Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tests to Find Out What a Man Really Wants From You! These 7 Tests Will Make It Crystal Clear

If you are not sure of your man's agenda then it is better you run a few tests so that you don't get hurt in the long run. These tests will tell you exactly where you stand in his scheme of things and you can then reset the relationship.

Set the terms
To test his nerve set very high standards of what you expect from your man. Even if they are a little intimidating so be it. Now observe if he tries to meet them. If you notice that he is doing all in his power to meet your requirements then it means that he wants a long term relationship.

Talk of your career being very important
Discuss your career with him and tell him that you intend to take it seriously and other things can wait. If he stands by you and supports you in this then he surely wants you to be successful and happy. He is one guy you should hang on to.

Discuss open marriages
To check his views on fidelity bring up the topic of open marriages. If the guy is in the relationship only for physical pleasures he will speak in its favor. If he does not approve of it and defends the sanctity of marriage as an institution it means that he is a one woman man and will stick to you forever.

Ask a friend to get a bit physical with him
Another common test that most women try on their guy is by asking their best friend to hit on him or flirt with him. If your guy does not take it seriously and does come back and confides in you about what happened then he is the guy for you.

Make an extravagant demand
You can also test him by making a demand that will test his resolve. If he really loves you and wants to make you happy he will try to fulfill your demand. However, just when he is about to do so, dissuade him and save him some money.

Act a little loose
Act a little loose after drinking a few drinks. If he stops you and admonishes you for going overboard then he surely likes you in the true sense. A guy that is just fooling around with you will not do so and in fact will encourage you so that he can take advantage of you.

Visit his den
Visit his place often. If you notice that he does not attempt to get physical with you when no one is around then it means he truly loves you. Any other guy will try to have sex or at least make such suggestions.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

A Deeper Understanding on SOI

When you go out partying what was really your intention? When choose the clothes that you are going to wear what was in your mind when you chose them? Well, whatever your answer is that is what I call intention. Why do you think women tend to wear skimpy and sexy clothes when they go clubbing and partying? Why do you think they act that way? Whatever their reasons are, again, that is what we call intention. For every move that you make you always have a reason and oftentimes these reasons are transformed into intentions. Intentions or intents are what drive you to do the things that you do. This is often the reason why you approach woman and ask her out.

In the dating scene, an SOI or statement of intent is very important. The SOI is like an objective or a plant. This often keeps you in the right track because if you deviate from the track chances are you will never fulfil your intentions. Now, SOI comes in various forms. One example is the approach. The mere act of approaching is already a sign of intent. Why this is considered a sign of intent? That is because when a woman sees you approaching she already knows that you intend to talk to her or more. Your approach informs her that you are interested in her.

Since your approach is already an SOI there is a tendency for you to resort to using techniques that will help you win her, date her, and even date her without the risk of rejection. Unfortunately, that does not work. Even if you are already showing SOIs that does not mean you should back down. In fact, you must go on and reveal to her your real intent apart from getting to know her. If your real intent is to date her then tell her. Being straightforward with women can be helpful because women like men who are bold and confident.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Dominate the Dating Game and Learn How to Be Attractive to Women

Stop Fighting Failure and Understand It is Part of the Process

If you're going to ever start dating beautiful women than you are going to have to become comfortable with rejection. In fact, I would argue if you ever want to be successful at anything you will have to build up a strong tolerance for failure. This is because failure demonstrates that you pushed yourself to your own mental or physical boundaries and if you want to improve what you are doing then you are going to have to get used to failing regularly. Unfortunately, most people are too meek when it comes to even the thought of failure. They let these rejections crush their spirits, even when they might so close to finally reaching success.

Make Sure You Have An Incentive to Fail Now I know it is easy to tell people that they just need to be able to fail more often but I know it isn't exactly realistic. I know how paralyzing even just the thought of rejection can be but trust me when I tell you that you can overcome it. When you do overcome your fears the world will suddenly become much more simple and suddenly any thoughts of dating beautiful women will not seem so difficult.

What you need to do is to first make action or even failure itself a success. Stop thinking so narrowly and defining success as getting the phone number from a beautiful woman. To accomplish that not only takes a hefty amount of mental effort but also the help of some friends. So when I was scared to death of approaching, I told my friend that I would take him to red lobster if by the end of the month I hadn't gotten rejected by over one hundred women. Now maybe a crappy dinner at Red Lobster doesn't sound like much to you but I was a broke college kid at the time and that would of gone right on the credit card.

You Have to Force Fear out of Your System First realize a few key points.

One, I set a definite and short amount of time before the deal would expire. If you are trying to get over rejection, you will have to force that fear out of your system. Getting rejected once a month isn't going to do anything for you. You need to force your body, mind, and soul to realize that rejection is harmless and isn't worth getting all worked up over. In this case, I only had a month to obtain one-hundred rejections. Another to note is that the amount of rejections that I had to collect was sizable. If you only set out to get a couple rejections you'll never get over the hump when things become natural.

Stop Over-thinking Things and Start Acting

For example, the first time I made a cold approach in my quest to date beautiful women, it took me almost five minutes to gather the nerve. I was in one of those god forsaken malls and I spotted her in line to get a sandwich. I kept pacing back and forth. Sweat poured down my face and I thought I would never have the nerve to do it. See one of the first mistakes I made and other amateurs will do is over thinking the situation. When you see someone you are interested in don't hesitate in your approach. Make your move immediately or you will work yourself up.

You will begin to doubt yourself and whether or not you are good enough. You will start imagining yourself being rejected and will feel it is inevitable and that you will make an ass out of yourself in the public space.

Stop right now. When you act immediately, you don't have time to become self conscious and trust me your approaches will begin to happen, i.e you'll stop chickening out, and you'll also become more successful.

Because I over thought everything, I almost never made that first approach. When I finally did reach her table (thank god she was alone) I made a complete fool out of myself. I introduced myself and began to mumble and fumble around like a fish on dry land for about five minutes before she excused herself. The funny thing is after that encounter I felt much better. Despite my terrible first attempt, it started to sink in that it wasn't really all that bad. In fact, I had a pretty funny story to tell my buddies that night.

Strength Is In The Numbers

That wasn't the entire story of course, I ended approaching about ten more girls that day and truthfully most of them looked liked the first but I was getting leaps and bounds better. I was starting to control my breathing and I was becoming less concerned about the outcome.

Despite my progress it was going to take more time before I got a number. In fact, the first girls number I got was in a grocery store and I can still remember the number till this day. It was number 32. To honest, I was shocked when she happily gave me her number. I didn't know what to do at that point.

Then like hitting a waterfall I began to collect girls numbers on a more steady basis. I was becoming cool, confident, and collected. It didn't matter what they said anymore. They were just another number, in fact because I needed to collect one-hundred rejections to get my money back, they were doing me a favor by turning me down.

In the end, I got my money back what's more important I finally realized how powerful self limitations can be and how badly we can sabotage ourselves from getting what we really want. To succeed in life you have to be willing to make some tough choices and risk making a fool out of yourself. Do that and I promise you will be ahead of most men, in fact, most people when it comes to accomplishing anything.

To have better luck with women you need to learn to accept failure as part of the learning process. The best way to do that is by giving yourself an incentive to fail. (i.e A bet to your buddy where you need to fail to get your money back or something else.) Track your rejections and celebrate them. As you make your approach try to turn off your mind to everything that could happen and just let things happen for once. If you hesitate you will over think things, and you will make things harder on yourself.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Decide If Getting Your Ex Back Is Right For You

Ending a relationship is always difficult, but moving on with your life afterward can be even more so. There are simple ways to help ease the pain and make the transition from the couple lifestyle to that of the single woman or man.

Allow yourself time to grieve. If you don't give yourself the time to let go and move on from the relationship, you're doomed from the start. Instead give yourself the time to let go of the relationship, the time to get angry, get mad, get over the emotions that are bubbling up inside of you. Allow yourself the grieving process and you will be that much happier and better off in the end.

Speaking of time, take some out for yourself. Have you always wanted to travel? To learn a new hobby? Now is the perfect time to do it. Treat yourself to a night out on the town, go get yourself the new outfit you've been eying all month. Do whatever it is you want or need to do. Take time for yourself and you will be that much closer to yourself and understanding what makes you tick.

