Friday, July 29, 2011

How To Get A Girlfriend And Keep Her Happy

First I would like to share with you a little advice on what really attracts a woman to a man. Bet you can't guess! No, it's not always good looks. Yes, women almost always look at a good looking man, pretty natural if you ask me. But looks aren't what keeps a woman, especially if he is a jerk. And no, it's not money, although that is a plus, but rich guys can have attitude and be jerks too. So what is it that most woman are really attracted to in a man?

Self Confidence.

When a man is confident about who he, well then, he is just sexy! And that is more attractive to women then money or good looks.

So that would be your first step to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. You need to be confident about who you are, and hopefully you are a great guy with a big heart, a good sense of humor, intelligent, and fun. Please, don't be a confident jerk, that's a real turn off. You must have some good qualities, and if you don't, well then that would be the first thing to work on.

The Second thing you would need to do to get a girlfriend and keep her happy is to appreciate her. Simple. (See we're not so complicated!) Don't ever take her for granted. So how do you show a woman that you appreciate her? Do all the little things that most men overlook. Below I give you a list of little things that you can do for a woman. Even if you are currently not dating her, but would like to, then start doing these things and I'm sure that before long she would love to go out with you.

So Here is a list of little things you can do to make her happy and feel appreciated:

1. Send her a card (through the mail) for no particular reason, just something to let her know that you were thinking of her. If your not dating yet then avoid the mushier ones, send her a humerus one instead.

2. Offer to help her out with something she seems to either have no time to do, or doesn't know how to do. Like mow her lawn, get her oil changed, fix her leaky faucet. If your not sure what it is she might need help with, well then your not really listening to her when you do talk. Women have a great way of sharing things that they want done or need to do. Keep your ears open or ask.

3. Show an interest in her and her life. Ask questions if you don't know what's going on in her world. Women love a sensitive man who is interested in her life.

4. Make her laugh. Laughing is so uplifting and can make the day to day drudgery so much easier. I have gone out with men just because they are fun to be with and make me laugh. Give it a try, don't always be serious.

5. If you are lucky enough to go out with her, don't rush things. Show her a good time with no pressure to re-pay you. If she can just enjoy herself and have fun with you, then she will continue to go out with you.

6. Get her those little things that she enjoys. Tootsie rolls, ice cream, pay attention and you will know what they are, then when you see her make sure you have one of her favorite things to give her. Lot's of points here!

7. Do not look at other women when you are with her, this is a big one! That will only make her wonder about herself, is she not good enough? Not pretty enough? Plus it shows her no respect. When you are out with her, she should be your world, plain and simple.

8. Do not put the guys before her! Another big one. She feels that if your interested in her, then you would much rather spend time with her, not the guys. You have plenty of time to hang with the guys when you are not with her. So when you are with her, once again, make her your world.

So these are tips on how to get a girlfriend and keep her happy. Once she is your girlfriend you need to continue these things or you will lose her. So try to incorporate the attributes into your personality, then the confidence you feel will be natural.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dating 101: Five Rules For Effective Dating

Through research and personal experience I've learned that women have a lot of questions when it comes to dating. Everything from how do I know if a guy is interested in me, is it ever ok to ask a guy out and when is it time to have sex with a guy? Working in the relationship consulting field along with several interactions with individuals about relationships has led me to create Dating 101 - Getting back to basics when it comes to effective dating.

I believe somewhere along the way we've gotten off track in our dating relationships. The dating game has changed over the years. What happened to the days when a man was bold enough to approach a woman respectfully and tell her how honored he would be to know her name and be able to contact her in order to get to know her better?

Long gone are the days when guys were at our house to pick us up early for a date with flowers in hand or when guys would open doors for us and pull out our chair. What happened to the times when men did all the pursuing and women did the responding?

I think something happened after the women's movement that gave women the boldness to just go after the man they wanted and not wait for him to come after her.

Ladies, we have to get back to basics!! We must first understand that men are hunters by nature. Their natural instinct is to go after what they want. This means you don't have to go after him. If a man is interested in you he will let you know. All you have to do is make yourself approachable; which means to smile and look pretty.

