Monday, December 31, 2012

Avoid Playing the Blame and Shame Game

Are you ready to go deeper into working on your relationship? Ready to learn how to clear a withhold? Yep. That's right -- a "withhold" - something you are holding back from sharing with your sweetie.

You know... how you were angry that he left the toilet seat up? Or she didn't buy your favorite kind of cereal but a "store-brand" instead? How many times will she walk past the laundry without folding it and didn't he say he was going to rake the lawn before our first snowfall? Ugh!

It's fairly easy to fill up the basket of resentment (said affectionately). When couples come to see me, their baskets are usually full. And we spend valuable time, step-by-step emptying them out! Soon, you can both see the bottom (and I imagine you looking into the basket together now... curious what is left. Keep reading and you'll find out).

So... here's a new technique for you to try out called "Clearing Withholds" (modified from what The Human Awareness Institute teaches so well!)

These 5 steps will take you through a process of coming back to a place of LOVE! It's easy... come on, follow me!

1. Invite your partner into a conversation by asking him/her if s/he has time to have a conversation with you. Bring a stone or a stick or other sacred object with you. Remember if your partner isn't ready, ask when s/he will be and choose a time later that day.

2. Create a quiet space for yourselves and designate anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Set a timer and honor the bell.

3. Whomever is speaking will hold the sacred object. The other is in the listener role.

4. Always begin with, "I have a withhold are you willing to hear it?" Use "I" statements while sharing something from the basket of resentment. For example: "I keep thinking you are going to rake the leaves and every time I walk by the pile in the front yard, I feel angry at you. I somehow feel like you don't care about me."

5. If you are the listener, you simply say "thank you." There is no response other than "thank you." When clearing withholds, there is no back and forth discussion necessary. The practice is about letting your partner get something off his/her chest (so to speak) and being heard. Later on you may want to give her more information on the subject, but that's for a later time.

If you have something to clear, then you may switch. Just make sure if you are speaking, that you are holding the sacred object.

TANTRA TIP: Sit back-to-back on the floor with cushions underneath you. Provide enough support for your partner so that you are equally comfortable giving your weight and leaning back. Work at this a bit -- you'll be surprised how your body may habitually want to support itself in some way. Have pillows available for under your knees to increase comfort and letting go into the support of your sweetie. Relax. Take a deep breath. Notice the connection to your partner from the base of your spine all the way up your back! Coordinate your breath -- breathe in/out together. Imagine the breath coming up from your spines together to the top of your heads and then back down as you exhale. Together. Continue for 5 minutes. Enjoy the sweet connection, love and support!

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

The Six Needs of a Woman

There are six basic needs that are native to every woman. When a woman is in a relationship, she seeks to have these basic needs met. If they are not, then the romantic relationships may be ungratifying. Before embarking upon any romatic relationship, every man must be willing to meet these needs.

  • Commitment

A woman needs to know that a man is committed to her. Commitment goes way beyond being there. It involves being fully faithful. When times get hard, and they will, you as a man should not bail out and leave. Never allow another woman to take the spot that you told her she held.

  • Security

A woman needs to feel safe. You do not have to be a mixed martial artist to provide security for a woman; just be aware of the dangers that are around. Do not put a woman in a position where she feels uneasy or unsafe. Protect her - even if it's from you. Value her safety as if it were yours. If she is to be your wife, you must be willing to give your life for her.

  • Support

A woman needs to know that she is supported and provided for. This does not make her a gold digger. Provision should be a priority for a man. Also, help her as much as you can. A woman's role is not to pick up after you.

  • Conversation

A woman needs to have meaningful conversation with a man. Women like to talk. This means you must develop an affinity for listening. Not only that, you must also be willing to share your thoughts with her. Make sure you choose a woman whose voice you like to listen to. Open conversation fosters freedom in a friendship or romantic relationship.

  • Honesty

A woman needs to know that she is being told the truth. She needs a man that is trustworthy. It is always best to be up front and honest. This saves you from the stress of covering one lie after the other. Even if she is upset with you about the truth, she will respect you for telling it. Do not be what women believe a typical man to be. Tell the truth.

  • Affirmation

A woman needs words of affirmation. Take notice of her appearance. If she changes her hair color, acknowledge it, and tell her what you think of it. If she is wearing a new outfit or even if you think she looked nice in an old one, let her know. Paying non-sexual compliments to a woman is a huge part of making a woman feel better about herself.

As a single parent father, you must be willing to talk to your kids about sex as well as instill in them the basics about appreciating women.When your son is in a position to meet at least these 6 minimal needs of a woman, then he is on the right path to appreciating a woman.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Caring About How We Think in Destructive Relationships

Researchers of cognition estimate that we experience upwards to 60,000 automatic thoughts a day, and for most of us 80% of our contemplations are negative. These negative thoughts are repetitive ideas that we continuously tell ourselves throughout our lives. They are primarily formed from experiences with feelings and actions in our family environment and intimate relationships. They are not facts and are often not accurate reflections of reality. Especially when our family communication patterns are destructive and our intimate relationships are abusive. Our inner dialogue has a strong effect on emotional states, actions, and how we cope with life.

Imagine you have a problem with a partner that you are trying to cope with. You could think, "This is not about me, I can manage, even though it is difficult," or, you could think, "This is hopeless, there is nothing I can do right, I'm completely overwhelmed and it's impossible to make a change." How might you feel, think, or act differently in these situations? If you feel anger or resentment, the challenge is to acknowledge it, learn from it, and then release any self-destructive thoughts.

Thoughts can affect your reactions to your partner's emotional abuse and your ability to cope with it too. In particular, thinking his or her abusive behavior is about you. Participating in the emotional cruelty with your partner is likely to make you feel more helpless to change and to suffer more. In contrast, thinking that makes you feel competent to cope with the relationship can make you feel better about yourself and empower you to change the circumstances. When you feel misery, force yourself to think grateful thoughts. When you feel blamed, reassure yourself that who you are is okay.

Thoughts often seem to be out of our control. Even so, the truth is that we can learn to monitor our thinking, notice thoughts that are more or less helpful, and make choices about how to counter or change those thoughts. By doing these things, we reduce thoughts that contribute to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and increase thoughts that contribute to feelings of competence, confidence, and determination. These thoughts can then help you a) act more effectively with your partner and b) stop creating your own emotional pain c) help you leave your relationship. This also helps you make emotionally fulfilling choices like spending time with loved ones, accomplishing your work or educational goals, or reducing the negative effects of your abusive partner.

The three steps to changing your thinking are to:

1. Notice your thoughts (if you are feeling bad, you know you're thinking disempowering thoughts).

2. Ask yourself, "Is the thought helpful or harmful. Is it accurate?"

3. Change your thought, if harmful or inaccurate; counter it with a positive coping thought and behavior.

Thoughts can be empowering thoughts or self-defeating thoughts. They can be thoughts that reinforce you to believe in your value or thoughts that punish you for being or making a mistake. Looking at your own relationship experiences, which types of thoughts are most likely to be helpful? Where does your mind hang out? Make a list of these inner dialogues to help you notice the thoughts that make you feel bad. This action will help you to stop attending to the seemingly involuntary thought processes and the continuous negative monologues.

Questions to ask for empowering coping thoughts are:

1. Am I blaming myself for something over which I do not have control?

2. Are there any strengths or positives in me or the situation that I am ignoring?

3. Have I had any experiences that show that this thought is completely true all the time?

4. If a friend had this thought, what would I tell him or her?

5. Have I been in this type of situation with my partners before? What happened? Is there anything different between this situation and previous ones?

6. What have I learned from prior experiences that could help me now?

These actions will help you in destructive relationships and can help you get through times of stress in healthy relationships. Listen to that voice in your head and do what you need to do to take care of your thoughts.

Thank you for reading this article. I've dedicated my personal and professional life to the importance of non-violence and self-compassion by teaching from my experience. As a result, I've learned a lot about what it takes to put an end to the self-judgment and critical thoughts. And, as I learn and grow, I teach self-acceptance and give advice I use myself, in the hopes that it helps you to improve your own life.

This news article is brought to you by ADVANCED DATING ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

7 New Year's Resolutions for Couples (YES, for Couples - Try It!)

Do couples ever make resolutions for their relationship?

Here at the time of New Year's Resolutions, and at any time, it sure seems like a good ides for couples to make resolutions for their relationship.

To that end, here are 7 suggestions for Couple Resolutions:

1) Remember first attractions - It's so easy in the general messiness of living with another person to forget about what attracted you to each other in the first place. This would be a good list to make and a good conversation to have every know and then.

It's been said by my favorite author (Author Unknown) that "When you are up to your neck in alligators, it's hard to remember the original objective was to drain the swamp."This applies here big time.

2) Fight for relationship - Couples fight sometimes. That's just part of the territory. So since you are going to fight, why not decide in advance what to for, yes? I suggest fighting for the relationship. Most folks fight to be right. Fight for the relationship.