Once you've taken that time to think, to grow, then and only then you can decide whether or not getting back with your partner is really what you want, or if you simply wanting them back for fear of being along. Instead of rushing things, taking time from the relationship to heal and grow as an individual, will give you better insight into whether or not you should be pursuing your ex or moving on for good.

No matter what you decide, make sure you are truly alright with your decision, and have given yourself the time to make the right choice for your future and your own well being.

Remember the old saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back it's love, if it doesn't you now know for sure. That is exactly what you need to do. Let your relationship go. Let yourself be okay with just yourself, and then and only then see if the relationship is what you want, and what is best for both you and your ex.

Breaking up and moving on is never something easy to do. Deciding to go back or try to fix things with your ex can be even more difficult. Take time for yourself before rushing back in. It's the only way to ensure the relationship is what you want, and is what you need. Don't be afraid to be alone and stay that way.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, December 24, 2010

What Makes a Woman Special to a Man? 7 Things Which Always Play a Huge Role in the Process

Different things, attributes or qualities appeal to different men. Men are not all attracted by beauty or by the way a woman talks or laughs. Some are attracted to a quiet and sensual, demure woman, more shy than outgoing. There are many aspects to what makes a woman special to a man. It's really difficult to guess but worth knowing.

Beauty and figure
These two aspects undoubtedly are the prime attractions. It immediately attracts a man to her. Of course, cold beauty soon gets set aside, when compared to a hot beauty with a flushed face and a beautiful smile. Her figure too adds to her sexiness.

Confidence and self assurance
Men cannot help but get taken in by the confidence displayed by a woman. They like the air of confidence a woman carries in her walk, poise and conversation as well. Her self assurance and manner of independence further attract more admiration.

Your laughter and smile
The more you smile the more beautiful you look. Happiness is the key to one's beauty. So always keep up that bright smile and ringing laughter because that is what will endear you to the guy to whom you are special.

Blonds are great, but not dumb ones
He'll certainly be attracted to you if you are a blond but if you're a dumb blond, as is the popular belief, then change his views about that. Be one of the most intelligent blonds he has come across. You just have to brush up your intelligence quotient to qualify.

Show the caring side of you
There are other things besides beauty and smile that attract a man, and that is how caring a person are you? Eventually beauty is not what will overrule everything else, but a caring nature certainly will. When you're caring, you're also understanding and considerate. This makes you special.

The importance of being a home-bird
Men look for an all-rounder in a woman when it comes to qualities. They want someone sexy by their side when in company and they also want someone who can lay out an appetizing meal at the end of the day. If you can accomplish this you've got it all.

A good lover as well
This is the highlight of the qualities a guy looks for in a woman. He wants a seductress in his bed at night. You should fit the bill as someone naughty and playful and someone who plays up to him just as much as he plays up to you.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Best Advice on How to Understand Women

When it comes to how to understand women, the first thought that comes to mind is that women are the complex sex. However, it is difficult to imagine life without women, and no matter how hard it may be, one cannot but help try to understand women.

You may try to find a guide to understanding women, and you will eventually find one somewhere on the internet, but no one guide can possibly contain everything that there is about understanding women. Such guides will teach you how to understand women, but there are chances that whatever you have learned may not give you the desired results. There are so many variables that it may be difficult to internalize all of them.

The reality is that most men make the mistake of assuming things on the basis of what they see. A woman's appearance may be completely contradictory to what she is inside. Women like to dress the way they want and in the way they believe brings out the best in them. Most women like to look feminine outside no matter what they are like inside.

The best advice on how to understand women is to remember that all women are not alike. They are individuals, just like men. Men understanding women is as difficult as it is other way round. Women too find it difficult to understand men.

If you want to understand women, listen to them. Now, listening does not mean that you keep watching television while she is pouring her heart out and telling you all about how she feels. To understand her feelings, you need to listen attentively, ask questions when need be, and apply you mind. This is of particular importance because there is a vast difference between how women and men feel and interpret situations.

Another thing that can help you understand women is to spend time with them. Make friends with women at work, try to meet as many as you can, or socialize with them. Do things to attract women and get them in your life. The more time you spend with then, the easier it will be to understand them. It goes without saying that to do that, you need to be comfortable in the presence of women and overcome the irrational fear of women.

Ask questions. Believe it or not, most women appreciate the fact that you are taking the trouble. Let her know that you know little about women and let your curiosity be your guide to understanding women. After that, you are on your own and it depends on you as to how you to analyze the information you gather firsthand.

Women do cry more and are more expressive. At the same time, women are more skilled than men when it comes to understanding the needs of other people, including their children.

Despite all this, it is still doubtful whether you will ever understand women fully. What is more important is to understand the woman who matters most to you, i.e. the one with whom you want to spend a lifetime.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

How to Talk to Him About Marriage? 7 Pointers You Must Know Before You Think About Marriage

dating a guy is fine but if you want to talk to your guy about marriage then you need to ensure that you handle the talk with a lot of tact. Insecure guys will bolt for the stable door the minute they hear the word "marriage" and you need to ensure that your guy is ready before you broach the "M" word.

Check your guy's attitude towards marriage before you talk to him
Before you initiate any talk about marriage you should make sure that your guy is firstly inclined towards marriage. If your guy loves kids, goes misty-eyed during romantic movies, or talks about the future as a couple then he possesses the right attitude for marriage.

Check his reactions before raising the topic of marriage
You can take your boyfriend to a close friend's marriage and check his reactions before raising the topic of marriage. If your guy passes adverse remarks on the institution of marriage or remarks that marrying is a waste of time and money then beware.

Drop subtle hints so as to initiate the talk
Before your actual talk of marriage with your boyfriend, it would be better if you drop verbal hints to him. You can pass remarks about how a friend is happy in his or her marriage or how the arrival of kids has changed the life of a close one. If your boyfriend concurs with your views then the topic can be stretched to include your thoughts on how your life would change after marriage.

Start the discussion with an open mind
Inform your boyfriend that you would like to initiate the discussion on marriage with an open mind. This will make him feel comfortable and he might be able to discuss any inhibitions or doubts that he might have on the topic. If he shows optimism in spite of having a few reservations then these problems can easily be solved as long as the bigger picture of marriage is clear in both your minds.

Do not pressurize your boyfriend
You should not pressurize your boyfriend or try to emotionally blackmail him in a bid to make him agree to your views. He might simply panic and bolt right out of your life. Instead, make your guy comfortable by telling him that you do not need an immediate answer although you should tactfully include that it is still an important decision that needs to be made in the near future.

Do not get verbally aggressive
If your guy offers his views that do not match your own then do not start arguing with him in a bid to compel him to agree to your own views. Your talk might just start to go downhill from that point. Instead, try to understand his point of view while letting him digest your own. You might find that he could agree to your views after a few days of serious thought.

Try to alleviate his fears on marriage
Some guys have fixed fears on marriage, especially if they have seen a few failures before their very eyes. You should try to alleviate your guy's fears by offering logical explanations so that his fears are laid to rest permanently. Your guy would not only be relieved but also be ready to pop that eternal question.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas, Love Is in the Air!

Christmas just around the corner and we feel more love is in the air. Some feels the mix emotions of being happy and feeling inside as well. Missing and longing for someone. We have some wishes on our minds, we have so many things in mind. The air feels so cold, and you will see some who are alone and some who choose to be alone.

But it is always nice to celebrate the holiday with someone, not necessarily with family, if they are far from you but Christmas is for sharing, it should put a smile on your face and peace on your heart.
Although not everybody is really enjoying it, for some reason that is beyond their control, but in their hearts, they try to feel the happiness and some touch other lives without even knowing it.

It is sure better to give than to received for it is in giving that we can feel some peace and real happiness inside.It does not have to be material things that you can make someone happy, it could also be just being there for them, remembering them, when they think they have been forgotten.

Visiting someone that you havent seen for long time, can touch the heart. Forgiving someone that has hurt you and letting go of the pain, can make greater happiness inside you.
Although it should not be just during holidays, that we should feel like giving, forgiving and caring. We can do this all year round.