Men are NOT shy; if they see someone they want they will approach them. To answer the age old question "Is it ok to ask a man out?" My personal opinion is NO; mainly because of what I just mentioned about guys being natural hunters. If you ask a guy out and he says yes, you never know if he was really into you. All you are telling him is that you are very interested in him which means he could probably get you to do anything he wants.

Rule #1: Do NOT ask a guy out! If a guy is interested in you, he will ask you out.

Another commonly asked question is "what can I do to get a guy I'm dating to commit to me?" The answer to that question is nothing. If a guy is not ready to commit, you can't force him. You must choose to either stick it out for who knows how long or move on to someone who is ready for a serious relationship. Men know within the first six months of dating a woman whether he wants a serious relationship with her.

Rule #2: Do NOT spend years waiting for a guy to commit to you - cut your losses and move on.

The most popular question women want to know when dating a guy is "when do I know it's time to have sex?" The answer to that question is; when he makes you his wife. When you give a man your body you are giving him your most prized possession. You are giving him your most valuable asset. The only man who deserves your most valuable asset is your husband. He is the only man who is willing to commit to you for the rest of your life.

Rule #3: NO sex before marriage!

Sex clouds your mind and your judgment. We as women tend to make the worse decisions after we give a guy our body. We make excuses for them mistreating or disrespecting us. We tend to make excuses for them not wanting to commit or for spending less time with us. When we see the red flags waving we dismiss them because we've bonded with them physically. When sex is not a factor we are able to think clearly and make rational decisions. When you're dating someone and you learn that you are not compatible, if you haven't had sex you can easily walk away.

Rule #4: Date with purpose, Date to find a mate.

Dating should be the time when you get to know the person you're interested in. You should take the time to learn about the man's character, personality, hobbies etc. Dating should be an elimination process where you take the time to learn about a person to see if you are compatible and learn if this person has the characteristics of the husband you desire. Dating should have a purpose, not just something done to pass time.

Rule #5: Do NOT compromise.

Do not compromise your body, your standards, or your sanity just to have a man in your life. Love yourself enough to not settle for anything less than the best. This rule will save you lots of heartache and pain.

I encourage you to give these five rules for effective dating a try, if what you've been doing isn't working it's time to try something new.

These rules can help you find the mate of your dreams! If they worked for me, I know they will work for you!!
-Clarissa N. Phillips

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dating Advice - How To Be More Powerful In A Woman's Eyes

When I talk about power, I'm not referring to the traditional views of power. In most instances, when you hear someone talk about power, there's a sort of negative connotation that's involved. It is as if someone who's seeking power, is seeking to gain dominion over others. That's not the kind of power I want to discuss. The kind of power that women absolutely love and adore is not negative or evil. This particular type of power is healthy and positive.

This is a trait inside of a man that all women can tell relatively quickly. It is conveyed by the way he communicates, the way he acts, and the way he thinks. Just by observing a man in action, a woman can tell within a few minutes, whether or not he embodies this trait. And if he doesn't, her attraction for him will begin to wane.

This mysterious power is something that only a few guys possess? And the reason being is simply because it is outside of most people's conscious awareness. What I'm talking about is PERSONAL power.

Most guys go through the world with an external frame of reference. They go through life looking at other people for queues on whether or not they're doing the right things, whether or not they're dressing the right way, and if they're saying the right things. Then there is a small number of guys who have an internal frame of reference. What these guys do differently is instead of looking outside to others for queues on what is right, they look inside of themselves to see if what others are doing is right.

This gives them personal power.

So move your frame of reference inside. Figure out what is right for you and your life. You are the one calling the shots. Communicate with women in a way that implies you judge without being affected by the judgement of others. Make decisions based on whether what you're going to do feels right to you. Use the resources and people around you to help you achieve what it is you want in your life.

Don't be so quick to agree with others, especially women. Take what they've said, run it through your filter, and THEN give them an honest response. And if they're not happy with what you've said, that's not your problem.