3) Live below your means - Now I've gone from preaching to meddling, right? The happiest couples I know are not necessarily the richest couples I know. The happiest couples I know are those without significant money worries. The best way to achieve this is to live below your means.

4) Know love language - In what way does your partner best experience and feel loved? Is it actions like acts of service? Is it words? Is it being touched?

The best way to find out is to ask.

5) Speak love language - Once you know the love language of your partner, speak it. Radical notion I know, but it works. The temptation is to speak in our own love language. Often that is not the language of our partner. Know it and speak it.

6) Daily time together - I don't care if it's just 15 minutes. Couple need this time to keep the connection strong. In the hustle and bustle of each day, couple time is often the first thing to go. Schedule it if you have to, just make sure you get it in.

7) Regular date night - This could be the best couple resolution of all. You dated when you were getting together. Why stop? A regular date night allows you to spend quality couple time together, and gives you something to look forward to each week or month.

Relationship Advice - How To End An Abusive Relationship

As a rule, not too many people like the thought of being alone. But, at the same time, no one deserves to spend their life in an abusive relationship. Life is simply too short to waste with a partner who does not appreciate you for who you are and what you have to offer a healthy relationship. But getting out of an abusive relationship can be tricky unless you know just what to do and when to carry it out. That's why it is important to know the best and safest way to end an abusive relationship.

First, is to identify how the relationship is abusive so you know what you are up against. Abuse can be:

  • physical,
  • sexual,
  • psychological,
  • emotional,
  • verbal, or
  • any combination thereof.

Why is it important to understand what kind of abuse you are enduring? Because it helps to dictate your exit strategy.

For instance, if the abuse is physical, once you make a break it has to be a complete one where you will no longer be in their presence. They can't hurt you if they can't touch you. If it is verbal, stop all forms of communication. If they want to talk to you, it will have to be in the presence of others. If it is emotional or psychological in nature, then let them know as soon as the insults or negative comments start, all they will hear is a dial tone.

Second, is to understand once you have made the decision to leave... you have to stick with it. As soon as you notify your partner of your plans, one of two things is going to happen. Either they will try to:

  • sweet-talk you into staying by promising you their undying loyalty, being on their best behavior and promising to end all abusive behavior, or
  • they will threaten you with more abuse if you carry out your "threat".

Third, you need to be strong. If you make the decision to end the relationship with your abuser, you have to be willing to back it up or it will be unbearable for you to stay. You will need to be strong to get out of the relationship... and to stay out. Plus, this inner strength will serve you well as you begin your life without your abuser.

Fourth, is to find strength in others. Once you leave, your abuser might try to lure you back. They will try to play off of your emotions by using their overbearing personality. Make sure to surround yourself with friends and family who know what is best for you and can help to support you in your decision.

This news article is brought to you by GADGETS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Why Are More Single Women Seeking Men Online?

The world of online dating has become very popular to the point where more single ladies are looking for men than what people saw years ago. Whether or not online dating is going to complete take the place of physical dating in the future is unknown but it is clear that many single women looking for men are going online for doing so. There are several reasons why all these women are doing so.

One point involves how easy it can be for single women seeking men to find specific men online. The challenge of going someplace to find single men can be frustrating. Going online is often easier to do because the best men out there will be listed on different online dating websites. It makes it a little easier for women to take a look at what they can get.

It's often enjoyable to take a look at other men online as well. Single women can find men and send them special messages through an online dating platform. They can also take a look at different photos and videos of men doing all sorts of things. Women can even share their own photos and videos if they want to. This is done to make the dating scene a little more fun.

There is a need for any single lady to make sure that she knows what she is getting into when it comes to dating another man. That's why it is such a necessity to take a look at the online dating scene when finding someone.

Online dating allows people to get in touch with each other for an extended period of time without any serious boundaries in the way. Many women looking for men use this to mingle with men online and to see what makes them interesting. This can be done through private chats and even video chats depending on what is being used. Either way, a great solution can be made to make anyone feel a little more comfortable when finding other people.

The safety of online dating is something that many single girls look for. The problem with going out some place for dating is that it can be a very risky venture. This includes not only problems relating to dangerous locations for dates but also problems with men being abusive or harmful on these dates.

Getting to know each other online has clearly become a necessity when it comes to dating. It is done to get all people to see what they have to offer in a controlled environment without any pressure from any side during the date.

These are great reasons why so many single ladies go online to find men. Women who look for men online use different online dating services to do more than just find singles. They can do this to help you screen different potential dates in order to get a better idea of who might be more interesting for what a woman wants to get out of a man.

This news article is brought to you by DATING AND RELATIONSHIP ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to Attract Ladies in Online Dating

Using online dating websites is the most efficient way to meet new women, if done correctly. Three things will determine your success with internet dating.

- Persistence

- First messages sent to women (openers)

- Your profile

Success with women (especially online) is a numbers game. You must work the law of averages. You must be persistent when sending out messages to women and not let frustration cause you to get negative, bitter or quit.

Frustration can kill your chances with the ladies. But if you're persistent, consistent and remain positive, you'll hook up with several ladies via cyberspace.

The best thing about internet dating is that once you've connected with women online, and they want to meet up with you... roughly 1 out of 3 girls will get intimate with you on the first date.

Creating your online profile is the second important aspect. You must have photos on your profile. At least 3 photos. I suggest you have a non-smiling image as your main photo, then two or more of you with friends or doing something that you're passionate about.

PHOTO #1 - Use a non-smiling photo because studies have shown that women find men with a serious face, more physically attractive than a smiling/happy face.

That reminds me of a quote I once read:

"You can not be sexy if you smile, you can not be a rebel if you grin" - Elvis Presley

PHOTO #2 - Show a photo with you being social with friends. This will help women know that you're a normal guy with a social life. (Very important for online dating)

PHOTO #3 - Show you're doing something cool. A hobby or something you're passionate about. Keep the written section of your profile short, sweet and to the point. You want to hook girl's attention and get their curiosity going.

Avoid writing anything like this:

Hello, my name Jim. I like to travel, read books and go to bars. I'm new to online dating and I'm just here to try it out and see what happens

= boring. Unoriginal. Just like everyone else.

The three keys to online dating success is using interesting and unique message openers that cause women to write you back. The average guy on an internet dating site will message a hot girl and write something like this:

"Hey, what's up? I read your profile and I think you're hot. What's your name?"

= Boring! I'm just like everyone else.

You on the other hand sending out messages like this:

Why do you look familiar... ?

- Jim

(insert your first name)

This simple message is amazing because it:

- creates curiosity

- it's different

- it's short

- it's a question... causes her to answer your back

- you give her your first name

If you decide to use online dating, I suggest you message at least 10 new women each day for 30 straight days.

This news article is brought to you by GOING GREEN NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Approach Women - 3 Mistakes That Men Make When They Approach a Woman

Approaching women is not the easiest thing to do for most guys. When I say approaching a woman, I'm not just talking about walking up to her and saying hi and then walking away. I mean being able to walk up to her, get her talking and flirting back and forth with you and hopefully being able to land a date with her if she happens to be single. That's what most men seem to have a lot of trouble with and if you don't ever get to a point where you can approach a woman and get some sparks flying between you and her, there is a good chance that you are going to end up being single and frustrated.

So, in order to get the approach down right, you really should know some mistakes that men make quite a bit that you can avoid so that you do end up making a good first impression. Remember, in most situations, that first impression is ALL that you get. It's good to make sure that you do get it right.

Here are 3 mistakes that men make quite frequently when they approach a woman that you don't want to make:

1) They walk up to a woman looking like they have no confidence at all and they expect her to reject them.

You see this happen all of the time at clubs and bars. A guy will push himself to make an approach, or his friends will egg him on, but he doesn't really have the confidence that things will go well. So, as he walks over to that woman, his body language is saying that he expects her to reject him and that is an impression that you don't want to give off. Walk with confidence and assume that you DO have a chance with her.

2) They use an opener that screams out, I'm trying to pick you up.

Outside of those cheesy frat boy style movies, coming across like you are trying to pick up a woman is almost always going to be a big mistake. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to pick up a woman, it just means that it can't come across like that is what you are trying to do. Use an opener that makes it seem like you really want to talk to her and get to know her.

3) They don't know how to transition beyond the opener.

You can't just approach a woman and drop a line on her and then expect that you've done enough to make her want to go out on a date with you. You have to be able to move beyond the opener and build both attraction and rapport with your conversation. Otherwise, the odds that you will be going out with her or at least getting her number are not that good at all.

How to Win Back an Ex Boyfriend - 3 Ways to Stop Being a Needy Woman

When you're trying to figure out how to win back an ex boyfriend one of the first things you need to do is to stop being clingy and needy. A needy ex girlfriend is such a turn off and the only result you're going to get is having your ex disgusted with you.

If you want to know how to win back an ex boyfriend, here are a few tips to remember to stop yourself from being a needy ex girlfriend.