It is not how much money we have, but it is what we give without taking that will give us real happiness. Feel the love and magic of Christmas.

Life may not be always easy, but with the love that is in the air, it makes everything easier, especially if it is shared with someone.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Do Men Lose Interest After Making Out With a Girl? Know What Mental Process a Man Goes Through

Men do pursue a girl with the thought of making out with her since they do pay a lot of importance to the physical side of any relationship or encounter. Here are a few thoughts on whether men lose interest after making out with a girl, which in turn could depend a lot on individual making-out sessions.

Most men do get turned on after making out with a girl
Instead of losing interest, most men do get turned on after making out with a girl, since they have visually tasted blood and now want to go the entire way. This is especially true if they end up making out with a girl of their dreams since they might have fantasized about these acts since a long time.

Men lose interest if a girl caves in too easily
Since men are programmed to pursue and fight for a girl even if it means fighting with the girl as they try to get to the next base, they might lose interest if the girl caves in too easily during the initial dates and offers access to all her vital organs. Guys love to explore a woman's body over due time and if the woman offers instant access to her body then the interest could soon be over.

Men lose interest if there is no progress
Some men also lose interest if the woman does not allow them to proceed to the next base with each subsequent making-out session. After all, there is a limit to the number of ways a man can kiss a woman on the lips without proceeding any further.

Men surely lose interest if the girl emits bodily odors
If the girl's breath smells awful during a make-out session or if the girl's armpits or feet smell like hell on earth then the man is obviously going to get disappointed. His fantasies would be crushed under the deadly odor and his interest in not only that girl but other girls could be damaged for a very long time.

Men lose interest if the girl compares their moves with other men
If the girl compares the man's kissing technique or various other moves during the making out session with previous lovers then that is sure to extinguish all interest from the man, even if the girls says positive things about that man. Men usually do not want the girl to talk about past lovers and certainly do not want any comparisons even if they might do the same in their minds.

Men might lose interest if the girl starts getting clingy
If a girl starts getting too clingy after a passionate making out session then the man might panic and run in the opposite direction. Men like to continue with the chasing game and do not want to end up as game in case the tables get turned after a good make out encounter.

Men lose interest if there is no mystery
In addition to pursuing a girl physically, men are also enamored by mystery that surrounds the girl of their dreams. If the girl does not retain that mystery until a very long time, the man might still lose interest since his inquisitiveness will no longer get satisfied. A girl thus needs to surround herself with a mysterious aura even as she reveals more about herself physically and mentally to her man with each new making out encounter. This will ensure continued interest from the man.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How to Get a Man to Chase You Over and Over! Here Is How to Become Highly Desired by Men

Which woman doesn't want her man to chase her over and over? The feeling of being desired is wonderful but always needs some amount of hard work. Here are a few ways by which you can make sure that you can make your man chase you over and over again.

By being a gorgeous thing
When you want a man to chase you over and over again then you have to make sure that you are a gorgeous thing. Men feel that they need to give those women a whole lot more attention when this woman can receive more attention from other quarters.

By challenging him constantly
If you want a man to chase you then you have to come across as a challenge to him. You cannot make him feel that he has figured you out. Be a little mysterious in your ways and look for new ways of making him more and more intrigued with you.

Not making him feel too secure
It is only when a man feels completely secure and complacent with you that he feels that he doesn't need to chase you anymore. This sense of security is something that should delude your man if you want him to chase you over and over again. While your relationship should be fulfilling he has to feel that you are the best and deserve to be given the best at all times otherwise he might lose you.

Having a busy life
One very good way to keep a man chasing you again and again is by having a very busy life of your own. Be passionate about your job and your hobbies just as you are about your man. Just don't make him feel that he is everything in your life. When your man sees that he still has to climb higher in your priority list he will chase you more.

Not keeping him accounted with everything that happens
Women have a tendency of keeping their men accounted for everything that is happening in their lives. Think like a man when you are talking to your man and you will see that the lesser you account and explain the more he will chase you.

Learning to filter information
You also need to learn the art of filtering information. When you chat with your man give him enough fodder to make his mind curious but not so much that it quells the curiosity.

Showing him that you are completely worth his time
Finally a man will chase you over and over again if you prove to him that you are the best thing that has happened to him. Show him that you are totally worth his time and he will chase you till he gets you.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 Ways To Attract Beautiful Women Into Your Life

If you want to attract beautiful women into your life, you'll have to develop a certain set of skills. Most of us have had success at one point in our lives but can't put our finger on what exactly worked. Most "naturals" in the field can't even tell you why they have so much success.? So let me show you a couple of tips that will help you get success in the field on a consistent basis.

For me, one of the most important skills to develop is the ability to read body language. Sometimes, women will send mixed messages to see if you can keep up with them. When a man is able to see through her games, she will feel like he "understands her" even though he may simply be a really observant guy with a good comprehension of body language.

Here are a few physical signs that will give away a girl's interest: turning her body in your direction during the whole conversation, constantly looking at your mouth, then at your eyes, showing open body language like exposing her wrist, neck or inner thigh, she keeps playing with her hair frantically, etc... When you see more than two of these signs, you should know right away that a girl is interested in you and you?shouldn't?pay attention to any conflicting signs she may throw at you from this point.

Another skill you'll have to develop if you want to be successful in the field is knowing how to approach women. I personally prefer the direct approach. As soon as I see a girl that gets my adrenaline pumping, I ride the wave and go up to her INSTANTLY. I then introduce myself with full certainty and tell her exactly what got me attracted to her in the first place with full appreciation, but no admiration. Since it's coming from my core, my compliments will seem more genuine and she'll instantly feel more comfortable around me. That also makes me look like a straight forward guy that isn't afraid to go for what he wants, and women love that.

The third skill that will be essential to your success with women is knowing how and when to initiate physical contact. I usually initiate contact in the first 5 minutes of a conversation. Why? Because the longer you wait, the more awkward it will be when you try to touch her for the first time.? The contact doesn't have to be sexual; it can be something as harmless as a high five or a gentle pat on the shoulder. The goal of initial contact is to break the physical barrier and slowly escalate the situation.

If you manage to master the three skills I just gave you, your success with women will increase dramatically. You'll start to see trough all the games women play to find what they see as a "real man". So become that man and start living the life you've always dreamed of...

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dating With Children

But be ever aware: the woman you meet may come as a package, albeit an attractive one. If she's divorced with children, primary school or teenage, realise that they're a major factor in the future success of your relationship. Show some interest in her children's welfare, health and education, and you'll establish some of the most important credentials you'll need.

A mate between marriages many years ago lived in Mt Isa, a flat, hot, dusty outback Australian mining town where 5000 men from some 60 nationalities work the copper, lead, gold and zinc deposits deep underground. The Isa's a hard place. Drinking is the major recreation, and the Aussie drinking culture is not a pretty one.

As the breakfast announcer at the local radio station he was hosting an outside broadcast when he got chatting to an attractive divorcee with three children; to cut a long story short, they moved in together and it was bliss for the next five years until he contracted bowel cancer and died; the reason for the happy union was simply that Stewie was always on hand for the children - a teenage son and daughter, and their 11 year old younger sister. He willingly helped them with their homework and sports training trips, as well as which he coached them in little things such as table manners and social etiquette.

She eventually remarried, and the children have all benefitted in various ways from Stew's gentle influence. Women you meet on dating sites can be lovely, but vulnerable, and the kiddies must be part of the deal.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How to Get a Guy to Give You More Affection! 7 Ways to Get All the Love You Have Always Wanted

Are you really fed up with your boyfriend's cold and callous attitude towards you? Why should you have to put up with this kind of behavior when you are worth much more? If you take a stance and lay down a few rules - he is going to have to see to reason or else he may lose you. Here are some tips that will help you get more of his attention.

Stop catering to his every wish
Too many times, a woman spoils her guy by giving into every wish and desire. This makes him take her and her love for granted and he starts to bully and expect too much of her. Not only that, he will stop paying her attention and starts to neglect her. This is why you should put your foot down and stop being a doormat!