When you stop looking to others for what you should do and start looking inside of yourself for direction, you will be way more attractive to women.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Top 10 First Date Tips for Guys

If you need first date tips for men, we've managed to write this list with the most significant ten tricks. We're going to talk about how to plan your date properly, about the right attitude, making her feel good, how to connect with her, communicate through body language, what you shouldn't do, making her feel you're a confident guy and more tips so that you can easily move to the another date with her.

Tip 10: Don't buy her affection. If you're going to bring her a bunch of roses, costly presents, or take her to the most expensive eating house in town at your first date she'll think you're trying to buy her affection and that's not appealing (unless she's after your money).

Tip 9: Don't try to be somebody else. Be yourself, because if you want to be with her she has to accept you the way you really are.

Tip 8: Romance is important. Romance is not old-fashioned, but many guys underrate it today, and unfortunately, girls really need it. You don't have to start writing verses now, but you can invite her to a romantic boat ride at the end of the date or at to the lowest degree invite her to a similar venture. Also be polite, lead the way and open doors.

Tip 7: Have a plan B. You always need some handy back up plans, just in case. When you call her to decide the dating place, propose her several alternatives instead of just one. Think about discussion topics, so you avoid the moments when you don't know what to say anymore.

Tip 6: Find a suitable dating site. You want to talk and interact with her plenty so don't choose a place where you can't talk to her much (movies) or you can't get too close to her (restaurant). Propose her a dancing evening, or playing pool or skating, or anything that permits you to interact more with her.

Tip 5: How you look. You don't have to put on a tie, instead choose clothes that fit you well and make you feel comfortable. Shaving and a little cologne we'll be good. Don't be late for the date
Never be late. You should arrive a few minutes earlier.

Tip 4: Be playful. Flirt with her from time to time
Flirting with her will compliment her if you don't do it too much. While interacting, playing or walking try to touch her gradually from the palms to her shoulders and back. If she responds, try to kiss her, first a small kiss on the cheek, then another small kiss on her mouth. If she resists, start talking with her for a minute and then try kissing her again. You could get a pleasant irresistible make out session or no kiss at all, but if she refuses, at least she'll think about it until your next date.

Tip 3: Body language. Maintain eye contact with her. It shows concern and self-confidence. Relax yourself, and if on a chair, lean back a bit. Don't invade her private space too much, that's an uncontrolled or desperate behaviour.

Tip 2: Girls like humor. Make her laugh and have fun. Girls treasure sense of humor in a guy more than many other values. However, you don't have to become the clown of the night; that's more exhausting than appealing.

Tip 1: Learn to listen. Listen to what she says; observe the way she moves and how she reacts to your what you say and do. She'll feel you're empathic and she'll feel connected with you. Her words and her gestures will give you all the clues you need to turn a mere first date into a second date and a future relationship.

With these first date tips for guys you can have a fantastic dating experience. All these first date tips are important but if you understand their priority also, your performances will improve drastically.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

5 Dating Tips for Single Guys From the Movie "500 Days of Summer" - An Excellent Date Movie Too!

500 Days of Summer - the chick flick it's OK for guys to like.

And why not?

For one reason, it stars the gorgeous Zooey Deschannel -- Manic Pixie Dream Girl extraordinaire. She is playing to type as one of her classic girl-next-door-with-a-twist-characters. Previously it was an astrophysicist dressed as a sexy Charles Darwin in Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This time, she is Summer, a girl that doesn't believe in the whole idea of "the right one", or indeed love and marriage and life long monogamy in general.

And for another reason, it resonates with the guy's experience of how things don't go as well for him as he hoped in the whole area of love and romance.

It's also a great date movie, as guys will enjoy it, and you can use it as a handy diagnostic tool to check out her opinions on the themes it tackles.

Summer meets Tom, a guy that never really fulfilled himself as an architect, and instead writes the inscriptions in greetings cards. Although he has no passion for this work, he is exceptionally good at it, so he has ended up stuck in it indefinitely.

Never underestimate the problems of The Comfort Zone!

