because they want to succeed in dating women. Women are sometimes complicated and hard to understand and yet men find them irresistible. Men want to be attractive and successful with women.

Do you find yourself frustrated and unsuccessful in meeting and attracting women? Are you wondering why some men attract women like magnet and you are having a hard time getting noticed? The following tips can be very helpful in attracting women. Here are the things a guy should do to attract girls.

Be happy with yourself and your life. The pressure of achieving success with women can make your life stressful, unhappy and full of frustrations. The moment you decided to free yourself from the pressure and be happy with yourself, you will become a happy person. If you are a person who loves life and not sorry for being single and you are not bitter, desperate or frustrated with your life, you will project a charisma that women would like to see. A happy person is a magnet for women. Nobody wants to be with a person full of frustrations and bitterness. Loving life is one of the things a guy should do to attract girls.

Stop believing that only good-looking wealthy guys get the girl. If you believe that you are not good-looking enough or you are not making enough money to be attractive to women, then you are doomed. If you have those insecurities and self doubts, it will be very hard for you to attract women. We create our realities. If you have that kind of mind-set that you are not good enough for any woman then it will become your reality. You might miss out on the opportunities of meeting great women if you set limits to yourself because of those insecurities.

Conquer your fears and take the first step. Some men are unsuccessful in meeting and attracting women because they are afraid to take the first step. They think that when they approach women and say "hi" they will be rejected. Focus on what you want and stop making assumptions. If you want to approach and talk to a woman, go ahead and focus on what you want and not on the hypothetical things you created in your mind. Once you see her, stop worrying who you are or who she is, approach her and let the magic begins. You may not get the girl by saying "hi" but at least you took the first step and conquered your fears. Eventually you will learn the effective ways of approaching women and you will acquire the skills to effectively converse with women. You have to take the first step to make things happen. A man who is confident enough to approach women is an attractive man.

Be your best self. Putting your best foot forward does not mean transforming into someone you are not. Being your best self means cultivating the best qualities you already have to attract women and avoid behaviors that might turn women off. We always have to present our best self to attract women.

Develop a sense of humor. One of the things a guy should do to attract girls is make women laugh. A guy with a sense of humor is very attractive. Women are usually emotional and serious. Making them laugh is like creating magic moments with them. Women do not want to be with a boring lifeless man but loves to be with a man with a sense of humor. Make her laugh and she will always want to spend time with you.

Attracting women is a skill that can be learned and mastered. With the right techniques, you can be the guy who gets the girl.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Woman of Your Dreams

Finding the woman of your dreams is not a cakewalk. Most of the time, the search would have disappointments. The thing is, there is no one fixed formula for finding your dream girl, but there are some things that may help you meet that one special woman.

Be confident

Most women are attracted to men who exude confidence. Do note that confidence does not mean arrogance. Take some time and look at yourself in the mirror. Look at how you walk, stand, sit, speak and how you carry yourself. Confidence does not mean wearing expensive clothes and acting like a bully. Confidence means you are able to walk with your back straight, speak in a clear voice, maintain eye contact and have that firm handshake. Smile and relax. Learn to feel good about yourself. A positive attitude can do wonders when you are trying to find the woman of your dreams.

Be Yourself

This is something that you may have heard again and again and again - be yourself. As much as most people will never believe it, being yourself has a lot of advantages. For one thing, you will not have to keep spinning tall tales about yourself which could end up embarrassing you sooner or later. You need to relax and your date will also relax. Trying to be somebody that you are not is never a good idea. The ruse may succeed for a short time but it will be found out and the woman of your dreams will not be at all amused.

Look Nice

The very first thing women will see, when they first meet you, is how you are dressed. This does not mean that you need to dress like a movie star or a pop icon. Dressing well means wearing clothes that fit you well, are neat, and clean. Make sure your hands and nails are clean, hair is nicely trimmed and that your shoes are clean. There is no bigger turn off for a woman than seeing a man's hands and finding dirty fingernails. Be well groomed and the woman of your dreams will take notice.

Be a Gentleman

Being a gentleman is not about being all "stiff upper lipped." It simply means to behave nicely. Women like to be commented on about how they look. You need to understand that women take special care of how they look when they are going out and genuinely and enthusiastically telling her how nice she looks will go a long way. Open the door for her. Listen to what she has to say.

Follow these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to find the woman of your dreams sooner or later. Just remember to relax, be yourself, be well-groomed and be genuinely interested in her.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, November 7, 2011

How Women Can Meet More Men

Here's what women do wrong when it comes down to meeting men.

I want you to think about this statement.

100 percent of the women are waiting for about 10 percent of the men to approach.

About 10 percent of the men in this world know how to successfully approach women naturally, 24/7, all the time. The other 90 percent of men are battling some form of approach anxiety, not knowing how to approach in certain situations.

How do I know this? I've been coaching guys for so long. I'm trying to get guys to join me in the 10 percent because it's fantastic to live there, but the ratios don't have to be that high. Women could change that percentage if they just paid attention to their surroundings a little bit more, made it easier for men to approach, and made it easier for guys to talk to them. Smile, be friendly, drop the cellphone or the smartphone and actually say hello to a guy they're attracted to. Things would change if women just made themselves available. You have maybe about 40 percent of the guys being able to handle it then. Meeting other people would be so much better if women participated.

Most women don't make themselves available at all. They expect the guy to walk over there like some miracle worker, and break down the wall that they've put up for that day. Most women refuse to come over and say the right thing at the right moment even though women swear they're always in the moment. Really? I know you say that and I know you want that, but you don't make yourself available for the guy to say hello to you in the first place. You can make it easy on the men-you have all the power. It's as simple as saying hello. I'd like to be a woman for 24 hours, I'll show you how many numbers I can get.

Men are easy. It's easy to pull men over, it's easy to flirt with them, and it's easy to make them feel comfortable and safe. Stop waiting.

And the 10 percent of the men that already approach you, you don't trust them anyway! A lot of women don't trust them because they think they're just players. They don't trust it because the guy was too slick-the guy said all the right things. So maybe 5 percent of the 10 percent actually get your phone number. Make it easy on us. Make it easy on us, and it'll be easy for you.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.