Don't allow him to have his way too often
If you allow him to bully you and have his way with you all the time, it will only prove that you do not have a mind of your own and no backbone whatsoever! He will not bother about your needs and even begin to neglect you. Therefore you should make sure that he is aware of you all the time and if he does not give you the affection and time you deserve, then you may not stick around.

State your views and opinions firmly
If you feel that your guy is not giving you enough of his love and affection, then it is time to have that "heart to heart" talk! No matter how much he wants to avoid this, make sure you state your views and feelings so that he knows what you expect of him. If he does not want to lose you - he will become more loving and affectionate.

Make him thrilled to have you as his woman
One way to make him more affectionate is to make him realize how gorgeous and attractive you really are. Start taking more trouble to look stunning and sexy. When he sees you getting admiring looks from other males, he will be thrilled that you belong to him and will let you know it.

Do exciting and spontaneous things
The more you get into a rut - the more boring and predictable the relationship will be. This results in one or both partners neglecting one another and love literally flies out of the window. If you want to keep the love strong then you should be ready to do exciting and spontaneous things to delight your man. He will shower you with his love and attention if you make him happy.

Dress more seductively
The more physically aware and attracted he is to you, the more love and affection he will tend to show you. If you look drab and uninviting, he is bound to ignore you and get bored with you. Look sexy and tempting enough for him to want to hold you in his arms.

Concentrate on building the chemistry between you
Do the right things and what is expected of you! If you are half hearted in your attempts to make things work, then it is no surprise that he has stopped giving you affection and love. Be ready to do whatever you can to build the chemistry between you and he will give you all the affection, love and attention you want.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, December 10, 2010

How to Seduce a Man? 7 Tricks Which Will Get You Tremendous Results in a Very Short Span of Time

When you want your relationship to sizzle then you have to make sure that you bring the zing in it. And learning to seduce your man is the best way to add that zing. Here are some ultimate tricks that will help you seduce your man.

Take your man out shopping
How is this going to seduce your man you ask? If you take your man lingerie shopping then you will have his attention and you will not find him complaining of the endless costume changes. Try out all sorts of stuff and buy ones that he really likes.

Give him a sneak peak
Don't tell him when you are going to give him the treat of letting him see the lingerie on you. In fact, get a little busy for him so that he begins to ache for you. When you abstain for a while you help in building a man's appetite. This feeling of not getting you when he wants you is what will seduce him.

Invite your man for a spa retreat
Send him a formal invitation inviting him over for an evening of ultimate luxury. Give him a spa treat but let the surprise be the masseuse. Have the date, time and place mentioned and if he calls you to talk about it say nothing at all. Let the anticipation build as that is a critical step in seducing a man.

Get the ambiance right
Make sure that you have the ambiance right. Cut out all the outside noise and get the lighting of the place right. Hire a massage board, have candles and aromatic oils in place. And you should be dressed in your sexiest best as the masseuse.

Plan the evening well
Make sure that apart from the ambiance you plan the evening well also. Have the right menu for dinner and always have a nice dessert. Use imaginative ways of eating the dessert and your man will be seduced by you.

Give him a sexy massage
When your man gets to his destination give him a long and relaxing massage. Carry the act right through with a good body rub. As his muscles relax he will want you more. But you need to make him crave you even more. Tease him with giving him peaks of what is in the offering. The longer you wait the more seductive you become.

Learn to talk dirty
When you want to seduce your man you have to learn to talk dirty. That is every man's ultimate fantasy. Be creative and raunchy and you will be your man's ultimate dream.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Are You Not Sure If a Guy Likes You or Not When He Keeps Talking to You? These Tips Will Help You

At times when a relationship gets bitter or if you have a bad fight then your man might lose interest in you. A long silence is sure to follow this. But if you feel that he is still talking to you and yet it seems like he has lost interest in you then you might feel confused. Here is what might be happening:

He is being mature
If you feel that your man has lost interest in you but is still talking to you then it could be because he is just being polite with you. He wants to act in a mature manner and hence is just keeping things passive at the surface level.

He hardly looks at you
If you feel that your man is talking to you yet has lost interest in you then you will find that he hardly looks at you. Eye contact is a very big part of any relationship. If he is not looking at you then he has lost interest in you and doesn't want you to see it in his eyes.

Your conversations will be fewer
When a man loses interest in you then you will see that your conversations will become a lot more infrequent. He will talk to you but it will be only to intimate you of things. Deep and meaningful conversations will not take place anymore.

He will not talk warmly to you
If you see that your man is talking to you but there is a bit of coldness to the conversation then he is not interested in you anymore. When the warmth form a conversation fades then he is not interested in you.

He will become strangely polite
If you find that your man has become strangely polite with you and is acting in a very clinical manner with you then it is because has lost interest in you. He will keep the conversation very generic and will not make any attempt at making it personal and warm.

He will begin to spend more time with others
Your man might be talking to you but at the same time he will try to avoid spending much time with you. He will begin to make plans with others in the time that he is due to spend with you. If you find him cancelling out on you very politely then he is no longer interested in you.

He will not call you at all
Finally you will see that your man will be talking to you only when he meets you. Otherwise he will not call you at all. If this is happening then he is no longer interested in you.

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This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Can You Manufacture Attraction?

In many ways the attraction between two people seems like a force of nature. It is something that you can tap into and use when picking up a woman. More often, it may seem like a ride that you just have to hang onto and enjoy. It rarely seems like something you can control or even create out of whole cloth though. Despite this, many people believe that attraction can absolutely be manufactured, or at least manipulated. After all, human beings are socially responsive creatures and attraction is in many ways a shared perception and mood. It stands to reason then, that we can create an attraction where none existed before simply by changing our potential partner's perception of us.

Being Attractive

When you first meet someone all they have to go on are the cues in your appearance and behavior. Whether or not you are found to be attractive in these first encounters is crucial, so you must do your part to expose the qualities that make you worth a woman's interest and attention. What qualities are these? Well strength and confidence, for example. Women are looking for reasons to continue displaying interest in you, if they don't find them they'll cut you loose. So you need to display your intrinsic value as an attractive mate. This should be encompassed by your appearance, your attitude, and your behavior.

Creating Attraction through Touch

The best way to create attraction between two people is to create a physical connection. This allows you to get close to a potential partner and have a powerful physical effect on them, but it has to be done in a consensual, non-threatening way to work. Ideally, your initial contacts should resemble the behavior of someone who is simply very physical. You can shake or hold hands, hug her, put your arm around her and make excuses for other, fleeting touches that amp attraction levels between you.

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What Inspires a Man to Settle Down With a Woman! Know This If You Want Him to Settle Down With You

Does it ever cross your mind what makes a man fall madly in love with any particular woman? Have you ever given it a thought why only a few women get the men that they want? If you're dying to commit to your current date, what do you think you should do in order to coax him to settle down with you?

Understand the man.

Men are actually pretty simple. If you just exert enough effort, they are very easy to please. If he smells you baking some chocolate chip cookies for him, then his heart is as good as melted. You have to learn his weaknesses in order to win his attention.

Be his comfort zone.
A man is naturally on hunting mode all the time. For as long as he still hasn't seen the woman that he can introduce to his parents, then he'll always be on the lookout for the best. But as soon as he feels that you can read him in all aspects, then he'd be more than willing to give up the search.

Rev him up.
Sure, you'll have to use your pretty face and your charm to catch his attention at first, but it will always be your flirting techniques that will surely catch his fancy. Look deeply into those eyes and convey that he's very much wanted. Show him the kind of excitement that he can look forward to for the rest of his life!

Put up a wall.
Let this be thin enough that he's still able to reach out to you, but thick enough so that he won't be frisking you. This mystery about you will be something that will make him want to spend time with you.

You're not the type that would wear grandma panties.
If a guy sees that you work hard to maintain your fit body, if he sees that you carefully choose your clothes, and if he sees that you have a certain level of class, then he would never be afraid of the fact that, someday, you'll become to lazy to care about your looks. You have to let your man feel that you'll always be gorgeous.

You are genuinely caring.
Boys will always be boys and there would always be something in them that needs caring or tending.