The principal quirk in the movie is that the 500 days of their relationship aren't told in a conventional linear order, so sometimes you have to figure out what happens in between on the days you don't see, sometimes you know what is going to happen to the characters in a scene but they don't yet. Other movies like this would be Pulp Fiction and Memento, neither of which have a particularly compelling lesson for people interested in dating advice for single guys, but this one does.

They embark on an affair that she propels faster than he ever expected and pretty soon he is head over heels and realises that he loves her, but she is convinced that this can't be the case as there is no such thing as love in her world.

Things go up and down and eventually it all comes crashing around their ears, but it resolves when she discovers there is such a thing as true love. But it is with another man, not Tom. So the movie approaches the end ( don't worry, I won't spoil it) with her blissed out and preparing for a wedding, and he is single again.

And the lessons -

  1. Sometimes it isn't the guy that doesn't want to develop things, sometimes it is the girl, although this is one of the few movies that will deal with that idea.
  2. Try as he might, he doesn't evoke the feelings in her that she does in him.
  3. But some other guy does, seemingly with no effort at all.
  4. And that hurts. And most of us, if we have truly lived, have been there. But he can count on his friends and family to support him through this.
  5. And he just has to dust himself off, move on, and get back into the arena.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bring Home A Girl From The Bar TONIGHT - Use These 3 SNEAKY Tactics To Pick Up The Girl You Want!

You can bring home a girl TONIGHT when you go out if you have the right mindset and approach them the right way. The best part of all is that your looks, money, car, job, penis size, and body are not factors in determining how successful you will be with women when you use these methods. Getting women to be attracted to you is all about how you make them FEEL when they are with you, not what you look like from across the room or how "phat" the car you roll up in is.

A lot of men get caught up in worrying about shallow and/or materialistic things they have little to no control over, such as their height, the way they look, their build, etc. Guys who perceive themselves to fall short in one of these areas often take on a self-defeating mindset that they can't meet women. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, because women will sense that lack of self-confidence and THAT, not the fact that he isn't good looking or tall enough, ends up being the reason that he can't meet girls and that he goes home alone from the bar every weekend!

Here are my three favorite tactics to use when I'm out on a Friday or Saturday night. Call your buddies up, have a night out on the town, and try them. These ALWAYS prevent me from leaving the bar alone at closing time!

1. Don't hesitate on the approach! When you spot an attractive girl across the bar, then you stand there for ten minutes rehearsing what you are going to say to her or how you are going to approach her, you risk a situation called "analysis paralysis" where you go over your approach so many times in your head trying to perfect it that you freeze up on the delivery. Even if you do manage to get your delivery across, she will be able to sense your nervousness and the fact that you rehearsed your approach. Think about what you do when you walk into a bar and you see someone you know. You don't stand around and try to decide what you are going to say to them, do you? Of course not - you just walk up and start talking. This is what you need to do with girls: walk up and start talking like you have known her your entire life. You will be relaxed, calm, confident, and she will be able to sense that.

2. Focus on the LEAST attractive girl in the group. That doesn't mean you're going to go home with her. You just want to get her hotter friends wondering why you aren't focusing on THEM; after all, they know they're more attractive than the girl you have chosen to approach. Pretty soon they will be coming on to YOU to seek validation, then boom, you're in like Flynn!

3. Use the "assumptive close" technique. Those of you who have worked in sales know what I'm talking about. At the end of the night, don't stand there with your hands in your pockets and stutter out a closing like "so, umm, could I like, see you later?" If you want to go home with her that night, tell her you're about to jet back to her place and she should come hang out. If you just want to set up a date for later, pull out your phone and start putting her name in, then say, "I just need your number so I can give you a buzz about hanging out next weekend." Be natural and confident!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to Attract a Man and Make Him Fall in Love: The Only Sure Way to Do So With Long-Term Success

Whilst it is true that beautiful legs will always be attractive, that beautiful skin or a harmonious figure will always be pleasing to the eye, it is also true that girls and women are trying to conform so much to some 'ideal' (mostly skewed) type of beauty that, at best, they all look like dolls. Now, let's think about this for a minute: are you trying to attract a man or guy who will find you (and another hundred girls looking like you) attractive and for that reason he'll choose to be with you? Do you think that particularist standardized look is what will 'hook' a guy to you? Think again.

