Friday, October 5, 2012

How To Attract Women Without Good Looks - Make Yourself Irrisistable To Women

Do you think you're ugly? Well the good news is that when it comes down to it women are not really attracted to good looks.

Sure it helps to be physically attractive, have a pocket full of $100 bills and some fame but there is a lot more to attracting women than that.

Most men operate on a very superficial level. Let me correct that, all men operate on a superficial level. Women are a completely different animal because they're more attracted to a man's behaviour so if you're wondering how to attract women without good looks then you're in luck.

What women really can't resist is a confident man. It doesn't matter what you look like, if you are self-assured and confident in how you communicate and behave with her she will be attracted to you.

Sexual tension is not just something that operates on the physical level. Meaning it's not just how you look that will determine whether a woman want to have sex with you. Sexual tension operates on the biological level and there are plenty of factors that come into play as to how you can make a woman feel attracted to you sexually.

The problem is though is how you feel about yourself will also dictate the way a girl feels about you too. It's that old saying that "if you can't love yourself then how can you expect anyone else to love you?" If you looks are not a problem for you, it will not be a problem for any woman either. Though if it is, women tend to pick up on insecurities very easily and it's a major turn off for them.

You should always take care of your appearance in terms of being well-groomed and dressing smartly however once you adopt the belief that good looks have nothing to do with female attraction the better off you will be.

The truth is the only person who can decide whether you are good-looking or not is you. We're all conditioned by the media to belief what's deemed attractive and what isn't. I've been called hot and ugly by various people but I'd like to decide I was hot, and so I behave in a more confident manner around women, because I know I'm attractive to them. I have that swag in my step around them.

Take the time to look at how worthwhile you are and everything else you have going for you. Maybe it's your self-esteem that requires some work too.

Once you change your self-limiting beliefs about you appearance and about needing validation from women you'll gain the necessary confidence to attract women like a magnet despite what they think of your looks.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

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