You have a calm nature.
This guy isn't afraid that you'd suddenly turn into an ogre once he does something wrong. He is assured that you'll always be calm and collected. No amount of argument would bring out the vicious side of you - in fact, you don't have a ferocious side to show.

You delight him.
He'll want to settle with you once he feels that it will always be fun to be with you. Let him feel happiness and contentment each time he's with you and this man will be at your bidding.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Do I Know If My Man Needs Some Space? Learn This Before Something Goes Wrong Big Time

Has your guy asked for some space again? It's understandable that you feel a bit alarmed when a man asks for a little freedom. But what if he's been acting weird lately but this time, he hasn't asked for space? So, how are you able to tell when to give him space?

Your friends have noticed something different in him.
Since you're in a relationship, it's normal for you to not look outside of the box when it comes to matters involving your union. But other people are able to see any changes in just a jiff. So if your closest friends believe that your man needs a little break, believe them.

There's a certain edginess in him that you can't seem to place.
You can't seem to pinpoint what's wrong but there is something in there that just isn't right. When you feel that he's acting a big anxious lately, then better ask him what's wrong. If he won't open up, then it's high time for a time off.

You hardly know the guy anymore.
If you're able to tell what he's up to next but now you're not, then there must be something going on with your man. Rather than wait for things to get worse, why don't you let him take a little time off by himself? He would surely appreciate some alone at such times.

He draws farther and farther apart.
All that this guy ever does now is to distance himself from you. Maybe he just doesn't want you to feel the burden that he has or he is battling something else within him. You would only learn what he's suffering from if he opens up to you, but if he won't then it's time to give him some space.

He's suddenly mum about the future.
If there were moments in the past when he had to discuss the future with you, then this guy welcomed the idea then. But now, he's just silent when it comes to this aspect. At this point, this guy definitely wants his space and he might just be too nice to demand it from you.

There aren't any concrete answers from him.
Try asking him a question and this guy will have nothing but a question as a retort. If this guy puts up a wall or doesn't give straight answers when asked, then he's definitely in need of space.

Your sex life is half as exciting.
This only proves that his mind is somewhere else. If he's been pretty preoccupied lately, then this guy has to deal with something so let him. It's healthy for your relationship if you give him his space now. Rather than see him slowly weaken in front of you, this is the best time to let him be - at least for now.

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This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Getting Hot Women to Approach You

Attraction isn't so much about what you say but how you say it, how you present yourself, your body language, among many other things.

After realizing this we now know that you can build up attraction without saying anything at all, so much so that you can actually get a woman to approach you instead of the usual, you approaching women trying to find one that likes you...

The first thing is clothing and your overall style... A unique style is key, if you're wearing the same thing every other guy is wearing you're no different and therefore interchangeable with the rest of the men in the club, bar, or wherever you're at.

You don't have to dress crazy, just look up what's popular... Find what's most popular or bestselling on sites like Zappos or Amazon and make sure you pick something a little bit different but still in that same realm of style.

The next thing you need to think about is your body language. You have to be confident with yourself, you can't be afraid to show a little bit of interest or flirt a little bit with a woman across the room.

This takes a lot of pressure off of you because if a woman isn't interested then she'll just look away and the only people who will know what's going on is you and her instead of the people standing around if you were to actually walk up and approach her and then have to turn and walk away.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to Make a Man Curious About You! Learn How You Can Easily Get Him Attracted to You

Do you want your man to be curious about you? Well, asking how to make a man curious is equivalent to determining what interests many men. Moreover, you have to figure out what would make you look desirable to a man. If you don't know what to do to make a man curious about you, then follow these simple steps that will guide you in your endeavor.

Step # 1: Carry a good conversation
Men like it when women can carry an interesting conversation. This is because there is a lot to achieve if a person can talk with anyone about anything. To do this, read a lot and be updated with the current events, be it in politics, sports or fashion.

Step # 2: Be enthusiastic
A woman who is always full of life will be naturally attractive to men. This is because she will not be boring to be with. Men will be asking themselves what could have caused her to have such a positive attitude in life; that will surely pique their curiosity.

Step # 3: Make him wonder
Intrigue your man and make him wonder what's behind that beautiful face. You should always remain a mystery for him so that he will always be curious about you and your personality. Don't always reveal too much information.

Step # 4: Appear In-demand
Make it a point that he knows that there are other guys who want you, too. He would want to know what could be the underlying reason behind it. He would explore further to know more about you. Along with his increased curiosity, he will do more to get your attention.

Step # 5: Do not chase him
You should never try to chase a man if you want him to be curious about you. Putting yourself out there all the time will never work for you. Instead of calling him, make him call you. You can do this by not immediately responding to his e-mails and text messages.

Step # 6: Be independent
Independent women will always have more fun over those who depend on their men for everything. Let him know that even if you are single, you can survive on your own. This is a sure fire way of making him curious about you, because he would want to know as to why you are not like the other girls.

Step # 7: Never answer his calls in an instant
If you get a call from him, let the phone ring first. If he calls again, pick it up. The same thing should be done when you are answering an SMS from him. This will definitely make him curious about what's going on with you. In addition, you will make him realize that there are other things you have to do instead of calling him.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to Turn a Guy On? 7 Essential Tips You Need If You Want to Successfully Turn a Guy On

There are so many qualities that men look for in a perfect woman. But no matter how numerous these characteristics are, there are some that would really make you stand out. If you want to turn him on so badly, here are 7 hot, surefire tips that would make him think of you ceaselessly:

You have killer looks.
Let him see you in your best self. Your appearance is the primary thing that would catch his attention so better work on your looks. Choose your clothing well. Remember that you can be sexy without appearing sluttish.

Take charge from the onset.
If you want to turn him on, play your womanly charms but don't be too coy. This is no time for such tactics. Instead, why don't you make him notice by tempting him with your very presence? Let your scent linger so he won't be able to stop thinking about you.

Turn him on with your sexiness.
You're a woman so you can use every weapon that you have in you in order to make him look at you. Wear something that would make everyone think that you're sexy. Don't go for super short shorts or mini skirts, though, unless you feel comfortable in them. Keep in mind that being sluttish isn't sexy at all, it's just cheap.

Lure him with your words.
Go and make the right moves by confidently telling him how much you want him. Make him feel special with the words that you tell him. Always shower him with compliments, be grateful for him, tell him he's sexy.

Love his and your body.
Be proud of your curves and he'll definitely be turned on. It's useless to tell him that you love his body if all he hears is how much you hate yours. Love your bosom, sway those hips, strut that cute butt.

Navigate him to what you want.
It is absolutely sexy for a man to hear a woman gently guiding him to her most erotic zones. Share your sexual feelings, needs and desires. Allow him to fulfill your sexual fantasies and work hard to do the same with him.

Be a woman of glamour.
Your impeccable taste should reflect in everything that you do, say and wear. Evoke classiness by letting him see how regal your bearing is. Don't just wear a clothing all because it looked sexy on an actress that you saw on TV.

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This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to Ask a Shy Guy Out When He Seems Very Difficult to Approach? Here Is How to Do It

Asking out a shy guy is a different ball game altogether. When he is too shy to ask you out and you have decided that you are going to do the needful instead then here is what you should do to ask him out the right way.

Get introduced to him
The first thing that you need to do when you want to ask a shy guy out is to get an introduction. If you don't get an introduction then the chances of him blowing you off because he gets intimidated by you are much higher. Get a common source to introduce you to put things in motion.

Build on getting to know him
Start to get to know him better. By doing so you will get a lowdown on his set of likes and dislikes and that will help you to manipulate conversation with him. It will also make him see that you find him interesting and will give him the courage to reciprocate your feelings.

Smile at him whenever you meet him
When you become friendly with your man then you need to show him that you like him a bit more. Smile in his direction whenever he looks at you or let him catch you looking at him and he will begin to get prepared for the fact that you might ask him out.

Look for reasons to talk to him
Make your man feel special. Look for reasons to walk up to him and talk to him. If your man is interested in arts then walk up to him and talk to him about the fantastic play that is about to hit the theatres. Or talk to him about the book that he recommended and that you read.