If a guy finds you attractive because you have that standardized, Hollywood-model type look, it may be a successful strategy in the short-run (after all, every guy likes to try a Barbie doll at all ages) but, sooner or later, will make you insecure and render you highly unsuccessful. Why? Because:

1 - As he finds you attractive for that standardized Hollywood-model-type look, he will find another thousand girls attractive. If this is your 'hook', he'll leave you sooner or later, even for a 'younger' model (at some point in your relationship).

2 - Finding you attractive is very different from him falling in love with you. Many men need to believe that the girl they have found is one in a million and, if you don't look nor act like one, he will think he's got a girl that he can 'substitute' at any time. If you are truly unique in his eyes, it will be much easier for him to fall in love with you, stay in love with you and continue to love you as the years go by.

It is a tragedy, in my experience and thought, that whilst desperately trying to be 'pleasing to the eye' to potential mates, girls and women fail to fulfill their own identities thus becoming "plain Jane's" in so many other ways, rendering themselves vulnerable to low self-esteem issues and a plethora of psychological pitfalls.

So, to be attractive to men in a really significant, long-lasting way, you need to find what makes you unique. Being unique is essential; despite that peer pressure would tend us to have us all conform, finding our identity in every way and 'showing it off' to the world is key to finding admiration, love from the people we want in our lives for the long-run. This translates even in a physical sense. Why would everybody want one's hair a certain length, a certain texture, a certain color, when your beauty lies in a different style which is only suitable for you and which highlights your real beauty? You will be surprised at how much love you can inspire others (and men) to give you when you begin to show your uniqueness.

I very recently spent time in Eastern Europe, a place 'famous' for beautiful women. I was actually surprised at how beautiful the women are there, and I understood why so many men found them highly attractive. What I immediately noticed about them is that they looked more 'natural' than our Western counterparts. Their beauty was not surgically enhanced or cosmetically 'highlighted'; they were just beautiful, in a natural way. What struck me even more is that they behaved as if they knew that they were beautiful, they showed parts of their body a Western woman may be unsure about (because too small, or too flat, or too 'something'), and that made them very sensual. This brings me back to my original point: being sensual is something we have lost in a fruitless quest to become 'standardized'; yet, sensuality comes from being totally in touch with one's femininity and one's true identity.

In therapy, whether you suffer from low self-esteem or from a string of 'unlucky' relationship, or from a long period without any meaningful relationship, we are taught, first and foremost, to get in touch with who we really are. We are encouraged to find our dreams, our true self, what we were like before all the brainwashing or traumas or media influences; we are encouraged to go back to when we were happy and full of life and energy. After a relatively short period of time with this type of therapy, we 'flourish' again and begin to be who were really meant to be from the beginning, the beautiful, attractive women we can be uniquely, with the capacity to attract desirable men who will madly fall in love with us.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

What You Should Know About Dating Online

Searching for love and security is a deep human need, and for many people it can be very hard to find, whatever the reasons. Relationships between people need time and understanding to develop, and one of the biggest concerns when someone is looking at dating is compatibility. It may be easy to find someone likable and apparently easy to get on with, but is that enough?

That's the reason so many men and women are turning to online dating, because one of the most important aspects of matching two people is to understand their interests, what they are looking for, and then making a judgement on how compatible they are likely to be. Working to develop new relationships is never an exact science, but dating sites have gone to considerable lengths to develop questions for potential customers that enable good matches to be made. Whether it is for lesbian dating, gay dating or for heterosexuals, all information is carefully and securely studied to ensure that prospective daters are matched correctly.

Dating sites are keen to work with professional people who are looking for long-term, serious relationships, and strive to ensure that genuine and like-minded people are put in touch with each other. They encourage a positive and open outlook to the sometimes thorny business of developing a new relationship, and offer tips and advice on what to do when dating, borne of long experience.

So how does online dating work? Well, usually you register on a website and fill in your profile. You'll need an up to date picture to hand along with some facts about yourself and what you're interested in. Increasingly, sites offer a compatibility test that matches you with someone who shares similar interests and values. If you don't want to trawl through hundreds of profiles looking for a date then this might be a good option for you.