Regain your confidence

It's not easy to build your confidence when you got dumped. But if you want your ex to notice you again, you're going to have to suck it up and slowly regain your self-esteem. You're not going to get his attention if you mope around all day in your room. When you're confident, it shows that you don't need him around to boost your ego and you will become more independent and less needy.

One way to do this is to learn to live your life again. How do you do this?

· Spend time with your friends

· Find new things that can keep occupied

· Do the things you enjoy doing

· Workout, go shopping, and change your appearance to help you feel good about yourself

Avoid calling him all the time

If you're a needy woman then you would be trying to contact your ex all the time. If he doesn't answer the phone, then you'll send him text messages and emails. You just don't know when to stop. Contacting him multiple times a day will not win him back. You're on a break right now and you're only pushing him further away with your phone calls. He may have several reasons for not calling you:

· He's been too busy to get back to you

· He forgot to respond to your emails and calls because there's just too many of them

· He doesn't know how to respond and what to say to you

· He doesn't want to talk to you yet and you need to take a hint and maybe just back off for now

The last one seems harsh but it can also be the closest to the truth. After all, you're on a break right now and maybe he doesn't feel like talking to you. He needs more time and you need to respect that.

Being paranoid in the relationship

When the two of you were still together, were you always paranoid about the relationship ending? If he forgot to say "I love you," did you worry that maybe this is the end? This could be one of the reasons why he left you. You're being too needy and paranoid and you always need to be reassured that you're not going to be left alone. Other signs that you're being paranoid include:

· You're always hungry for his attention

· You always want to be by his side

· You try to be controlling and act as if you own him

· You don't like it when he spends too much time with his friends

· You don't think he loves you as much as you love him

You need to change this attitude and try to become a stronger individual. This is essential when it comes to "how to win back an ex boyfriend." He's not going to want to come back to a needy woman so you need to prove to him that you're making the effort to change.

This news article is brought to you by FREE ROMANTIC DATING SITE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Improving Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend - 3 Tips to Make Things Better

So, you have found the woman that you want to be with and you are in a relationship with her, but you want to know what you can do to make things better than they already are. You know that improving your relationship with your girlfriend can only be a good thing and you are well aware of the possibility that things could end up going south one day and you could end up losing her if you don't make sure that you are doing all of the things that you can in order to make things get better and better with her.

Here are 3 tips that are going to help you do just that, so pay attention:

1) Don't try to solve her problems when she just wants you to listen to them.

This is one of the classic mistakes that guys will make when they are in a relationship. Their girlfriend will want to vent about an issue and instead of just sitting back and listening to what she has to say, you wind up trying to solve things and as a result, she doesn't feel like you are really listening to her. Sometimes, women just want their boyfriend to listen and they are not looking for you to solve their problem.

2) Try to be as spontaneous as you can.

When you stop doing things that surprise her, that is when she might start to get the feeling that things are getting kind of stale in the relationship. That's obviously not a feeling that you want your girlfriend to have, so make sure that it doesn't happen by being as spontaneous as you can. Surprise her with a gift for no reason or take her to a concert that she really wants to go to without a whole lot of notice. Just do something that keeps some of that spontaneity alive in the relationship.

3) Make sure that you keep her feeling satisfied in the bedroom.

All guys want to believe that they have no problems at all when it comes to the bedroom, but the reality is that most men end up leaving their girlfriend feeling a little less than satisfied more often than they know about. This is an area that you want to make sure that you are taking care of, so ask her for her honest opinion if she is willing to give it. That way, you aren't just guessing at how she feels about your sex life and you'll know if you can improve things a little bit.

This news article is brought to you by PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Rekindle Your Dying Relationship

Do you feel disconnected from your partner right now? Do you sometimes wish you could turn back time in order to relive the moments when he was still the man that he was on the day that you met him? Most women do this when their relationships start to die down and the men that they fell in love with in the beginning seem to have vanished along with the flowers and romantic weekends and dinners. So, if the romance is long gone, what can you do to rekindle your dying relationship?

Well, for starters, you need to understand that men love feeling like heroes who have the power to make women happy. Although it may be true that you can go into therapy to feel better, this will take some time and will put some pressure onto your relationship. What you have to do is get rid of that pressure and make him feel manly again.

So, if you want to rekindle your dying relationship, what you can do is rekindle the romance overall. One easy and quick way to do this would be through text messaging. That's right. Text messages can be the positive triggers that will inspire your partner to rekindle your dying relationship naturally.

If you are in a hurry to get things back to the way they used to be, you have to start coming up with positive triggers through text. This means that you cannot text him boring details anymore. In other words, don't text him when you need him to pick up bread or milk on the way home. Instead, use texts for nothing but positive things that will make him feel manly.

One text message that you can send would be this one: "I've been thinking about you all day today." Ideally, you should send this message randomly during the day. Then, wait and see how he takes it. By getting him to think happy thoughts through your messages, you can subtly and gently lead him onto the right direction for your relationship.

Believe it or not, text messages are fast ways to rekindle your dying relationship. If you used to nag your partner through text or remind him the things that he has failed to do through it, then it is no wonder why he has stopped responding to you in a positive manner. Change your actions for the better and text him sweet things to get your relationship and the romance in it back on track.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Want Her Back But She's Giving Me Mixed Signals

Getting and trying to interpret mixed signals from a woman is probably one of the hardest things that a man can do. Even guys that have been living with a woman for years will still sometimes have a lot of difficulty when that woman seems to be giving them mixed signals. If you feel like your ex girlfriend is the one that happens to be giving you those mixed signals... it can be extremely frustrating if you are trying to interpret what she means and if you really do have a chance of getting her back. Let's try to make that a little bit easier to deal with.


The first thing that you need to think about if you feel like your ex girlfriend is giving you mixed signals is to try and figure out whether or not you are just seeing what you want to see or if you are seeing what is really going on. What I mean by that is, do you think she is giving you mixed signals because you want to believe that she wants you back or is it because they are REALLY there?

The mind is funny and it can easily see what it wants to see. So, if you really want your ex girlfriend back, it can be easy to take things that don't really mean a thing and give it meaning. Sometimes guys will talk about mixed signals from their ex girlfriend when the reality is that the signal is really clear... she doesn't want a thing to do with them and they just don't want to see that reality.


If you really are getting mixed signals from your ex girlfriend, you want to try and be patient and don't react too quickly. This might just be a situation where she isn't really sure on what she wants and if you react too quickly and your reaction happens to be the wrong one - you could end up pushing her away when you could have had her back if you were a little more patient and waited things out a bit.

The other thing that you want to do is to try and work on making your ex girlfriend feel more attraction towards you. That way, if she needs a little pushing, the attraction will make her lean towards the idea of getting back together with you and not in moving on without you.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Building a Better Relationship With Your Girlfriend - 3 Tips for Men Who Want To Make It Work

When you feel like you have really found a woman you love and you feel like she is someone that you can really envision yourself being with for the long term, you want to make things work out. You don't want to end up making any mistakes that are going to drive her away. You don't want to end up losing her. So, it is a good thing to try and work on building a better relationship with your girlfriend. That way, you are doing all that you can to make sure that you don't end up losing her.

Here are 3 tips that are going to help you build a better relationship with your girlfriend so that things DO work out for you and her:

1. Don't allow things to get in the way of you and her spending time with one another.

If you live a busy life, it can be quite easy to find that you don't spend a whole lot of quality time with your girlfriend, even if you want to. However, just because it is easy to find yourself letting other things get in the way of spending that time you should spend with one another, it doesn't mean that it has to be that way. Make the time to do things as a couple that are going to help you and her feel like you really are connected, because that is your best defense against losing her.

2. Compliment her every now and again.

When the compliments come to a stop, that is usually when you'll find that a lot of little things turn into big arguments and you don't want that to happen. While you don't want to give your girlfriend so many compliments it turns into something that is annoying to her, you also don't want to give her none at all. Take the time to give her a compliment every now and again and mean it when you do.

3. Work on your communication skills if they seem to be weak.

It's okay to admit that you need to work on your communication skills when it comes to interacting with your girlfriend. A lot of men need to do that, yet not very many actually do take the time to work on developing those skills. You want to be one of the few who do, because the better you can communicate with one another, the less likely you are going to end up in one of those situations where the lack of communication is what ends the relationship.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

4 Things Women Should Always Put in Their Dating Profiles

Let's be honest - women don't need to do a whole lot on dating sites to generate plenty of attention from male suitors.

If you're a woman and you want to receive a regular stream of messages from men looking to get to know you better, all you need to do is put up a remotely flattering profile picture and fill out your profile in the most slap-dash and sparse manner possible.

As a woman, you don't really need to try if you want to meet men online.

Unfortunately, the types of men you'll meet online with a substandard profile probably aren't the sort of men you have any real interest in.

The goal isn't to simply meet men online. The goal is to meet great men online, and that takes a little work - like making sure you include the following items in your online profile.