Start flirting with him gradually
Gradually take the casual chit chatting to casual flirting; when you want to ask a shy guy out. You need to prepare him to get him to see that you like him enough to ask him out. If you land the question on him directly then chances are that he is going to shy away. But with the casual flirting you are establishing the fact that you like him a lot.

Tell him that you like spending time with him
Sometimes it becomes necessary that you tell the guy that you like to spend time with him. Make it sound matter of fact but meaningful and your man will see what is to come.

Offer to do something together
Finally, ask your man out for some activity that he enjoys doing. When out, have a good time with him and you will have achieved success in what you set out to achieve.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, November 29, 2010

How to Make Him Attracted to Me Again After He Gave Up on Me? These Tips Will Work Well for You

There could be any number of reasons why the guy you love gave up on you. Naturally, you are heart broken, but if you still love him, you have to work on getting him back. Some pointers which will surely help you are:

Have a firm resolve
Yes, you are hurting but keep your focus and work on getting him back. Firstly, tell your self that all is not lost and you can still win him back. Think of the happy moments you spent together to keep your focus and remain motivated.

Be mature in your attitude
Don't be sorry for yourself, instead go out and lead your life in a positive way. If you happen to be at the same place as he is, let him see that you are getting on quite alright and not spending time being emotional about it.

Don't stop loving him
You want to get him back, so even if at times you resent his action, don't harbor negative emotions against him. Remind yourself that you love him and let it show when he is around, he is sure to sense your love for him.

Live your life fully
Go out, meet people and make new friends. Don't just sit at home, go out and party with your friends and try to enjoy. He will be confused that you are doing pretty well without him; he will see that you are strong and capable of looking after yourself and will surely find this attractive in you.

Try talking to him
You both have had great time in the past, so don't avoid him. Be open to communicate with him, let him talk about his feelings and reasons, be a good listener. Ask him if he wishes for any change from your side. A frank talk surely will remove any doubts he would have and be open to renewing friendship with you.

Let him see a new you
You can change your attitude and also bring about a change in your appearance. Experiment with a new hair color or style and you will be surprised how much it ups your confidence. He will be attracted to you all over again and would not want to let go this time.

Make him jealous
Ask a guy friend to go out with you to make your man jealous. If he still cares for you he will be troubled when he sees you having fun with someone else. He will realize he does not want to loose you and will make a move to take you back in his life.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Do I Make Him Love Me Without Really Giving Him Sex? Here Is How You Can Easily Do It

Sex is undeniably a very important part of any relationship. But like everything else, sex isn't all that holds a relationship together. If you want to make a guy love you for more reasons than just sex then read on and find out these ways.

Being truthful and honest to your relationship
When you want to make a guy love you then you have to make him see that the relationship with him matters a lot to you. This you can do by being honest and truthful to your man and to your relationship. These two qualities will make a man love you a lot.

Showing your man that you value him
Every individual in a relationship wants to feel valued. If you want to make your guy love you for reasons apart from sex then you have to show him that you value him. Respect his decisions and ask for his opinions. When you make him feel that his opinion matters in your life he loves you more.

Making sure you have fun together
A relationship needs to be a whole lot of fun when you want the other person to love you. Don't let monotony set into your relationship. Make your man see new and innovative ways of enjoying the relationship with you and he will surely love you a lot.

Never nagging or being bitchy
Men often feel the love dying out from them when the woman they are with becomes a nag and bitchy. You need to make sure that no matter how tempted you are you don't turn into a banshee and make your man's life miserable. When he sees that he is with a peaceful and rational person he loves you a lot more.

Doing thoughtful things for him
Another way to make a man love you is by doing thoughtful things for your man. Gauge what are the things that make your man tick, and do those things for him. It could be making him an elaborate meal or planning a romantic moonlight inexpensive date. Show him that you are thinking of him and he will love you.

Letting him have his space guilt free
All men need some alone time. This doesn't mean that they don't love you but just need some space to recharge. If you want a man to love you then give him his man space guilt free.

Being supportive and understanding
Finally to make a man love you, all you need to do is show him that you are supportive of him and that you understand him well.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, November 26, 2010

How to Make Him Open Up When He Is Being Too Difficult to Handle - Follow This Process Right Now

It can be pretty hard to make a man open up during ordinary circumstances. This task becomes doubly hard once he becomes a little bit too difficult to handle. You do know that he has to share his emotions with you in order to make your relationship work. If not, your relationship would surely end.

Prove to him that there's no reason to doubt.

This man has to know that you're his - and his alone. Show him utmost fidelity and he might just finally tell you what's in his mind or what he's feeling. It's all about proving your worthiness first. Be an easygoing and friendly girl but don't go beyond boundaries, show him that you flirt only with him and not with other men.

Accept him for who he is.

You've got to let him feel that even though you're surrounded with more successful and intelligent men in your office, that your emotions are constant. Tell him that you love every bit of him - imperfections and all.

Assure him that your search has long been over.

Your man will only want to share his feelings with you once he feels that you're already sure about him. Something in him just has to know that he's the only one that you're ever going to need. Assuage his fears and he'll soon relax around you.

Don't scare him by making him commit too soon.

Rushing the relationship will only make matters worst. This guy will want to curl in his shell once he realizes that you're requiring too much from him too soon.

Don't demand, learn to sweet-talk.

A man will never give in to coercion - keep that in mind. Don't force him to tell you his innermost feelings because he never will. Coax him into telling you instead and you will soon hear him spilling all that you wanted to hear all along.

Don't push the wall.

Your man, somehow, puts up a wall each time that he falls silent and withdraws into his own world. Instead of trying to break down through those walls, why don't you just let him be? Allow him to sort out his feelings. Sometimes, a moment of silence is all it takes and he'll soon be ready to tell you all that you want.

Always respect his judgment.

You man needs to feel that you agree with his ideas and suggestions. Even if you feel like believing the opposite of what he's saying, you must still show him that you're ready to respect his pronouncement. Once he feels your growing respect for him, he'll be more inclined to share all of his feelings to you.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is It Normal for Some Guys to Commit So Fast? Here Is Something You Need to Know About This Topic

If you are reading this, your mind is probably wondering why some guys want to commit to a relationship right away. Well, it's a good question, because frankly speaking, most guys never want to commit. To relieve your mind from all the confusion, here are some possible answers to that question.

Reason one: They want something instant
Almost everything in the world is instant. You have instant coffee, instant noodles, and fast food. Although relationships shouldn't be the same thing, some men may want to beg to differ. They need that instant gratification in the form of an instant relationship.

Reason two: They don't know that relationship is built on time and effort
Men who want to commit fast may be totally clueless on the fact that for a relationship to work, time and effort are both vital. This may be the case because they are too young or too immature to know that relationships require a lot of factors in order to foster.

Reason three: He is used to getting what he wants
Another reason why a man would want to commit fast is that he is not used to waiting before getting what he wants. If he wants new clothes, he gets them. If he wants a new car, he gets it as well. He doesn't want to wait because he is impatient.

Reason four: He doesn't want to be with anyone else
A guy who wants to commit fast may not want to be with anyone else but the girl he likes. Maybe he doesn't see the point of being with other people because his eyes are already set on just one girl. This could be a good thing because you are sure that it is only you that he wants to be with.

Reason five: They can fall in love at first sight
Most men tend to fall in love at first sight, which is basically what sets them apart from women. For many men, it's the visual presentation that matters, and that is how they are attracted to women at the first instance. They decide solely on purely visual sensations, which is why it is easy for them to commit.

Reason six: It is hard for men to let go of women
When a man falls in love, he would want to commit fast because he is afraid of losing the girl his heart desires. Consequently, he would want to be in an exclusive relationship with the girl at the most possible time to keep her for himself.

Reason seven: He is immature
There is a belief that women mature faster than men. A guy who wants to commit fast may not be mature enough, which is why he is always rushing. He might be thinking that commitment would be pretty simple, without realizing that there are obligations and responsibilities one has to do for the other.

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This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to Make a Guy Feel Comfortable Around You? Understanding This is Really Important for Women

There are some guys who would feel the situation before they make any moves on a girl. If you've been waiting for ages for this one guy, then it's time to do some things that would finally make him relax around you.

