I'm about to reveal a secret about extremely attractive women that most guys will never figure out. But before that, I want you to think about what happens when you see an extremely attractive woman. I'm talking about the kind of woman that you only see maybe once or twice a year. The kind of woman that stops you in your tracks and makes you stare.
What goes through your mind? How do you act? Notice how you feel.
To an unusually attractive woman, what you've just experienced is a common occurrence. Every single guy that she meets reacts the same way. Every one of them stares at her with their jaws on the floor as she walks by.
The more beautiful a woman is, the more isolated she feels. It's hard for most people to relate to her. She gets special treatment because of her physical beauty and not for who she is as a person.
Beauty creates a sort of distance for beautiful women. It also gives them power because it causes men to hand over their power.
To her, most guys are just a huge mass of compliments, offer for dates, and attention. And because you did what she's seen a thousand times, to her you're nothing more than JUST another guy.
So what can you do? As promised, the secret to getting the attention of an extremely attractive woman and separate yourself from every other guy she's met.
That's right. Teasing her instantly communicates that you're not intimidated by her looks. And you're not going to give her any special treatment because of it. This works well since it gives her something all attractive women crave. So what does a woman who can get anything -- wants? She wants to be challenged!
When you see her say something like "Wow those are some high heels you have on, what are you 4 feet without them?"
She'll look at you for a bit and respond jokingly with "No I am not that short!"
You then respond back with "I'm sorry you're right, I meant 4 feet and a half."
She'll laugh and you've just effectively sparked her interest and attention. What you've just said instantly separated yourself from all the other boring guys she's been meeting lately. You didn't stare at her and tell her she's the most beautiful woman you've ever met. You didn't offer to take her out to an expensive restaurant. And you also didn't seem as if you're too interested in her.
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