1. Variety in your pictures.

When I say "variety," I don't mean 12 slightly different pictures you took one after another while sitting in front of your Mac in your bedroom.

You need to include different photos that showcase a different aspect of your personality and which demonstrate another positive value you bring to the men you date.

Before you add a photo to your profile, ask yourself what it says about you and whether another picture you've already posted conveys the same facet of your life.

A high-quality man wants to know you have a rich and full life, and pictures offer a great "show, don't tell" moment to prove just that.

2. Pictures showcasing what you really look like.

All photos in your profile need to be as recent as possible.

Also, make sure you include at least one photo that showcases what your face looks like up close and personal and at least one photo that clearly shows your WHOLE body.

You don't need to include a photo of you in a bikini or anything like that, but you do need to include a photo where you're dressed in clothes cut close enough to show what sort of body you really have, just as one face shot needs to demonstrate what you pretty much look like in person when you aren't making "duck face" or some other seductive look.

High-quality men are aware of the tricks many women play online to seem more attractive than they might be, and those men aren't going to give the time of day to a woman who engages in these dishonest practices.

3. Describe your passions.

If you're looking to find a high-quality man, then you need to care deeply about at least a couple of aspects of your life.

Talk about these passions in your profile. No high-quality man wants to date a woman who doesn't care about anything, no matter how "hot" she might be, and your profile offers a great opportunity to show you have a beating heart beneath your pretty face.

And remember, when demonstrating your passions in your profile, you need to write about what you care about in a passionate manner.

It isn't enough to simply say, "I like to help dogs at a local rescue shelter." You need to talk about why you love to volunteer your time in this manner, what brought you there and how it makes you feel.

A high-quality man wants a woman who cares deeply and isn't afraid of bearing at least a couple corners of her heart online.

4. Explain what you're looking for.

The number one way to find the man you're looking for is to describe what you're looking for in your profile.

The number one way to find men online is to explain what sort of relationship you're looking for.

Yes, you will alienate some men by being so specific, but the men you turn away with your honesty probably aren't the men you're actually looking for in the first place.

Those men who read through your explanation and want to meet with you are probably going to offer the traits and qualities you find attractive because they're also likely looking for the same sort of arrangement you desire.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back Without Frustrating Yourself Too Much

You have to know that no matter what, you are going to feel some frustration when it comes to getting back an ex girlfriend. You can't expect it to be easy as pie, because if it were, you probably would not be reading this article. So, the reality is that you are going to feel some frustration from time to time when dealing with getting back your ex girlfriend. However, you CAN minimize the amount of frustration that you do feel and that can only help you out if you really want to win her back.

Here are some tips that can help you out in getting back an ex girlfriend if you want to do it without too much frustration getting in your way:

1. Don't look at this as an "all or nothing" kind of situation.

The problem with seeing this as an all or nothing kind of situation is that if you see an possibility that you might not win her back, you are going to end up feeling devastated. The reality is that there are going to be some times when you feel like you probably are not going to be successful at winning her back and that's okay. It doesn't happen all at once, and that means that you are going to have those moments when you feel like it might not happen.

2. Give yourself some time to have fun.

You don't want to get so caught up in wanting your ex girlfriend back that you don't give yourself any time at all to have some fun. That's just going to make you feel unhappy and the more unhappy you feel, the more frustrated you are going to feel as well. Even if it is just taking some time to go out with friends for a drink or to a movie, make sure that you give yourself some free time to have some fun and kick back.

3. Don't try to convince your ex girlfriend that getting back together is the thing to do.

It's not because you don't want her to feel that getting back together is the right thing to do, it is because trying to convince someone to do something is hard to do and you are only going to get some push back if you do that. The best way to convince an ex girlfriend to get back together is to make her see how much fun she can have with you and to make her feel so attracted to you that it becomes what she wants more than anything else.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Get Laid Fast - Top 7 Tips For Immediate Success

Have you ever wondered what women really want? For some men this is always the million dollar question as they appear not to have much luck with women. Well it does not have to be that way. Picture that friend of yours who is always in the company of beautiful women and seems to be laid with no effort at all. They just seem to be so comfortable around women and attracting them is no big deal. Well attracting beautiful women should no longer be that hard since there are ways that men can use to capture their attention. "Get me laid", is a wish that every man has at one time or the other. Well the following are tips that are meant to ensure that you get laid tonight.

1. Be Yourself

Every woman loves a man who is independent and does not go out of his way to be someone he is not. Always be your self and you are sure to attract a woman any day. A man who is himself knows exactly what he wants and will not go out of his way doing things that does not agree with his character. Being yourself will definitely get you laid tonight.

2. Confidence

Women all over the world are attracted to confident men. No matter what you do always try to act like you have it all together. Confidence is an aura that every man should exude. As any woman and she will tell you that confidence is a major factor that attracts women to men. Perhaps if I ooze of confidence it will most likely get me laid tonight.

3. Respect others

A woman is often attracted to a man who treats individuals around him well. Do not be harsh to people or try to make them look bad as it is a major turn off to women. Just try to use polite words while around people and you are sure to attract a mate. I have always found out that my respecting others will help get me laid tonight.

4. Never be desperate

Any sign of desperation in a man is always a bad sign. Never do something you do not want to do just to impress a woman. This shows a sign of weakness. For sure with time I have realized that being desperate does not work when it comes to getting laid. It surely will not get me laid tonight. Be confident and let your no be no and yes be yes and you are assured to impress a woman any day. Being desperate is a mistake that some men make thinking that if they appear too interested in a woman they will win her to themselves. Well the world does not work that way, desperation simply makes women run away from you.

5. Appear to be an Alpha male

Believe it or not women are always attracted to the leader of the pack. That man who seems to have the final say in decisions when around his peers. Always try to play this role while around your peers and you are assured to attract women. Do not over do it though. This is one of the best ways to get laid. You can be sure that it works like magic to get me laid tonight.

6. Be unique

Women love a man who does not follow the crowd. Just be unique in everything you do and definitely women will come to you because of this. Uniqueness in a man is like a soar thumb that cannot help but stick out.

7. Be mysterious

Nothing attracts a woman to a man than the element of mystery. A woman cannot ignore a mysterious man and she will find herself coming back to him. Mystery gives a sense of a man who knows what he wants but gives a woman an opportunity to unravel it. Mystery has always been a special element that I am sure will help to get me laid tonight without any doubt. Women simply cannot resist a mysterious man.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why He Didn't Call Back After the First Date

If you're like most women, you've probably been in the following situation: you had a wonderful date or two with a guy. You connected, you talked all night, you really felt like something could blossom between you two. It seemed like everything was going great! And then... he never called. What do you do? Why didn't he want to see you again? There are handful of reasons he may have run off, and you should know what they are so that you don't make the same mistakes again!

Don't Smother Him So Early
Men are not horribly complex creatures when it comes to this subject. If a girl seems too aggressive, needy or overbearing, he will lose interest very quickly. If you call him several times after the first date, or send him a mini-novel via text message, he's probably not going to respond. Perhaps you just want to say goodnight, or tell him what a great time you had. Resist the temptation! If he's interested, he will call you. It may take him a few days, but you can't force a guy to like you. You can, however, push him away by seeming clingy after only one or two dates!

Don't Make Your World Revolve Around Him
Most guys are focused on themselves. You should do the same! He has a career and friends, he has hobbies, he likes to watch sports with the guys or read a good book by himself some nights. You need to be as independent as he is. Don't make him feel like you can't live without him right away - that can be a LOT of pressure on a man! When you first start dating, make sure that you have your own social life. Spend time with friends and exercise your hobbies. Make sure he knows that you are your own person and that your entire world does not revolve around someone you've only been dating for a week or two! This can be threatening to a guy and make you come off desperate, which is extremely unattractive. Let him come after you, don't just hand him your schedule and let him take over!

Don't Move Too Fast for Him
You're probably looking for something more than just a quick fling - and he might be too! The problem here is that a lot of women will start waving their commitment flags right off the bat. This can easily scare a guy away. Keep in mind that the first few dates are a getting-to-know-you period and that he's not sitting there eating is chicken parmigiana waiting for you to ask whether or not he wants to have children. Chat about your job, about your favorite band or ask him where he got his tie. Don't jump right into heavy topics like family, politics or marriage. These things will come in time, and bringing them up prematurely may just scare him off.

The point here is to stay casual on your first few dates. Men can get spooked by an aggressive woman very easily. You may know what you want, but he probably doesn't, and you can't fault him for that. Take time to get to know each other and then discern whether or not this is a relationship worth taking further. It will progress naturally if you give it room to.

The First 7 Steps to Heal a Broken Heart

What is a broken heart?

For me, a broken heart is that feeling you get when the thing you were so deeply hoping for doesn't happen. It's an enormous shock that can cause us a lot of pain. It is not just confined to a break-up with a lover; it can come from all sorts of relationships we have throughout our life.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Pain

When your heart is broken, acknowledge the feeling. This step is vital, because the depth of sadness and/or shock is huge and will never go away if it is not acknowledged. Many people avoid this with extreme behaviour - drink, drugs, new relationships, and it's got to be said that for some it seems that this works.