Present the best you all the time.
A guy would only feel comfortable around you if he knows that it's you that he's facing. Don't try to impress him with a mere act or by pretending to be someone that you'd never be. This guy needs to feel comfortable around you so don't start with the lies.

Carefully assess your attitudes.
Are there some things that need to be improved in you? If you can change these things, then do so. A little attitude change would go a long way especially if the qualities that you need to discard were the very things that kept your man at bay.

He's a guy so he needs to feel good.
Constantly appreciate your man so that he would start to relax around you. Praise him, be proud of him, love him - these are the very things that you need to do in order for your man to feel accepted. And the more that he feels accepted the more that he'll soon feel comfortable around you.

Let him talk about himself.
Don't make this all about you. Show interest in him by asking him questions that aren't answerable by yes or no. Let him talk about himself for a change. If it's always been you that's the subject of discussion in the past, so it's about time to give him the floor.

Avoid being short-tempered.
You might say that you can't help getting mad at times but, in reality, all men are in control of their emotions. It's all a matter of taking charge of how you feel. If you feel like shouting, try to vent out by going someplace else. Deviate your anger and he's likely to relax around you.

Take your time with this man.
Making him feel comfortable around you could take time. He might have been apprehensive for too long and so you have to be patient in letting him get to know the new you.

Flirting always does the trick.
He is a guy after all so he must see the things that would make him take notice. If flirting works for other guys, then it would definitely work with him, too. Sometimes all it takes is for him to confirm your feelings for him by your flirting moves. Once he sees your body language, he is likely to get comfortable and who knows if he'll now start the chase?

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Can You Tell If Your Man Wants to Be Alone and Needs Some Space? Here Is How to Tell

A relationship grows stronger when both man and woman are sensitive to each others needs. There are some boundaries that we must never cross and some paths that we must never tread. Once both the partners realize the import of these two things the relationship is not only fulfilling but also enjoyable. If you want to guard against suffocating your man with your presence all the time then here are some tips that will tell you when he wants to be left alone.

He tries to stay away a bit
Clearly he loves you but is unable to articulate his need for space and therefore the only way he can do it is by staying away from you intermittently. This behavior should not ring alarm bells for you instead you should understand that he needs some space to recharge himself.

He is distancing himself
When he begins to stop taking active interest in all that you do it means that he wants you to solve your own problems. He will do this unless you really need him. This is not a bad thing after all since you do need to take care of some stuff yourself. There will not be someone all the time to help you navigate troubled waters.

He does not seem happy all the time
There was a time when he used to be happy to spend all his time with you. But of late he does not seem to enjoy it as much. Well, the reason is he had had an overdose of you and needs a break. Give it to him and he will look happy all over again.

He does not seem to participate in your discussions
Zipping up is one thing that men do when they want to indicate to their women that they need space. They don't want to tell you that you are overbearing for fear that they will hurt you, but they will not show the same amount of interest in what you are talking about.

Goes into a shell
When a guy is contemplating his actions to deal with the stress of living and working he is likely to go into a shell. It is not that he does not want to share with you his problems but it just means that he needs some space to chart his course of action.

He talks of you taking a break
When the arguments and disagreements increase he will suggest that you need a break from the stress. In fact he is saying all this as he needs a break himself. When he does this take the hint in the right spirit and take a much deserved vacation all by yourself.

Rest less and impatient
His look will tell you when he needs space. When he begins to have the look of a caged animal in his eyes you should know that he wants to be left alone. Do yourself a favor and let him be free for a while.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Charming Women Is Learned

You probably find yourself at men who seem to charm women easily. You are most likely feeling insecure because no matter what you do women you approach tend to reject you instantly. Then you find yourself saying that you are not born to charm women that you do not have this gift that some men do. You then conclude that you can do nothing and you will spend the rest of your life miserable and alone.

However, that reality is charisma or charm is not bestowed upon birth. In fact, a good number of experts claim that this can be learned through constant practice and application. They also say that it is natural for you to experience several rejections at first, but in the end, you will eventually reap the rewards of your toil.

To learn how to charm women you must first learn how to control anxiety. Controlling is emphasized because it is highly impossible to eliminate this feeling completely. In addition to that, a little bit of anxiety can help you steer back to the right direction during a conversation. For example, during the course of your conversation you begin to focus on yourself. When notice her becoming impatient, you tend to feel uncomfortable and you end up finding ways to steer the conversation back in the right track. This is a good thing.

You cannot master charisma in one setting. As mentioned, it will take practice before you get the hang of it. The best way to do this is by pushing the limits a step further each time you talk to women. Take for example, in each day you try to converse with a certain kind of woman. You can start with the simple ones, then with the boyish women, and then followed by sophisticated women. Start with short conversations until you reach the point where you can keep them interested for more than 30 minutes.

The next time you see someone charm a woman, do not feel insecure because all it takes to master this skill is a lot of practice.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Do You Know If You Are a Man Magnet? These Signs Will Help You Determine This Right Away

There are some women who get all the male attention that they ever want. Such women generally called man magnets seem to have it all. Here are a few ways to tell if you are one of them.

You are always very well dressed
If you see that you are always abreast of the latest trends and know that you are always going to be well turned out then you are it. It is you who wears your clothes and not the other way around. Your amazing sense of fashion and style makes you attractive to men.

Men always give you attention
When you are in a group you never really have to ask any guy for attention. If you seem to get all the male attention, whether desired or undesired, quite effortlessly, then you are definitely attractive to the opposite sex.

You are an intelligent and intellectually grounded individual
A man magnet is a woman who is intelligent and yet is not smug about her intellect. If you are a person who can connect intellectually with a man and can have engaging and interesting conversations then you are definitely so.

You are adventurous and spirited
A man magnet is also a free spirit. It is this free spirit and relaxed attitude that attracts men to her. If you have the spirit of adventure in you, are a relaxed individual and do not have many hang ups and hassles in life then you are.

You know the art of flirting well
A woman who knows how to flirt well is definitely going to be an asset. If you are one who knows how to impress a guy, when to pamper his ego, when and where to contradict him so that he remains interested in you then you are a definite man magnet.

Men find you to be a challenge
A man magnet is also a woman who doesn't relent too easily to a man. If you are a person who is able to challenge and stimulate a man and his ego then you are definitely on the top of the list.

You are sporty but always a lady
You come across as a very chilled out woman, you might be adventurous and sport, you could be much laid back and easy going but at the same time you always manage to remain feminine. This femininity and charm that you have make sure that while you can be one of the boys you never really become one. Such a trait makes you a complete man magnet.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

7 Tests to Find Out What a Man Really Wants From You! Learn How to Figure Out His Real Needs

A man can want so many things from a woman - sex, money, companionship, love. He may mouth passionate words when you're with him but his heart may be far from you. So how do you know what this man is after?

You're equal in his sight.

This man sees you as his partner, not someone lower than him. He'll never demean you in front of other people (and even if you two are alone). If you encounter this type of man, what he wants is a real companion - one that he would love and cherish for the rest of his life.

He'll listen when you're the one who has the floor.

This is one of the best signs of true love. He'll shut his mouth because he'd want to listen to what you have to say. You're important to him so your decisions and ideas must also be given some value.

Does he go out of his way to make you feel special?

You're his queen that's why he'll always be there for you. He'll do all in his power to give you the things that will make you happy. He's always there to support and understand you because, to him, you're the single, most important person that could give him a different level of happiness.

Does he show affection in public?

It's important that you observe his actions when you're in public - is he willing to hold hands? Does he put his arm around you? If he's ashamed to let other people see your intimacy, then this guy wants something but it's definitely not love.

Say no when he wants to sleep with you.

When he makes his advances, douse him with cold water (figuratively, of course) and see how he'd react. If he gets mad at you and starts reacting violently, then know that he's just interested in sex - nothing more. But if he's willing to wait until you're ready, then this just proves that he's truly in love with you.

Provoke him to anger.

This may be a little difficult to do but do something that really irks him. Would he react madly? Would he even go out of his way to hit you? A guy who does these things doesn't treat want to have anything to do with you, perhaps, you're just here to while away his time. But if he is man enough to hold his emotions, then you've gotten a noble man and you should be proud of him.

