You can improve the chances of seeing the woman you are interested in again once you understand what you need to do on your first date. Without this knowledge you may find it difficult to keep her attention and you may end up losing her for ever. Make sure you fully understand the following advice before you go out to meet her.
There are two main things you have to achieve on your first date. The most obvious one is to get her more interested in you and to attract enough her to want to meet up again. However, there is another reason which actually helps you achieve your first objective too. Here is what it's all about.
Many guys do not pay attention to this and that is why they do not get second dates. They forget that the other goal you have for your first date with a woman is to find out if she is right for you. Funny enough, when you set standards for her to live up to, it actually increases the attraction she feels for you. Here's how this works.
Every other guy she goes out with is simply trying to impress her. She hardly has to do any work to get him attracted. This makes the whole process too easy for her. Contrary to popular belief, making it easy for the woman doesn't help matters at all. She also wants to feel that she has won you over. After all, if anybody can have something then it is not really worth that much.
If you really want to impress her, instead of talking about yourself, learn how to listen to her. Everybody likes to talk about themselves and by giving her the opportunity you immediately stand out. She will feel that you are genuinely interested in her and she's going to open up to you. That way, you will be able to quickly build a connection that can result in a stronger relationship.
By letting her talk you actually get to know who she is. This will allow you to take a conversation to a deeper level. In turn, it will help you to build up sexual tension and increase the physical attraction you have for each other.
Most importantly, she's going to have a good time. She will tell her friends about how much fun she had with you, and how different you are from other guys.
This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.
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