However, my own experience tells me to avoid extreme behaviour and aim to find much healthier ways to express what is going on. There are two solutions that I have used throughout out my life.

The first is to write. Every day for five minutes or any time that wave of pain and sometimes nausea overcomes you. Just jot down anything that comes out. Don't think about it and don't expect it to make sense. Then throw it away. It's important to throw it away so that you don't judge what you are doing. This has nothing to do with analyzing the situation. This is pure expression for that purpose only.

The second thing is that you need to move your body. This can be down at the gym, swimming, dancing in your living room. You need to keep your body moving.

The point of this step is not to deny what is going on but to find simple but healthy ways to let it out.

Step 2: Get Support from the Right People

When dealing with a broken heart you need to be aware of whom you are going to mix with. My experience dictates the following:


You need friends you can tell your story to. Preferably they shouldn't all know each other. That way you avoid the feeling that everyone's talking about you, and you also limit how boring your story might become if you repeat yourself too much to either one person or a group.

It is, however, very important to tell your story as many times as you want or need to. But try not to do it to the same people/group of people.

Avoiding Bad Influences

It is also important, at least in the beginning, to avoid any influences (drugs, alcohol, even some of your friends!) that are going to let you act impulsively, especially if that impulsiveness translates into you approaching the person/people who has/have broken your heart.

It's not a good idea because feelings of shame and guilt and that sick feeling in your stomach surely follow.

So although you may feel the freedom to party and go wild, I am suggesting, at least for the first three months, not to do this. That time will come but it's not yet.


Get professional help. This time in our lives is a very raw period. And there is something so truthful and vulnerable about being such a bad way that makes it also a moment to seek help in the form of professional help.

It's important to note here that I'm not an advocate of therapy as something that someone does continually, but in these moments it is important to get help from someone who is outside of your life and who has no emotional attachment. This can be incredibly helpful.

These moments are the moments when everything is changing and professional support has a strong chance of giving you the information you need to move forward in the right way.

My own experience was to find a professional when I was at the lowest point of my experience because I truly thought I was going mad. If you feel this, then some form of professional help should be sought with the following three aims:

a) the first is to prevent you from actually going mad,
b) the second is to find ways to discuss what's going on and how to function (as we all must certainly do, despite what is going on)
c) the third is to delve deeper into ourselves and to start to sort out why we are where we are, and what we can do to look at and solve the deeper issues.

Therapy is not for everyone. It requires personal investment of resources both in terms of time and money. If you go down this route:

a) seek introductions to known therapists;
b) meet them and see how you work together - usually therapists will offer the first session free to establish this.

Alone time

It's important to have time alone and just be. Sadness and depression and pain are real and need to be felt. Things you can do on your own are reading, perhaps watching a TV series back to back, maybe even music etc.

For me, I could not stand to listen to any form of music. It made me feel sick. I stuck to watching the TV series - one I remember was 'The Wire', which I devoured most evening and weekends.

Being alone, at this stage, is vital. This is the space where without knowing it (and definitely not feeling it) you start to heal.

Step 3: Ritual

Ritual: We underestimate the importance of ritual. Of drawing lines in the sand, both happy lines and sad lines.

A broken heart offers many chances to bring ritual back.

But first why is ritual so important? It may be that the word ritual itself sounds a bit 'out there', but what I mean by ritual is stopping, acknowledging what is going on by making some kind of action and intention, leading to completion and the chance to move on.

We do this all the time with births, weddings, funerals etc. But these are very few instances in a life filled with almost constant change. Without taking a moment to stop, take stock, acknowledge, put a line in the sand, and move on, life appears to be a confused jumble of chaos.

In the West we have decided we have no time and, for the most part, we have lost the ability to even see these moments. They can be big moments but they can also be small moments. It's important not to sweat the small stuff, but it is equally important to recognize that the small stuff makes up the bigger stuff so acknowledge as much as you can.

However, we are discussing broken hearts and they fall into the category of the big moments. A very simple ritual is to do the following:
1. Make some time where you are on your own - about 20 minutes.
2. Light a candle.
3. Name the situation - what is going on for you - say it out loud. "I feel... "
4. Say what you want to come out of this time - feel safer, feel better, feel stronger. I'd like to feel... "
5. At the end of 20 minutes blow the candle out and say "I am exactly where I need to be and I am strong enough to deal with what is going on"

You can repeat this as often as you like. It is surprising what happens when you give a little space to acknowledge what is going on.

Step 4: It's all About Health

This step is all about health. There are four types of health that create a whole person - mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And what I mean about spiritual health for this purpose is the human spirit - not necessarily a religious connotation.

Being truly healthy requires the upkeep of all of these areas. Imagine each of these four areas is a circle (i.e. four circles) and where they all touch the center is the level of your current health. So each circle, each of the four areas, needs to have attention so that the cumulative level of health is good.

However, a broken heart depletes energy very quickly. And each of the areas/circles will be low, possibly almost empty, at this point in life. My own experience is that the two areas that one can work on 'easiest' are physical health and spiritual health. This is because they are the most tangible.

Physical health: we all know that eating well and exercise keep us physically healthy. Never is this more true than when there is a broken heart involved. And yet it is also the time when it is difficult to care about physical health. If you can keep up a routine of physical exercise three times a week at least then go for it. Anything that pumps the heart and is repetitive ends up helping with a meditative state. It's hard to think too much when you've got to stay on the treadmill or keep in the right swimming lane. If you really have no energy then you really must go for at least three walks, preferably out in nature, every week. In addition eating is important and I found that in the first few months I relied on friends to feed me good food or I invited friends round so that I didn't just cook for one.

One thing you should also do, if you are not doing it already, is drink a lot of water.

Spiritual health: this is thinking about how you lift your own spirit. What keeps you interested in what's going on? Is it a good book, films, going to open mic nights, meditating, dancing, roller skating, painting, writing poetry, writing ditties, dyeing clothes? This is the creative part of you that can never die and holds the key to being able to lift you up. Many of us give up this side of life at school when we are told we will never be a painter or a writer etc. And we simply give it up.

So if you don't know what will do this for you, think about what you used to do when you were a kid. Think about the times you felt lighter. What were you doing? This doesn't have to big things, it can be very small things that you don't have to tell anyone you are doing - like writing poetry.

Step 4 is beginning to take responsibility and see what choices you have. These two 'circles' of health will help the other two (mental and emotional health) to gather energy.

Step 5: Building Self-confidence

It's time to really start to look at building self-confidence which, let's be honest, has been knocked, even if we are 'appearing' fine.

It's so hard to understand why things don't work out. No, actually usually it's impossible to understand which is why we feel mad for quite some time after a relationship stops. So the best thing is to really be gentle with yourself and understand that you may never understand why something didn't work out and the more you think about it the harder you are going to be on yourself. Easily said. Which is why it's important to focus on how you start to feel better about yourself. We've already talked about exercise and keeping your body moving. We now need to focus on changing how you look. It's a very strange thing to start to look after your body and give it the best chance it has to look great. But it really works. And that doesn't matter if you are tall, short, voluptuous, skinny, etc, etc. This is not about wanting to be something else, this is about using what you've got and using it to your best ability - basically making the most of what you have.

Here's how:

1. Skin. The biggest organ you have, and it needs looking after. If you don't have a skin regime you need to have one, but I appreciate that it can't start with all the things that a beauty consultant might want you to start with (it's over-powering if you have never had a skin regime). So for those who can't do it all, a gentle exfoliator used in the bath for your face, serum and a moisturizer when you get out. For your body a shower gel with exfoliation and a cream to rub on. It'll take an extra 3-4 minutes and it will make a difference. I bathe a lot as I love water and it calms me down. I put a few drops of olive oil in my bath to cover my body's moisturisation.

2. Clothes. Clothes, their shape, their colour, make such a difference. If you can get a stylist for a day (and most of us can't) some department stores have in-house shoppers who are free. Watching programmes on shapes etc will also help. The reason you need to this is you need to see yourself through someone else's eyes and you need to understand what works with your shape. Then you get a good friend around (make sure it's someone who you trust to be tactful but honest), pull out your wardrobe and try things on. Get rid of things that don't work, and put 'outfits' together. Putting outfits together is so helpful on the mornings that you feel ugly and horrible. You pull one of these outfits on, don't look in the mirror, and leave. You'll be surprised how this really starts to build up your confidence. Stop wearing all the black and grey stuff and get yourself upgraded. It is important to note that it costs nothing to go through your wardrobe, and it is recommended before going shopping.

3. Hair. The crowning glory. Well kept hair is fundamental to looking good. Good haircuts kept up, colour put in if you are going grey, a change of colour - all give an extraordinary feeling of freedom. Who are you anyway? Who do you want to be? Hair is a way to try out new looks and push those boundaries that we often get trapped in while in relationships.

