Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3 Fail Proof Tips on How to Talk Dirty To a Girl Via Text Message And Have Her Sleep With You!

I have been in your shoes before, and frankly I know how much it sucks! You have managed by one method or another to get the number of a hot woman and now you want to text message her.

You know that if you talk dirty to a girl via text the wrong way that she will just ignore you and all that hard work will be lost. Sext a girl the right way and you will be in her pants before you can even get her to dinner. This is a real problem!

I have the secret text messaging secrets to have you sending her super charged texts that will have her hot and begging to see you!

1 - Always be in charge: Never let her lead the direction of the messaging. You are the boss, the Alpha, the top dog. You don't need to be rude, but you need to make her follow your lead.

2 - Your text messages need to generate heat: Boring, limp text messages are going to send her the wrong idea about you. You do need to balance being too forceful and scaring her off with keeping her intrigued. Send her "How are you doing?" and she will think you are boring. "Lets hump!" will get you shot out the door unless you have already built a lot of sexual tension.

3 - Don't be too anxious in your texts: While you may be hanging on her every word, you can't come across as if you have nothing better to do than wait for her next text. Be sure to occasionally drift off and not answer for a while. This can be for an hour or even a whole day.

The art of talking dirty to a girl via text takes a fair bit of practice. The best thing you can do is read up on exactly what to say and about some of the other hidden techniques that your friends don't know about, that once you learn will make you a rock star at getting dates and getting girls in bed!

Imagine how envious your buddies will be when you show them the pictures of the hot girls that are sending you pics and that are sleeping with you!

All you need to do is master the art of texting women to make them want to sleep with you! But you don't want to know that do you? <I'm kidding of course!>

There are resources out there that will lead you through what to text a girl for the first time right up through what to text a girl to have her begging to go out with you.

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