Gone are the days when the internet was full of strangers. Online dating nowadays is a much safer place. Many websites vet their members to try to ensure that everyone is genuine, and they offer safety tips so that you feel confident when you meet someone for the first time.

Remember, online dating gives you full control over how you get to know someone and when you decide to meet them. For many people it's a great way to meet new people when otherwise finding a relationship would be difficult.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How Girls Flirt With Men to Build Sexual Chemistry

Before exploring the subject of how girls flirt, one should keep in mind that there is no precedent for how women will be likened to act while flirting with you. Every woman is her own unique individual and while many things are similar, you might run across the woman who is the exception so be careful with what you are reading from a woman as you talk to her.

The Approach
A woman is more likely to approach you or to be interested in you approaching her if you seem interesting. Having an apparent sense of humor and wearing decent (but not too flashy) clothes is a really good way to get a woman to be receptive to your advances. Most women (most women would say 'all women') like to be chased. It's a natural and evolutionary thing.

The men are supposed to be hunters and the women are the quarry. That isn't to say women want to be dominated, they want to be respected, they just want the man to chase them while they respect them.

Body Language
Once the approach has been made you should pay attention to her body language. If she is turned towards you and making eye contact she is interested. If she is touching you, she is more interested. The touching of shoulders or elbows is a sign she likes you. A woman who would touch your hand is even more interested.

Eye contact is another sign of body language that she is interested in you. If she is looking at you this is good. If she is distracted by others extensively or by her phone she isn't as interested.

The Words
Some girls prefer to be asked about themselves when flirting because that is a sign of interest. If you ask her about herself and she is interested that may inspire her to show increased interest in you. As her interest grows in you, she will start to ask you generalized questions about your life and your experiences.

With regards to the setting, whether it is a late coffee after a busy club night or a random encounter in the park that leads to dinner, the words she says to you will be in direct relation to how she feels about you in that instant. As the flirting progresses, the questions might become deeper and as the subject lines become deeper the flirting might progress into something more.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Three Easy Guidelines for Attracting the Woman of Your Dreams

There really isn't much mystery to attracting a woman, is there? I mean, you either got it or you don't, right?

Well, not so fast. While it's undeniable that the first spark of attraction is based on physical attributes that we have no control over, there are steps you can take to improve your chances. So you're not Brad Pitt. So what? Chances are that woman you've got your eye on wasn't expecting to go home with Brad Pitt anyway. Women are more realistic, generally, than men, which is to say they don't want to jump in the sack with every hot bod that turns their heads (the way -- let's be honest now -- men would if we could).

So if she's not looking for Brad Pitt, who is she looking for? Why, you! Of course! But she won't realize it if you're lost in the crowd. And with just a few easy tips, you can stand out and make her take notice of you.

Read on!

1. Look Good.

Yes, I said you don't have to look like a movie star. But you should still look your best. Your physical appearance, like it or not, will be her first impression of you and will determine whether or not you get a second look. Wear clothes that feel comfortable, fit well, and look nice. Clean yourself up and groom yourself well. Oh, and make sure you don't have any spinach dip between your teeth.

2. Feel Good.

So you're looking your best now, right? You look good, don't you? Now hold your head up, look her in the eye, and smile. You want to convince her that you're the one for her, so the first thing is to believe it yourself. So be comfortable with who you are, and be confident.

3. Be Good.

Finally, it's time to pour on the charm. Compliment her, as much as you can. Ask her questions. Take an interest in her. Look her in the eye as much as you can. Give her your full attention. That means no cell phone, for any reason. Turn it off. (If you're an ER surgeon or suicide hotline operator, you might get away with keeping it on. But otherwise, no.) Be positive, keep smiling. Make her smile. Better yet, make her laugh. The more she feels your feel-good vibes, the more she'll enjoy your company.

And that's it. Three easy guidelines for attracting the woman of your dreams. So go on now... time to turn off the computer, go out there and meet her!

Good luck!

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.