4. Nails. Whether you bite your nails or grow them easily having nails done or at least tidy is really important, so if you can afford it, do it, if not learn to shape and paint your nails (practice). Often these new voucher schemes offer the chance to have nails done cheaply. Don't forget your feet, at least in the summer. What a difference a pedicure makes.

Remember. This is not about other people. This is about you starting to acknowledge that you are a person with energy to share. Making yourself look better only makes you feel better and you can do this without actually 'feeling' better. What I mean by this is that it's an action process that doesn't require you to 'feel' good about doing it, it just requires you to follow the steps above and this process will pull you forward. Good luck and keep at it.

Step 6: The Power of You

There is a very fundamental understanding that needs to be reached on what power you have within your life. Much is written about the choices we have and the choices we make. Much is written about blame and responsibility.

The truth is that it's easy to blame others and external situations for one's downfall. But what happens if we blame others all the time is that what we are saying is that because we had nothing to do with what went on, we will never be able to change anything. So though blame is an easy option to begin with, what you are actually doing in the long term is abdicating any chance of changing you situation. After all if it's nothing to do you with you, you don't have to do anything, right?

Wrong. Or at least wrong if you want to have a life that you have control over.

And this is where it gets a bit complicated. What you actually need to do is take responsibility for your own life. The complicated bit is that this does NOT mean blaming yourself for what has gone on. This is equally unhelpful. What you do by taking is responsibility is to pose the first question which is 'what can I do to change things for the better?'

So here comes the responsibility that you have to yourself. You have the absolute power to decide how you react to what happens to you. To be clear. This does not mean that you can change what will happen to you. It means that you can change how you react to what happens to you. It may seem almost insignificant, but actually the power in this subtle but dramatic change is extraordinary.

For now, in step 6, watch how you react to what happens to you and think, and try to react differently.

Step 7: The Spiral of Life.

I've noticed that some things happen to some people that never happen to me. Or even, the same things happen to me that I've never heard of happening to anyone else. Patterns seem to exist everywhere. And if patterns exist, then they can be changed.

In Step 6, I talked about the main choice we all have to change the way we react to what happens to us. In many ways what we do by changing our reaction is to change a pattern.

However, it does seem that the fundamental aspects of our own individual patterns don't disappear. This means that it seems likely that throughout you will have the same patterns; what happens if you choose to change how you react to them is that the pattern loses its intensity. It's as if each time you choose a different and better way to react you give yourself the chance to see the bigger picture.

This news article is brought to you by SPACE AND ASTRONOMY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Divine 'I', The Soul Integrates With Money, Property, Social Status And Ego To Become A Social I

I am:

'I', the soul,

my name,

my relations,

my chair,

my money,

my goods,

and my property.

As long as 'I' am alive,

my ego feeds on,

money, property, status in society, intelligence,

and pride in own race, culture, religion, region and nation;

but at a huge cost to humanity:

violence over disagreements,

broken homes, broken nations and wars.

I continue to survive,

even after 'I' has died.

When 'I' retire,

I am less my chair.

When 'I' die,

I do not die,

I less 'I', am shared,

among my wife and children.

I am alive in their memory,

in the property, the goods, the money;


the goods are there,

and property is there.

Later when,

the goods are no more good,

& the property is sold

to facilitate equitable distribution of assets.

I less 'I', am still not dead,

I exists,

in the heart of my not-so-young, still alive sweet-heart,

in sweet memories of sweeter moments,

in my wedding album.


this unwanted extra luggage too,

is dumped unceremoniously,

then, I less 'I',

am dead physically.


I continue to live in the memory of my children.

I am alive in my name,

uttered by my children,

once in a while,

'how simpleton he was'.

Beyond my grand-children,

my name evaporates.

Now I am dead in totality,

unless I become a part of history,

due to my goodness or otherwise,

to prolong my existence in the memory of humanity.


I am an 'emptiness' in the universe,

who never existed in the world,

originated from emptiness, back to emptiness.

In the transit period,

during my stay in this world,

I, my religion, my culture, my language, my country,

were the best;

I fought for these.

Now in my death,

'I' still burdened with,

my irrelevant long dead ego,

in the emptiness around me,

'I' search for my past earthly identity in vain;

the pride in my family, my culture, my religion, my nation,

'I' find none,

for none is created by God.

The duality of man-made concepts,

in God made humanity vanishes,

into nothingness, emptiness,

and 'I' am in His world,

since 'I' was dead,

waiting for next round,

call it 'rebirth'

or 'the day of judgement'.

How does these man-made concepts matter,

after death?

Man- made boundaries of race, gender, region, nations,

are effective as long as we are alive.

A dead militant,

a dead person:

white or black, Aryan or non-aryan,

Israeli or Palestinian, Protestant or Catholic,

Osama Bin Laden or Mother Theresa,

are irrelevant to humanity,

except for the memory,

they leave, to humanity.

Animals do not believe in concept of,

nations, race, religion, gender superiority and family relations.

Is humanity a loser in the bargain?

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Basics On How To Flirt With A Girl

Can't get a girlfriend? Maybe you should step up your flirting game. Why is flirting important? It's a tease. It's the sexual tension that stirs the relationship. It's playful and fun. It keeps you on your toes because you have to be funny and witty and create that spark. It also creates a want and need in her mind. She's flirting with you because it gets excited and it makes her want to be with you.

The truth is that most men have no idea how to flirt, and when they start flirting, they do it in a way that makes them lose their mystery. To get a girl, it helps to be a great flirter. It does take a lot of practice. With flirting you can't be be too subtle because your point might not hit its target or she will misread your intentions. If your flirting is not hitting the target it might be because you haven't done it enough or you haven't had enough practice. If you don't know how to flirt naturally, then you should definitely learn, because flirting should be fun not embarrassing.

Flirting does take time and you'll stumble a couple times, but with practice and learning from your mistakes you can develop a great flirt game. Once you get a hang on how flirting goes, it'll open up all kinds of doors for you. Now let's take a look at some steps to remember while you are getting your flirt game together.

The Laid Back Flirt

When you are being laid back, you're playing it cool and not looking desperate. You're giving off answers and responses that make you come off as being a level headed guy that can be funny as well. This makes women think they could feel safe around you. Point scored, you might end up leaving with her if she completely trusts you. Avoid being too obvious with how you flirt too. Don't say what is the most obvious thing to say when flirting. What does that exactly mean? For example:


Girl: I love pasta. It's my favorite / Guy: We should go out and eat some pasta sometime.

Could this work? Sure, but it's also an obvious answer, plus there is no playful banter or excitement with this.


Girl: I love pasta. It's my favorite / Guy: It depends. Is it Chef Boyardee? I can make a mean plate of some Chef Boyardee sometime.

This gives a little humor in the flirting. The guy can also open into "I can microwave you up a bowl sometime if you like". Asking her out on a date, but being funny about it.

Girl: I love pasta. It's my favorite: / Guy: How do you feel about making some pasta for people you just meet?

Again, some more banter and playfulness with this flirt.

Women love a good challenge, which is why it helps you to be laid back. Don't open up and talk her ear off. Keep them guessing on who you are. Be a puzzle that just has to be solved. If there is no challenge, there is no fun. If you are relaxed and come off as confident, all of the sudden you become sexier, more attractive and more intriguing.

Being Elusive

Be a mystery. Don't reveal yourself too much. Let them work at getting to know who you are. The one problem guys have while flirting is that they let the cat out of the bag. They reveal too much while they should be holding back for the girl to make all the moves. Let's say you are flirting with someone that seems to be into you. No need to rush into spilling over your whole life story. You already have their attention. Learn to be patient and let the conversation and playfulness come out.

It's going to take practice and won't happen over night. Sometimes you talk your head off because you are so bottled up inside. You have all these things to say, but no one to hear them then once you find someone into you, you talk and talk and talk. Hold back on those initial feelings and just have fun with it. Have fun with the idea that someone is playfully talking to you and enjoying it at the same time.

Put A Time Limit On

Timing is everything. If you don't notice the time limit on something it can hurt your chances. Depending on how the flirting is going don't flirt for too long. It will make you look needy. Going back to the point of being elusive, that's what you need to be. Have the appearance of having to be somewhere else or having to talk to someone else. If you flirt with her for too long then it might come across as you needing to talk to someone and she is just that person. You might end up scaring her off with all the neediness you displaying.

You have to be able to read the body language and the overall situation. If the flirting is going really well then you can either try and leave on a high note and get her name/number before leaving. Or continue to talk. If I find someone engaging then I'll keep up the conversation and talk until I feel it coming to an end. I try and get a name/number (if I want it) and then I leave the conversation.

Here's an interesting situation, let's say you meet at a party or a friends get together. You start flirting with someone and make a connection. You can always leave and then come back again because you know she's going to be around. It gives you the opportunity to walk around as well and find someone else to talk to. If you don't end up finding someone, then you know you can go back to her.

