Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Relationship Advice for Women - 3 Tips to Avoid a Bad Relationship

If you've been looking around online for great relationship advice for women, you probably realized there's a shortage of advices that teach you how to avoid a bad relationship.

So if you've been trying really hard to find relationship advice for women to help you to avoid bad relationships with men, you'll find 3 practical tips below to help you with that.

Know The Type of Man You Want

This has to be one of the most important tips, because if you don't know what kind of man you want, you'll end up with the wrong kind of man and hence wind up in a bad relationship.

So if you want a practical relationship advice for women pertaining to bad relationships, take time to know what you want to achieve when you start a family, and hence the kind of man you want. Don't end up like so many other women who spend so much time dolling up, but attracting the wrong kind of men.

But do beware of instant attraction at the same time. Some men might look like your ideal man at first sight, and you might just fall head over heels in love with him without thinking twice.

So if you find yourself irresistibly attracted to a man you just met, learn to be cautious and take it slow. You might end up with the right kind of man but with wrong character traits or values.

Be Aware of His Flaws

It's true that no man is perfect, and whatever man you've decided to go for, you should accept both his strengths and his flaws. So for example, if you like ambitious men, be prepared that they'll spend more time at work than with you.

However, you must watch out for certain flaws like physical or drug abuse. An important relationship advice for women that I can give to you is to not tolerate flaws that can bring you harm.

Learn to read the early warning signs that your man is getting out of hand. So if you see that your man is turning into a cheater, physical abuser, alcoholic or compulsive gambler, then you need to exit the relationship as soon as you can.

And be firm when you need to exit the relationship. Or else, you can find it really hard to leave sometimes.

Learn to Trust Your Instincts

Humans have instincts for a reason, and women's instincts are usually sharper than that of men. That is why using your instincts is an advice you'll usually only find in relationship advices for women.

Come to think about it, if you've been reading a lot of other relationship advice for women, haven't you realized that many of those advices often asked you to use your instincts? That's because when it comes to women, instincts often lead them to make the right choices.

So if your instincts tell you that your relationship with a man isn't going to work out, then do something about it.

When it comes to relationship advice for women, learning how to avoid a bad relationship starts with knowing the kind of man you want and then being aware of his flaws. And above all that, learn to trust your instincts. So if you sense that you're headed for a love disaster, learn to exit quickly so you don't get trapped in a bad romance.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Secret Of Getting A Really Attractive Woman's Attention

I'm about to reveal a secret about extremely attractive women that most guys will never figure out. But before that, I want you to think about what happens when you see an extremely attractive woman. I'm talking about the kind of woman that you only see maybe once or twice a year. The kind of woman that stops you in your tracks and makes you stare.

What goes through your mind? How do you act? Notice how you feel.

To an unusually attractive woman, what you've just experienced is a common occurrence. Every single guy that she meets reacts the same way. Every one of them stares at her with their jaws on the floor as she walks by.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more isolated she feels. It's hard for most people to relate to her. She gets special treatment because of her physical beauty and not for who she is as a person.

Beauty creates a sort of distance for beautiful women. It also gives them power because it causes men to hand over their power.

To her, most guys are just a huge mass of compliments, offer for dates, and attention. And because you did what she's seen a thousand times, to her you're nothing more than JUST another guy.

So what can you do? As promised, the secret to getting the attention of an extremely attractive woman and separate yourself from every other guy she's met.


That's right. Teasing her instantly communicates that you're not intimidated by her looks. And you're not going to give her any special treatment because of it. This works well since it gives her something all attractive women crave. So what does a woman who can get anything -- wants? She wants to be challenged!

When you see her say something like "Wow those are some high heels you have on, what are you 4 feet without them?"

She'll look at you for a bit and respond jokingly with "No I am not that short!"

You then respond back with "I'm sorry you're right, I meant 4 feet and a half."

She'll laugh and you've just effectively sparked her interest and attention. What you've just said instantly separated yourself from all the other boring guys she's been meeting lately. You didn't stare at her and tell her she's the most beautiful woman you've ever met. You didn't offer to take her out to an expensive restaurant. And you also didn't seem as if you're too interested in her.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rules On How To Make Yourself More Attractive

Rules On How To Make Yourself More Attractive dating" href="http://feeds.ezinearticles.com/category/Relationships:Dating.xml" type="application/rss+xml">

Monday, June 20, 2011

How to Steer Clear of Abusive Men

How to Steer Clear of Abusive Men dating an abusive man. I am sure that you can relate to this. And as sad as it is to say this, I am also sure that you know or have known at least one woman that has gotten...">

Friday, June 17, 2011

What Do Guys Find Attractive? It's All About How You Look, Isn't It?