Ask to be taken to his parents' home.

If he'll even drive you to their place, then you're pretty much a part of his family already. But makes up an excuse each time you want to meet his folks, then he's not that serious with you yet. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to Impress a Man and Get Him to Go Out With You? Great Tips Which Will Help You Fast

You are friends with the guy and you think that the two of you have a good equation going. You want to know him better and for that you need to spend some time with him alone. However, you are clueless on how to impress him so that he asks you out. Well, read these tips and get what you so desperately want.

Become as thick a friend as you can get
In your enthusiasm to go out with him don't jump the gun and make some stupid and juvenile moves. Instead try and build on your friendship so that he feels uber comfortable in your company. Only when he begins to enjoy your company can you expect him to ask you out.

Show that you notice his other qualities
Complimenting a man on his good looks is pass?If you really want to flatter him then praise and appreciate his points of views and his intelligence or admire his sense of justice. This way you can score more points than by merely stating the obvious.

No clinging please
You have to prove to him that you won't be the clingy types when you two become a couple. Therefore don't hang around him all the time or pester him with endless calls and text messages. However, do keep in touch intermittently.

Nudge him to take you out
He should want to know you as a person and therefore do not reveal all about yourself in one go. Let him have the experience of discovering the many layers of your personality. Once curiosity gets the better of him he will be forced to ask you out to get to know you more intimately.

Display your availability
He should know that you are not hooked to anyone else. Even if you are seeing someone other than him then cool off for a while so that he feels emboldened to ask you out. This is delicate balancing act that you will have to perform with aplomb.

Take the initiative
Indicate subtly that you would like to go out with him. If he is an avid trekker tell him how much you too want to try it. If he is into books tell him what he would recommend as good reading. All you have to do is evince your interest in his strong areas and he will take the bait.

Demonstrate your intelligence
What better way to do this than by having intelligent and stimulating conversations with him. Once he knows that you are not just a pretty face but also an intelligent woman he will definitely ask you out.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a .

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Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Spot People Who Are Available To Flirt With

If you want to avoid wasting your time and effort launching into a anything more than a friendly flirt then it pays making your first priority to check if that person is available. Lets face if you are flirting with people who are available you are going to achieve a much higher success rate.

Once you know someone is available, you next need to decide how much effort you are going to put in to pursue them. To allow yourself to make that decision, you need to be able to tell how interested the other person is.

People generally take one of four stances when being flirted with. To improve your flirting hit rate enormously read the following advice carefully;

The Wallflower

The wallflower waits at the back of a group or side of the room waiting for you to make your move to flirt with them. The wallflower is by no means the easiest person to flirt with but if there are no easier types then try this approach.

Be prepared to do all of the running and don't give up on first eye contact. If they are not returning much eye contact then try to encourage them by making the use of your own facial language: lots of smiling, changing in expression, head nods and tilts etc. Flirting with a wallflower is slow work - they need lots of encouragement and reassurance that you really do like them.

The fence sitter

The fence sitter hangs around the edges of any social gathering, interjecting only when they feel comfortable doing so. Fence sitters wont declare their hand unless they are sure you fancy them.

Fence sitters are fairly easy to flirt with once you know the secret to getting them to open up. Very simply by letting them know you like them, declaring your hand, they will jump right in if they like you as well. Use expressive facial language and subtle compliments to encourage the fence sitter to get the hint.

The egoist

Egoists are the quickest to strike up a conversation and the easiest to flirt with. They like to be the centre of attention and for you to be hanging on to their every word and reciprocating all of their body language advances.

Give them plenty of eye contact, let them do the talking as they really do enjoy the sound of their own voice, laugh at their jokes and smile a lot. The only downside with an egoist is working out whether they really like you or you are just another person in the room they are flirting with. If they do really like you, they will eventually let you do the talking.

The already spoken for

These people are usually already in a relationship and may be happy to flirt without intent or simply may not flirt at all. Flirting can provide them recognition, affection, excitement and so on. So why would you want to flirt with them if they are already taken? Well they can be a great route to an introduction to their mate, who is available.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a .

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Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to Avoid Being Just Another Fling to Him? Follow This If You Want Him to Be Serious About You

If he seems like the type of guy who has had more than his fair share of flings, or if you just have accidentally become a guy's fling one too many times, (or both), then you no doubt want to know how this can best be avoided.

Here's some tips that can help you out:

Take Your Time

Give off the impression that you are not in a rush and also do not appreciate being rushed when it comes to spending time together and dating. If he realizes these things and still wants to pursue you, then that's a good sign that he is not viewing you as fling-material.

Don't Sleep With Him For a While

The very best thing you can do if you are attempting to avoid becoming just another fling is to make him wait for sex and not give in for a long stretch of time.

No matter how he may try and pressure you or no matter how much you may want it, don't give in to those baser instincts and sleep with him until you are absolutely satisfied that enough time has passed since you first met him. The most obvious "I'm Just a Fling" sign that you can give him is jumping into bed with him too soon.

Insist on the Old-School Type of Dating

You can assert yourself and your refusal to fall into the "fling" category by simply insisting on the right type of dating.

First off, make sure he actually wants to date you. Erase any notion he may have in his head of "hanging out," because this is code for "friend with benefits" or its short term equivalent, the dreaded fling. If he wants to see you, then he needs to plan an actual date. Making him make the effort is how he can prove that he's worth your time, and it proves that you are worth more than just a fling.

Stand Up for Yourself

Remember that he's just a guy and that there are plenty of guys out there. If he drags his feet and is unwilling to prove that he wants more than a fling by insisting on sex right away or by not wanting to go on real dates with you, then that's your cue to move on.

You can't make someone do anything they don't want to do, but you can save yourself the greater trouble of being a fling by flinging him to the curb right off the bat if he's acting shady. If he isn't showing you respect, then don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.

Don't be Afraid to be The Bitch

He may get manipulative when he's trying to persuade you to do certain things that you know are beneath you and signaling "fling" behavior. Some guys are capable of all sorts of mental games and nonsense when it comes to getting something they want if they face a tough opposition.

Don't ever be afraid to be labeled a Bitch. Consider this label a compliment when it comes to dating situations. Weak and lazy men who ultimately aren't worth your time will use the word "Bitch" for any girl that stands up for herself, knows what she wants, plays by her own rules and refuses to budge.

The Fun Factor

Just because you are looking out for yourself doesn't mean that you can't have fun if you find yourself dating this guy regularly.

Relax and be yourself. The more fun you have with him, the better impression he has of you mentally. If a guy connects you with fun memories, he's more likely to want as much time with you as possible.

Cementing Your Long-Term VIP Status

You can really cement your status in his life as more than temporary by being a trusted confidant. Getting a guy to open up to you about something serious highlights you as a good friend and someone he can trust; any guy with brains knows that these aren't things to throw away.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Scents That Attract Women - Best Scents Exposed Instantly!

In this article we're going to look at what truly attracts a woman to a man and then get the grip of scents that attract women.

It's a common myth that women just go for men with a great body or someone who has a lot of money. The evidence that we see all over the place is that these two factors really play a very small part in attraction.

Most women are attracted to something they cannot see, it's a gut feel and just something very natural about the guy.


This is something you cannot manufacture, it's either there of it is not.

Have you even read in the classic romantic novels when the lady is seduced by the mans exotic scent. Well most of those books where written by women who know a thing or two about romance.

Of all the 5 sense smell is the one that is most underestimated in pick up and can trigger deep sexual feelings in the woman. For instance if you where able to know the scent of the boy she slept with first you would have a very powerful tool in trying to pick her up, because you could bring her instantly back to that very erotic moment!

Another side of scents that attract women is the natural body odor that men produce. But the problem is that most men think that they should not wash before they go on a date. Forget this completely because women are attracted only to the smell of fresh sweat and only around the time that they are ovulating. So you cannot really take advantage unless you know her cycle and can produce fresh sweat on demand;-)

Final thoughts.

There are some scents that are more erotic than other like Jasmine but please don't buy any of these attraction pheromones because they are taken from pigs and there is no evidence to suggest that they will work on humans.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.