Also, this will feed into the jealousy factor of it because you'll be going around trying to talk to other women. Just glance over and see if she's watching. If she looks over and catches a glimpse at you talking to another girl then you know she's interested.

Now that we've covered some important steps you will have to put your whole act together. Be ready. Make it a fun game for yourself. Always be out there trying new things. Talking to people. Being on your feet in a conversation. All this comes with time and practice and especially some confidence.

Using a Free Online Dating Website to Meet a Date

The places that you can get to when finding dates can come in many forms. Some of the best ones that you can go to are free to handle. These places make for some exciting options to see when looking to date online singles.

Finding online dates can be great to do online because it makes it easier for you to find people in your local area. This is also to make it easier for you to find them without having to deal with all the pressures that are associated with going out in public just to find someone. Going online for dates is easy to handle and can involve a controlled environment that might be easier for you to work with.

The thing about going to a free online dating website is that you will be able to simply have an easier time with showing yourself to more people. This can be done by communicating with others by posting your profile online and by posting a recent photo of yourself as well.

This can be done to easily make it so you can promote yourself to other people. In fact, you can create a full profile that includes everything anyone might be interested in learning about with regards to who you are. This could be used on free dating websites to let people know more about you.

You can use one of these free dating services to find people and to get in touch with them. You can use your free profile to communicate with a number of online singles through a number of different avenues. These include spots like by email, through an instant message or even through a private chat feature found on the website. These are options that single free women and men can take advantage of when finding others.

What's even more interesting is that a single free men or women website can cater to specific groups depending on what you go to. There are sites dedicated to people with different interests or people with different ethnicities. The options you have to choose from are varied so it's a good idea to search around to see what you can get yourself into while visiting one of these sites.

It should be noted that some of the online dating sites that are available for free will charge you money for some things. These include things like video chats, special message templates and even the ability to store multiple pictures of yourself or to make your profile a featured profile on the site. Fortunately, these are all optional charges. You do not have to go along with these charges if you do not feel like you want to use them while on one of these websites.

It's a good idea to find free dating sites that allow you to meet others in your area for nothing. These sites can provide you with all of the necessary things that you need so you can get in touch with singles that you might be very interested in meeting.

This news article is brought to you by PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Get Your Ex Back - Advice to All Heart Broken People

After a break up, the most common thing you would to is to approach your friends. Your friends will tell you not to worry and promise that they would get your ex back. Advice on this issue will be given in plenty among which only some may work and some may worsen the condition.

It is vital for you remember some things to be done and some things to avoid when trying to get your ex back. Advice to all broken heart is - be patient and work towards it. Here are some tips in this regard.

Before you start to take any action, be sure that you ex did not have any shoulder to fall back, or she was not sure of your relationship or she was not happy with you. In all these cases - there is not going to be much success.

The first thing to avoid is to plead or beg for another chance. This might work sometimes, but the love that comes out of sympathy or guilt will never last long and will end in failure again. Do not go behind your partner trying to show that you still have love and affection for them. There is nothing worse than stalking them. This could irritate them and end up in an unpleasant situation. Make sure that you stay away from them. Letting them spend their time in loneliness would make them remember the moments of your love. This is due to the fact that, it would take some time to ignore the things they have accustomed to.

The next piece of advice will be, when they make contact after some period of missing you, make sure you maintain a confident and friendly attitude. Do not express that you have been torn to pieces because of missing them. Have a friendly chat and never flirt nor pull up emotional talks unless they start off the topic. Make a conversation that would create interest in you and make them to long for you. If you have managed to kick off a fun filled conversation, you have succeeded in getting closer to your task.

After that, you would have opportunity to spend time with them. This is the stage where you have to be patient and wait for them to open up their emotional component. Hear them out completely and try to solve the issue to get your ex back. Advise them about the various misunderstandings and lead a happy life.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to Find Happiness Again After a Failed Relationship

There is no reason to stay disillusioned and discouraged after a failed relationship, regardless of whether it was a long-term or short-term relationship. If you feel discouraged and disillusioned, don't! The world is a big place and there is someone for you on this planet who will come into your life and you both will have the type loving relationship you really want.

There are actions you can take to kick start this process and find happiness again and soon enough.

Action #1: Set a Mourning Period

Ancient cultures practised this in order to pour out their grief and show respect. It is perfectly normal to mourn the relationship so you should set a time frame for this. The mourning period should not be for an extensive period of time, just short enough for you to pour your grief and emotions into it and snap out of it. Make it reasonably short in a way that works for you.

Action #2: Remove Anchors to the Past

Anchors are devices that keep you stuck in place and prevent progress. There are of two forms - emotional anchors and physical anchors. Emotional anchors are the feelings - love, hate, bitterness, anger, etc. Physical anchors are the elements that carry energy which could keep you stuck - photographs, mementos, gifts, etc relating to the past relationship(s). These emotional and physical anchors carry an energy that may be blocking you from finding love or having stable relationships. Nature abhors a vacuum so you need to create a vacuum by removing these anchors.

Action #3: Take a Moment to Understand Yourself

I mean really get to know yourself. What are your motivations, what are your strengths, weaknesses, your personality, what shaped it, which kind of people suit you best, what kind of lifestyle is in alignment with your true self? This is the sort of understanding you should get about yourself. This understanding will help you immensely.

Action #4: Reinvent Yourself for You

Do those things you have been wanting to do but never found the time. Also do things that make you happy. Adopt an exercise routine that creates balance. Change your diet to one that aligns with your system. Learn a foreign language. Travel. Just do something new.

Action #5: Create an Energy Shift

You know that everything has an energy. Sometimes the things in our physical environment block us from getting what we really want. For instance looking at opposing images or pictures of the things you want in your life. You want happiness, then look at happiness and focus on it. You want a happy life with a great loving relationship, then stop listening to sappy love songs about break ups and heartbreak. Switch to things that have the energy you want in your life.

Action #6: Become a Magnet for Love

There are a number of processes to follow to become a magnet for love. For starters come to terms with who you are and truly love yourself. Lavish yourself with love. Something else you can do is to decide on the kind of love life you want and with what kind of person and be clear about it, and use the law of attraction to attract and manifest the person in your life.

These actions taken together will help you get over the failed relationship quickly and move into a zone of receiving the love you truly desire.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Investigative Dating: Are They Really Qualified to Date You?

When a potential dating partner comes along you're giving your valuable time, your trust, and occasional gifts. If you're considering becoming more serious you should make sure that they are qualified to be a boyfriend or girlfriend. A potential dating partner should face the same scrutiny that any job candidate would. If you think that this is taking it a little far consider it nasty break up prevention. He could be So nice Steve today and Steve the Stalker six months from now. Terrific Traci can easily transform into Tire slashing Traci. But the restraining order can be avoided. When you hook up with someone you never can tell what is going to happen. Or can you?

No, even with 20/20 vision you can't see into the future. But what you can do is ask the right questions. Do what people do every day. When someone wants to hire for a job they almost always require a resume or application. In other words, when an employer is searching for someone who will be committed to a mutual relationship where both person's individual goals are met, they do some level of investigation. What they are looking for and what you are looking for in a dating partner are not so different.

Here are the things that should be required of every person you are considering dating on a long term basis.

Correct name, address, and phone number: Sort of goes without saying but believe it or not some people who get to know a person who primarily uses their nickname take too long to learn their legal name.

Objective statement: What does your potential dating partner want from the relationship? How do they envision going about partnering with you to get what you mutually agree you want from the relationship.

Work History: What is his or her history? How did the past relationships end? Did they all end up on a bad note? Recurring issues in their dating history could potentially be a predictor of the outcome of yours.

I once heard a well known person in the media proclaim that they are a "bum magnet". Remember if they seem to always attract bums, what is about them that always attracts bums? Avoid focusing on the bums and their flaws focus on the person you are considering dating.


What do they think that their former spouses or dating partners would say about them?

Finally remember to always get STD status and sometimes even credit status

When you are dating remember to have fun, but ask questions. You can save yourself a lot of stress, heart break, and disappointment somewhere too soon down the line. You can be like a skilled journalist doing all of the necessary research to get to the heart of their story.

How Do Polish Women Treat Their Men When Dating?

It's interesting to see how Polish women act when they are dating other people. Women of Polish descent often look for men of all sorts including ones that aren't necessarily Polish. Here's a look at a few of the ways how single Polish women tend to treat their men when dating.

First, many Polish women are respectful and careful around men. The intentions that a woman has are to be kind and comfortable to others. Anything that might be upsetting to a woman will be expressed by simply being gentle to a man without pressuring him too hard. It's all done with the intention of keeping a man from feeling upset even if he is not the one that a woman might want.

In fact, a woman like this will be loyal to a man if the relationship is going well. It has been noticed over the years that Polish singles tend to be less likely to cheat on their partners than others in the West. This could be seen as an extension of how a woman will not want to make a man feel upset or guilty about how the relationship is going.