What Do Guys Find Attractive? It's All About How You Look, Isn't It? dating then it pays to do your best with your appearance. If you don't have super-model looks, it doesn't matter. There are many women of average appearance and below who are in happy relationships. So, what do guys find...">

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Make A Girl Feel Special

Make A Girl Feel Special dating" href="http://feeds.ezinearticles.com/category/Relationships:Dating.xml" type="application/rss+xml">

Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Make Enjoyable Conversation

As a communication coach, people often disclose to me how they find most conversation boring and they only have it out of politeness. They want to interact with people who have more zest, more wit and to have fun banter.

Learn how to make enjoyable conversation and you'll be the solution to a problem many persons encounter in social situations. When you're that fun and skilled conversationalist that people rarely meet, they will be drawn to you like iron to a magnet.

Conversation is made enjoyable by a few simple but relevant things. I'm going to share them with you, so you can consciously apply them in social settings and thus, gradually improve your conversational style.

Concentrate On the Positive

The vibe of a conversation is very much determined by the nature of the content. If two persons in a discussion talk mostly about the bad things in their lives, world catastrophes, disasters and threats, they will not feel good and they will not enjoy that chat.

It's important to focus conversations on positive topics. Enjoyable conversation sterns from positive content two or more people share. Talk about the good things in your life, your passions, hopes and positive experiences. Also, navigate the discussion by using questions so the other person talks about positive stuff as well.

Do Joke Frequently

You can often recognize an enjoyable conversation by the fact the persons involved in it are laughing a lot. The fact is that beyond a positive focus, pleasant discussions tend to also encompass a solid dose of humor.

You can add this dose of humor even to a stale conversation. The key is to continually ask yourself while chatting with a person: "What's a fun way to look at this topic?" Don't pressure yourself to find humor and crack jokes, just allow yourself to see the humor in things.

Find the Common Ground

People today have a lot of options and their interest can vary quite a lot. In such circumstances, it's a challenge to put a focus on common ground and to talk about something both parties find interesting.

This is why you'll often find conversations where on person is talking with relative passion, while the other one gets bored. They simply don't have a similar degree of interest in the topic that's being discussed.

Try to avoid such situations, by considering both your interests and the interests of the other person during any chat. Navigate the chat towards the common territory, even if the other person may have the tendency to take it astray.

Don't Take It Too Seriously

Finally, it's crucial to realize that making enjoyable conversation is fundamentally a matter of attitude. If you're tense and nervous, if you're thinking that you need to impress the other person but not doing very well, it's hard to have a fun, positive presence.

Learn to not take conversations too seriously, by learning to not care very much about the way others see you. It's not the end of the world if a person doesn't like you. Relax, chat authentically and let go of expectations.

The interesting occurrence is that as you embrace this detached mindset, you turn on your witty and fun part a lot easier. This is the key to making enjoyable conversation.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why Doesn't He Notice Me - You Won't Get His Attention Unless You Know What He Likes

I can remember what it was like to be really attracted to a guy, to think the world of him, and be totally confused as to why he did not seem to notice me. When you are really into a man, and he does not seem to even notice you, that can make you feel smaller than you have ever felt before in your life. It is not a good feeling at all. If that is what you are feeling because a certain guy just doesn't seem to pay you any mind at all, keep reading.

One of the things that a lot of women fail to really 'get' when it comes to guys is, they don't respond to the same things that women do! On the surface it can seem like guys are really simple, and in many ways, they are. Still, you really need to know how to get his attention by knowing what he likes and what he will be most responsive to.

Not only that, you also want to make sure that when you do get him to notice you, it is for all of the RIGHT reasons and not the wrong ones. You don't want hm to pay attention to you because he thinks that maybe he can have a little fun with you and that's it, do you?

Here's what you need to do if you want to get is attention on you:

1. Stop doing all of the things that DON'T seem to be working.

There is nothing worse than trying all of the same tricks to get a man's attention only to keep getting the same non response from him. If what you have been doing to try and get him to notice you does not seem to be cutting it, you need to try something else. I know that sounds so basic, but think about it. Don't you find yourself trying the same tactics over and over and get the same results?

2. Make a point of being a little more obvious to him.

When I was younger, I was shy around guys I liked. I would kind of stand back and hope that for some reason he would just notice me and like me. Well, that did not get me too far with any guys I was attracted to or had a crush on. So, I learned to be a little more obvious, to purposely put myself in a position where he would have to notice me. You can try the same and see if it works for you.

3. Don't be timid to start conversations with him.

The simple of act of starting a conversation with the guy you want to pay attention to you will definitely get him to notice you. Unless he is totally rude or dense or something, he has to respond and notice you. So, don't be afraid to make the move just to start a conversation with him. See where it leads to from there.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.