Also, a Polish woman will be someone who wants to avoid the drama of a relationship. This includes working hard to avoid trying to start arguments or drawing things out to be harder or more difficult than they have to be. This is done to make any date a little easier on everyone and to also keep people from feeling upset or hostile.

The feminine nature of Polish women for dating is a unique feature that comes with these women. It's a part of how singles treat their men because they want to make sure that they are not misleading or deceptive to their men. Polish singles like to show off their feminine sides and are not afraid to be who they really are. They don't try to hide themselves behind certain actions or fashions. They simply want to avoid the surprises or drama and just act like themselves.

Interestingly enough, Polish ladies tend to be comfortable with taking care of other men. They care about people and want to make sure that they keep everyone in a relationship or setting relaxed and at ease. In fact, many Polish girls tend to have strong family values because they care so much about people. It is a real part of comfort that makes it easier for singles to be of use to others.

The final thing about how Polish girls for dating treat their men is that they treat them as people who are capable of handling sex. A Polish lady will have a desire for sex during a strong relationship and might treat a man as someone who is able to handle sex for a while. However, a woman will still treat the man fairly and will not have sex with him if he doesn't want it.

The ways how Polish women treat men when dating are signs that show how caring they are. They refuse to be deceptive to men and enjoy sex but only if the man wants it. They also focus on respect and loyalty when dating.

The Kind of eHarmony Questions You Should Ask!

eHarmony Questions are boring, annoying and sometimes irritating, but without their presence, your online dating experience will surely remain incomplete. However, it is not necessary that you ask those pre-defined eHarmony questions, scattered everywhere on the internet. Trust me they'll never work in your favor. Rather be creative, it you really want to play the game alright.

To impress the other person online, you must have the solid art of playing with words. You have to be creative to win over the other person. Like all others, I won't give you the examples of different types of questions you should be asking online; instead I will tell you the trick to be creative, so that you can come up with your original eHarmony questions.

Creative Mind Bogglers

It must be a mind boggler, but it should not be difficult enough to stop her from any response. Keep the challenge light, interesting yet giving a giggle or two in her tummy! All you have to do is just open up your sense of humor and write!

Funny Silly Questions

Don't keep things serious in your online dating phase. Ask funny questions to make her laugh and feel happy about herself. Comment in a funny way about something she has written in her profile. But remember don't make it appear insulting. While asking funny questions, don't forget to put in funny emoticons to convey the right feelings.

Call to Actions

Questions that have call to actions in the end always win replies. Call to action doesn't mean you have to marketing strategies over here. Put in subtle call to actions like forcing her to join you for weekend, forcing her to think and act, or even requesting her to view your profile, or a funny link she might like. For example, you can say things like I am planning to go on beach this weekend, and thinking to get some eatables, but things can become more interesting, if I have you to join me? These types of questions act as really great call to actions.

Indirect Questions

Sometimes questions that have to start from questions! They can also starting with giving your opinions first and then asking the opinion of other person. Such as, commenting on the beauty of some particular city and then asking their point of view. These are called indirect questions, but they don't feel like you are questions, they give more an impression of discussion.

eHarmony questions are very important to bring two people together the right way, but making ordinary thing extraordinary with your creativity and humor is the way to go to make extraordinary love stories.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Want To Know How To Make a Boyfriend Miss You? Simply Read On

Probably, since your boyfriend has left you, you have heard the advice more often than once. Your family and friends have been telling you, to ignore him, if you really want him back, right? However, to you this seems to be counter intuitive. How could you ignore your ex, when you are supposed to get him back? It sounds irrational, but in fact, this is one of the most powerful methods that you can rely on to draw your ex back to you.

This method relies solely on the psychic of the human nature. Put in simple words: it says that men crave what they can't have, which means the more space you give to your ex the higher his curiosity will grow to know what you have been up to.

Take An Emotional Break:

After the break up, your best move is to step back, and go over your relationship and look for clues that have pushed your ex to take such a decision. Clearly point out what went wrong and how you have contributed to this current situation. During this period, you ought to be honest to yourself, identify what flaws you have, and work on improving them.

If you continue to deny any responsibility in the break up, you may have tough times trying to get your ex back. No matter how bad you feel, it is important to take full responsibility, and walk in the right direction to bridge the gap between you and your ex.

See Things From a Different Angle:

You may be tempted to spend most of your time alone, blaming yourself for the breakup. However, that won't help to better your situation. It would be healthier for you, to pick up yourself and get into the life again.

When you go out and see your friends, you will have the opportunity to forget your sadness for a while, and if you do this quite often, you will soon reduce your intense emotions, which will give you more insights on how to deal with the break up, without coming across as a needy person.

Plan Your Next Move Carefully:

Right now, if you have followed the two above steps to the letter, your boyfriend is more likely wondering what you are up to. He cannot help but wants to know what or who kept you busy. By cutting all communications with him, you will be able to deal with him in an objective manner when he comes back around.

During a breakup, silence holds more meaning than words, when your ex boyfriend comes to know that you are no longer chasing after him, he will face his feelings for you; and decide that getting back with you is typically what he wants. By that time, you will have prepared what to say to him, the moment he calls you for a date.

Traits of Attractive Men - What Every Guy Should Know

It will be great to know the traits women want in men. Knowing what women want can be helpful if you want to achieve success in dating women. There are men who can attract women like magnet and it can be really hard to compete with them if you do not know the qualities that make those men stand out. If you keep on failing with women, knowing the traits of attractive men can be very helpful.

Some women may go for good looks and money but most women are not visual creatures and materialistic. If you believe that only good looks and money can make someone attractive, how come there are average looking guys who don't even have a fat wallet and yet always go home with the girl? It is because they posses the traits of attractive men. So what are those traits?

Pleasing physical appearance. Women are not visual creatures like men but it doesn't mean physical appearance is not important to women. Pleasing physical appearance is one of the traits of attractive men. You have to be physically pleasing to get the attention of women. If you cannot even make a good first impression with women using your pleasing appearance it can be really hard to show your other attractive traits. Although a handsome face could get women's attention, a pleasing physical appearance is not all about having a handsome face. Even if you are an average looking guy, you can be a guy with pleasing physical appearance if you have some sense of style in the way you dress, maintains a good physique and know how to carry yourself. Having some sense of style in the way you dress means you have to mind what you wear because the way you dress somehow reflect the kind of person you are. Women do not want to be with men who do not even know how to match their shirts, tie and pants. Exert some effort to learn how to dress nicely and how to choose clothes with regards to your personality. You do not have to spend a fortune because you can look good with not so expensive clothes. You also have to pay attention to your hygiene to look clean and nice. Clothes look good on a nice body so if you are on the heavy side, lose weight to achieve a good shape. If you want to catch a woman's attention, of course you need to work on it. A good body shape is a reflection of a man with good self-control and discipline.

Confidence. A good physical appearance is nothing if you do not have the confidence. A man who is not insecure and confident with his own skin is a person most women want to be with. A confident man appears secure and knows what he is doing. A confident man gives women the feeling that they are secured with him. Confident men are usually good at what they do. Of course being confident and good on what you do is not something that can happen overnight. Confidence is something that needs work to be achieved. Confidence is one of the best traits of attractive men so if you think it is something you do not have right now; you have to work on it if you really want to be attractive. To be confident, secured and good at what you do, you have to exert efforts and invest time to be good and successful on what you do. The best way to succeed and develop confidence is to be passionate and focused on things you love to do. For instance, when it comes to your career, it is easier to be confident and successful on a career that you love and passionate about. Women are attracted to men who are confident and believe in themselves.

Financial stability. You do not have to be rich but of course you have to be employed and can support a family. Isn't it dating with someone is a preparation for having a long-term relationship like marriage? So if you seriously want to date a woman, you must be prepared and financially capable. It can be a big turn off if you cannot even feed yourself and pay for a decent date. If you have a good job and financially stable, it will give women the idea that you are a responsible man. One of the best traits of attractive men is the ability to be in control of his finances and be able to earn a living for him and his future family.

Self-sufficient. A man who can do many practical skills like cooking, cleaning, doing dishes and fixing things at home can be very attractive. Most women are drawn to men who are capable and self-sufficient. Women want a man who can be their source of strength and a man they can call when something went wrong. If you cannot even fix her broken sink or cook for her, how can you attract and convince her that you want to be her man?

Conversation skills. Communication is one of the traits of attractive men that can be very helpful. It would be really interesting to be with a man who knows how to talk about anything under the sun. How can you succeed with women if you cannot even have a good conversation with a woman you are attracted to? A good conversation skill is important if you want to charm and succeed with women. A good conversation doesn't only include talking but it also includes listening. Every woman wants a man who they can talk to and someone who will listen to them. Communication is always a bridge for two people to understand and convey their feelings for each other so you must be good at it.

Attracting women is a skill that can be learned. Any man can be successful with women if he is willing to work on it. Get the girl of your dreams, visit Become a Woman Magnet